
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
350 Chs


"Little hedgehog~"

The man in the satin pajamas came slowly down the stairs.

Eleazar looked up from the paper and finally met the druid who had been hiding behind the curtain and manipulating two things.

A head of short burgundy hair, high nose, brown eyes deep, features angular, years about 27 to 28, really the peak of the man's charm, handsome and dashing.

Rhine touched her face strangely

"Is there something on my face?"

He turned his head to the maid, "Anya, do I have something on my face?"

"Nothing nothing, master, you are as handsome and charming as ever!"

The maid returned in a serious voice.

Rhine rested her chin thoughtfully, "I see, it's probably because I don't have any natural features on me that I'm disappointing my guests."

Stare at ~

After a moment of stalemate, the seriousness of Rhine's face spoke to the maid, "Anya, bring the stuff."

Seeing him put a grass ring around his head, Eleazar then averted his gaze faintly.

"Well, Anya, go make a pot of tea."

The maid curtsied and turned to walk out of the room.

Outside, her sister asked, pulling her along in a hurry:

"Sister, what's that one in there?"

"A very difficult guest, more shameless than the host, take your weapons and stand guard outside!"


By the time Anya came in with the tray, the two were talking animatedly in the room.

The host was boasting about his herb garden, the guest was smiling, and in the center of the table between the two, there was a revolver.


Anya's gaze narrowed and her rosy lips opened just as she tried to call out.

"Okay, Anya, go ahead and get out."

Rhine's quick eyes stopped the confrontation.

Eleazar and the maid with the warning look in her eyes exchanged a glance.

When she left, Rhine continued to laugh, "Duty, custody, cultivation, that's about it for me here."

Eleazar smiled slightly, "Hunting."

"Well, your purpose is as concise as ever, so let's say we do a lot of cooperation."

Rhine poured him a cup of tea, "That village, how does it feel?"

"There's a very delicate balance between a profit-minded mob and a monster that eats people."

"Right..." Rhine smiled happily.

"Do you know how many more of these delicate balances there are in those remote mountains and forested seas?"

Eleazar propped up her teacup, "Those places you speak of are certainly not Celine."

"That's right!"

Rhine sighed, "The Sacred Light Kingdom took over doing everything it could to drive out the Mysteries, that Transcendence had to move elsewhere."

Eleazar takes a light sip of black tea.

"The one thing that's obvious is that when the day of imbalance comes, no one can stay out of it anymore..."

Rhine gazed at him, "Will you work with us to preserve this hard-won peace?"


Eleazar drops his eyes, "Let's settle this payment first."

Rhine just shrugged and stood up, "Let's go then!"

Pushing the door open, he was silent for a moment as he looked out at the two maids with intimidating weapons.

"Stop it, put it away and get to work."

Driving away the suspicious maid, he leads Witcher to the plantation.

"I won't go into too much detail, you should also know the magic plant very well."

Eleazar looked quietly at the transcendent herbs that were hidden amongst the various common plants.

The druid held out his hand, "Make yourself at home."

"Then pack it all up for me."

Eleazar said half-jokingly. "Can oh~" Rhine's eyes were suddenly incredibly deep.

"Just, go and do something for me that is dirty on the surface, but has a very bright meaning."

Eleazar looked back at him, silently.

"You go kill the mayor and all this will be yours."


"Being a human being really is still not too greedy."

Eleazar laments, walking into the magical plant garden and gently picking off a 3rd rank Necroflower.

He didn't ask too many questions about why, he just took the payment that was his.

"Is that enough?"

The druid clasped his hands and leaned against a garden post.

"That's enough for me."

Eleazar puts the black flowers into a small glass vase.

Rhine smiled, "Looking for another job?"

"Take some time off and will visit you again."

"Okay, take your time."

Eleazar puts away the material and looks back at him.

"Don't you have anyone else to make use of but me?"

"The Dinobot Monster Hunter isn't something you just run into, and most of the recent imbalances have been monster-related."

"It is recommended that you inform the church."

"No, no, no, you guys are different."

Rhine looked at Witcher, who had stopped again, and explained with a smile, "You just hunt monsters, while the Church, on the other hand, recasts order, and there's a big difference."

Eleazar averts his eyes lightly, "You seem to have high hopes for me? I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you then, I can't actually change anything on my own."

"You're wrong."

Rhine slowly opens her hands, her voice like a god's authority.

"The tiny efforts of countless people can be gathered into an ocean that thrills the waves, and when all the shimmering light converges, it can illuminate the world with a radiant light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The sheer, unwavering conviction caused even Eleazar to be slightly disoriented for a moment.

At the same time he realized how scary this man was.

The kind of person who can dedicate himself to his ideals will pull all the firewood around him into the torch at the critical moment, whether those firewood are sincerely willing or not.

Eleazar instantly didn't want to stay a moment longer.

He didn't even want to ask about the illegal arsenal and just hurriedly excused himself.

Anya and Anna step out and cloak the druid, craning their heads to look at the fleeing Witcher.

"Master, you've scared the guests away again."

"It's okay, he'll be back soon."

Rhine smiled slightly.

"My dear, it's going to be hard for you guys in the next few days, please pick all the third and fourth rank herbs in the plantation."

The two maids were incredibly surprised, "Why?"

"Because when the little hedgehog comes back again, all the herbs here will belong to him."

"What have you done again?"

Anya huffed, "This is the herb that we have worked so hard to cultivate for several years, how can you just give it away like this!"

"Well, let me put it another way, we'll be moving soon, to a bigger estate where we can transfer more apprentices and have richer seeds, and then you'll be the head maids, and you'll be able to direct others to work in the future."

"That's more like it." The two maids then reluctantly nodded.

"So when are we moving? So we can prepare in advance."

Rhine shrugged, "I don't know~"

"Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after, or maybe in the spring, well... Anyway, it's within three months, I've provided the clues, it's just a matter of when people will find out."