
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasia
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350 Chs

The Time of Reunion

To get back to the hometown that you can't go back to.

To see the love of my life who is far away.

The two former arch-enemies have joined forces and are ready to work together to cross that rift-like sea.

The High Priest of the Sea Nation took out his life's collection and used it to set up the Stargate Ceremony.

Witcher likewise contributed a piece of his ritual material.

The material can be found later, but if I don't try this time, I don't know how long I'll have to wait before I get another chance to get out again, to meet the two guys who went off on a wild goose chase and make sure they're okay.

He wanted them both to be living, not surviving...


On the mound, Evelea looked up with a sudden distraction.

Just as she froze, a group of well-equipped knights suddenly rushed out from the flanks of the fiercely fought battlefield below, chiseling through the scattered and fragmented group of goat-horn troops.

They rushed towards the back of the military formation with clear objectives, their eyes locked dead on the giant turtle lying on the mound, the Crimson Witch who sat in the watchtower and charmed the Third Highness into cutting her own throat.

The Konoha's screams finally brought the wandering Golem leader back to his senses.

Then saw that the enemy riders had already rushed to the giant turtle a hundred meters near, and even the door god had already been trampled into mush by the hooves of the horses.

She dropped her eyes without a flicker of emotion.

The knights' goggles instantly cracked all over the place, and their specially prepared transcendental equipment managed to resist the Crimson Witch's powerful seduction abilities.

But it was as if they had forgotten the mount beneath them, or perhaps they simply didn't realize that just about any male creature was within the other's field of influence.

More than a dozen stallions suddenly puckered their hindquarters heavily, lifting the unawares riders on their backs out of the air.

Half of his teammates fell from their horses, and the neat rushing formation instantly became fragmented, and most importantly, the power they had condensed into a single unit fell apart.

Even the leader planted his head, and then a giant bone shield flew back and shook the three strikers who had thrust out their lances off their horses as well.

"Slaughter them!"

Evelea watched idly as the knights surrounded by the Konos were trapped...

The battle was over quickly, and as she watched the golems cleaning up, she looked up again, thinking bitterly about what that palpitation had just been about.



A never-ending sea of swirling vortexes, a stormy sky, a silent leap of lightning, and a ruined island of shipwrecks looming on the outskirts of that deep sea.

In the middle of the island, all sorts of discarded metals were densely piled up into a mountain of garbage, and purple light burst out from the cracks of the wreckage everywhere.

Inside Trash Mountain, the room that was filled with clutter, a star core that emitted intense light fell slowly, twisting everything it touched and eventually pulling the floor into a deep downward dark vortex.

The man and fish standing at the edge of the stargate slowly walked up and cast their eyes toward the vortex.

Deep in the depths, twisted like a time tunnel, a vast river runs on, leading to nowhere, without the slightest sound, mysterious and silent.

"We did it!"

Unparalleled excitement erupted in the old naga's eyes.

Eleazar, however, looked with a grave expression on his face at the huge river of purple light that was tens of meters wide!

Not an unusual river, but some kind of unknown purple fluorescent liquid, converging from nowhere, gushing out of a gray maelstrom and rushing to flow into another gray mist maelstrom.

The misty purple luminescence illuminated the print of the two men above in an eerie manner.

The old naga bent down to test the vortex.

Steeply, its body trembled, obviously running into a huge resistance.

But it seemed to anticipate this and got up again and pulled out a strange pair of giant bug beetles from a cabinet in the back.

It seems to be the shell of some kind of void creature.

The tentacle limb, which was helplessly hiking down, shook like a swindle from the moment it approached the stargate, and the lines on its body slowly, slowly glowed as if it were recharging.

The insect shell easily passed through the vortex, and then fell into the mother river of emptiness below, instantly resolving into a roiling purple light, while the huge repulsive force at the mouth of the vortex unexpectedly rapidly weakened and disappeared in this instant.


The old naga, already dressed in a formal priestly robe, leaned hard on his trident.

"Wear all of your transcendental items, even if they can withstand it for an instant!!!"

After seeing the might of the Void Mother River with their own eyes, they realized that the scene was not as easy as it was written in the books...

Eleazar quickly releases the cursed armor and then comes to the side of the staggered old naga.

"Sealings, Silversword, are you the Church... Or the Council?"

"Going or not?"

"Oh, go go go!"

The old naga looked back, the excitement of returning home filling her heart again.

Then one man and one fish, each holding that trident, jumped from the whirlpool above into that unfathomable mother river.


Both species fell into the fluorescent flood at the same time, and without even a bubble, they were instantly submerged and disappeared by the rivers of purple light.

The moment he jumped into the Mother River and made contact with the great void power, Eleazar's whole body couldn't help but shudder, his senses didn't have a premonition of the danger he was facing, but his body's strength was weakening at a rapid rate.

He opened his eyes wide, up and down, left and right were endless purple fluorescent light, as if the whole person was immersed in a sea of purple light, obviously just jumped into the mother river, but as if he was already at the bottom of the sea at great depths, and could not feel the flow of the river water at all.

As if entering a purple space all at once, they were dragged blindly by the trident.

1 sec...

The High Priest of the Sea Nation was not far to his right, it was stiff and motionless, only its eyes showed pain and struggle.

2 seconds...

The various decorations on its body were rapidly melting away and disappearing, and likewise, the body in its priestly robe was also rapidly disappearing, as if corroded by strong acid, slowly dissolving into a part of the mother river and completely dissolving into the void.

The old naga understood that it couldn't take it anymore, and it looked towards Witcher's side with no regret in its eyes, just resignation, a strong resignation.

"Hometown ..."

Eleazar read the meaning of that look.

3 seconds...

Eleazar watched as the Fingerlings were completely dissolved by the Mother River, and then a hint of the pale blue humanoid form of the soul melted completely in the Mother River as well, leaving no final residue.

Facing the powerful and mysterious Mother River of the Void, even transcendent beings that stood at the pinnacle such as the High Priest of the Sea Nation who had been in charge of a divine artifact would only last a short while longer than an ant.

4 seconds...

[Rewind: 6/9]

Eleazar unleashed his backtracking ability 3 times in one go, speeding up his body's remodeling, and he couldn't even begin to imagine what would happen to him if he waited 30 seconds in the mother river of the void.

Broken to the bone, the Titan's body was back in one piece in the blink of an eye and looked as if it could hold out for the rest of the journey, except that the transcendental activity inside him was burning like a great fire, and before too long he would soon not even be able to use his powers.

5 seconds...

Eleazar had never imagined that ten short seconds could be such an ordeal, that every second would seem to linger in hell.

The reshaped cursed armor wailed once more as it was dissolved cleanly by the Mother River. Then it joined the queue of grabbing transcendental actives in an attempt to regenerate, and even as Eleazar desperately poured on the potion, it could not keep up with the strenuous exertion.

6 seconds...

Eleazar felt as if the trident in his hand was connected to a thread, carrying will he turned slowly in the mother river, rushing towards the unknown with the impact of an unknown thought.

[Trackback: 3/9]

At most, it could still hold out for 3 seconds, and soon there wouldn't be a single trace of transcendental activity left in the body, and by then it would be completely like the old Naga, with the flesh melting away and the soul annihilated.

7 seconds ...

The potion had been completely consumed, and the next step was to rely on his persistence.

The Titan's body, which had an amazing defense, was unbeatable under the terrifying disintegrating power of the Mother River of the Void.

8 seconds...

[Recall: 0/9]

With one last reshaping, the transcendental activity in his body was officially depleted, and the cursed armor was melted down again immediately after, his already unprotected titanic body was completely exposed to the wash of the mother river of the void.

First, his skin began to dissolve, and intense pain quickly surged into his cerebral nerves, which he was still able to endure, but without the repair of transcendental activity, the most fragile eyes and eardrums began to rapidly disintegrate as well.

The line of sight was quickly plunged into darkness, the ears could no longer hear sound, and the only sense of touch left in the skin could only feel an endless stream of pain coming from it.

His nostrils couldn't smell the odor anymore, and his mouth tried to close, only to find that his lips were gone and his tongue was rapidly disintegrating and melting.

It wasn't long before Eleazar no longer had any senses, sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, or even pain.

9 seconds...

What was left of his consciousness mumbled, his brain constantly channeling instructions never to let go.

The power of the Mother River of the Void was too powerful, and even with the equally powerful power of time guarding him, he was only able to hold on for a little bit longer than the old Naga.

It only felt as if he was floating in endless darkness, with nothing around him and nothing to feel, just like that dark period with no time when he first took the magic potion.

Eleazar knew that it was his mind space, the protective instincts of his brain shielding him from those constant streams of pain.

Or perhaps, one's body has completely disintegrated and died out...

There was only 1 second left, but that moment didn't come for a long time.

I don't know how much time passed, maybe a month, two months, a year, two years, Eleazar only passed the boring time by counting silently.

It was as if that one second had become infinitely long, and he counted many hundreds of millions of seconds, but often he would suddenly forget where he had counted, and then start counting again from the beginning, and so on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on...



"Those knights are still chasing us, and you have the nerve to barge into someone's territory?"

Fina, carrying her wine bag, slowly followed the witch onto the island; it seemed like she hadn't walked in a long time, so much so that she was tired and out of breath after two steps.

"Cut the crap, just come with me!"

Evelea turned back to lecture the warlock while looking around distractedly.

It wasn't that she was afraid of the sudden appearance of the Grand Knight of the Harman family, but because of something else.

Something so important that she had to bring the warlock to wade in.

That palpitating sensation she had been meditating on for a long time was finally perceived as if the thread of fate had jumped.

It was only for a moment and wasn't immediately noticeable, but it still made her incredibly excited.

Because the other end of the line was connected to someone far away, who, because of the distance, had long since lost his senses, unless he was approaching over.

It was with that excitement that she had gone out of her way to bring the warlock to wade in.

"Like, is ----- around here?"

Evelina couldn't look around with any certainty, the nebulous inspiration that had brought her to this island had disappeared.

She then had to pull out the Destiny coin.

"O fate, guide me!!!"


Then she was directed to the crumbling shrine in the center of the island.

In the overgrown gardens, mutilated half-fish, half-human statues stood everywhere, and buildings tumbled down everywhere as if to tell of their former glory.

Rumor has it that this is the remaining shrine of the Naga tribe, and often the families of sea folk who have had accidents sneak in to pay their respects in an attempt for the sea god to bring their loved ones back.

Driving around inside all the time and finally coming under the half-decomposed idol with the rotting tribute, Evelea stopped a little hesitantly and looked around.

"Why, do you want to worship the god of the sea too?"

Fina, who had long since slumped on a rock, cocked her head drunkenly and glanced at her.

Evelea skimmed her lips and was about to say something when purple light suddenly bloomed in the air.

"Go away! It's a void attack-"

The long-lost evil energy instantly filled his body, and the warlock, whose eyes cleared at once, pushed away the witch who stood stupidly under the violet light, holding the soul crystal in his hand as the fire of his soul filled the surroundings.

"Don't... Don't use the soul crystal, you'll be detected by the council!"

Pouncing on the lawn, Evelea scrambles to her feet and hides behind a crumbling statue, yelling.

The witch didn't realize how powerful the void creatures were, but Fina knew very well, and as she watched the growing rift in the void, she was ready to crush her soul crystal and release the forbidden spell.

A broken trident shot out of the dark purple light, followed by a palm that was nothing but white bone, gripping the end of the trident in a death grip, almost on the verge of dislodging it.

A rotting humanoid, like a skeleton, was spat out by the slowly closing rift in the void and fell to the grass with a 'pop', alive or dead.

"What is it?"

The two women immediately froze.

Staring blankly at the completely bloodied body, Evelea's eyes grew red and tears flowed uncontrollably, drop by drop.

She ran over to them with a rolling howl.

"Mr. Prince!!!"


Finally, Eleazar felt a sharp tingling sensation of fire all over his body as a blast of cool air touched his skin.

He felt himself being picked up by a pair of hands, and then a cool liquid poured in through his empty mouth, but before it could leak out of his ragged throat, it was swallowed up by a body that had long since gone mad. Pouring in stream after stream of potion and then stopping, Eleazar assumed that the unknown boon was gone, then he pulled a random transcendental material out of the space crystal implanted deep in his heart and was about to put it in his mouth.

The portion of mermaid meat was snatched away from him in a split second, and his mouth fell open, a silent growl escaping his chest as dark red flowed from it.

The next moment, Eleazar felt himself being put into warm water again, encased in uncountable amounts of transcendent liquid, and then his body boiled.

I don't know how long it took, but his body was finally repaired, and the transcendental liquid around him had dried up, he was helped to sit up by a pair of small gentle hands, and then a warm wet towel kept wiping his body, there was a slight pain, the newborn's skin was too sensitive, and just the gentle wiping carried pain.

"Where is this ...."

Eleazar struggled for a moment and finally opened his eyes, one black and one yellow pupil shrouded in darkness for far too long, and he was finally able to see the real world once more.

Two tearful faces came together.

At this moment, Eleazar's heart suddenly welled up with an indescribable feeling of emotion.

The world of that living spirituality, the result of that which is as it should be, everything is so real, so intense, the moment of breaking out of the dark, dark prison of I don't know how long, and seeing the light of day again and the old man.

Holding the two heads that were either howling or sobbing, Eleazar suddenly had a new desire for life, and he wanted to have this touch forever and ever and ever...
