
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
350 Chs


The black iron train that emitted a low rumble slowly entered the station.

Before the shaking underfoot could stop, the aisle was filled with people who couldn't wait to get off the bus.

It may be that the day and night journey has been too difficult, or perhaps it's some kind of instinct that drives the urge to get out of this place.

Eleazar stood up as well, taking Fina with him, grabbing his bags, and blending into the crowd.

Guided by the staff, they poured out of the side doors in a somewhat crowded manner, gulping in the fresh outside air as if they were saved.

A hint of blood slowly returned to everyone's pale faces in the sunlight.

This made them even more convinced that it was the environment on the train that kept them from resting.

Eleazar, who knew in his heart what was going on, glanced back at the compartment.

There's still a miasma of dream-eating tapir left in there.

It's not a big problem, it just gives you nightmares.

Anyone who rides this train in the next few days is going to be out of luck...

Eleazar shook his head helplessly.

Walked out of the station with the flow of people.

A bustling modern metropolis slowly unfolded before our eyes.

Skyscrapers towering, spacious road vehicles flowing endlessly, blue sky, the streets of pedestrians rubbing shoulders, a variety of dazzling new things, everywhere colorful, noisy.

It was prosperity more than a hundred times better than that of a country town and caused many first-timers in the city to give the demented gaze of a bumpkin.

Eleazar crossed over to those who froze in their tracks.

Having already seen the transcendent, he not only had a flat reaction to these things but even found them a bit noisy

Maybe it had something to do with meditation, he just liked the quiet now.

Standing in front of the station, Eleazar glanced at Fina beside him.

"And then what, how does it go?"

She had contacted the school before she left.

Taking out a slip of paper, Fina reassessed its contents.

"There are buses outside the station that work with the school for a small fee."

With that, she looked up and around.

Soon, they saw a bus with an academy banner on the side of the road.

Arriving at the bus, they showed proof of enrollment and paid another $10 each before boarding the bus.

The seats in the car were already sparsely half full.

With a customary sweep, Eleazar and Fina find a seat at the back of the room.

The students on the bus looked and dressed differently and came from all over the world.

They broke into many chunks, each chatting away.

The dressed whispered with the dressed, the exquisitely dressed laughed with the exquisitely dressed, and the lowly and withdrawn sat in their respective seats without saying a word; the three groups were separated.

Eleazar stares coldly for a moment when someone behind them suddenly greets them.

"Hi, guys."

Looking back, a young man with a shaved inch head gave them a kindly smile.

Eleazar blandly returned, "Well, hello."

His reaction was very flat, and Fina didn't even raise her head to respond to people.

Their reaction made the young man with the inch head very sensible and did not come back to disturb.

Well, he and Fina joined the low-key loner group.

Eleazar propped his head up, his eyes closing somewhat wearily.

During the time he had his eyes closed, other students came up one after another, and various conversations went on in the car.


A small exclamation of surprise from the girls suddenly sounded in the car.

Two handsome-looking boys got into the car one after the other, with a slender and slender figure, elegant demeanor, coupled with a confident and calm temperament, instantly attracting the gazes of many girls in the car to look at them frequently.

In contrast to these two, the ordinary boys on the bus instantly became the foil.

After another moment, there was a sudden silence around them.

With a sudden jump in his heart, as if sensing something Eleazar, snapped his eyes open.

A girl with a light pace walked up to the car, snow-white skin, covered with a dark red dress, scarlet eyes, pure and flawless face but full of innocence, like an angel and like a devil, the indescribable charm, so that the surrounding boys are looking infatuated, the air is quiet.

Eleazar wanted to look at the other man a few more times to make sure he was who he said he was, but suddenly noticed the temperature plummeting around him.

He pretended not to glance out the car window.

It's sunny outside.

Fina by the car window has her head down, looking like she's intently flipping through a book, and if she doesn't have a chill radiating off of her...

Eleazar drops his head and props his hand on his forehead.

At least it was certain that the other party was not a Blood.

Vampires can't move freely in the sunlight.

It didn't take long for Eleazar to feel a large number of eyes cast in their direction.

He looked up slightly to see the girl in the dark red dress walk past and finally sit down in the empty seat behind him.

The young man in the seat, his head was like a buzz, completely stupid, his expression became constrained, his body stiff, like a quail shrinking in the seat. He laughed stupidly and raised his hand with difficulty, wanting to greet others, but his tongue suddenly knotted and he couldn't say a word in half a day.

"Hello, my name is Evelea~"

The young girl was very generous in introducing herself to the youth.

"You... Hello, my name is Matsudaira."

Listening to the dismal conversation behind him, Eleazar leaned back, eyes closed.

Across a chair, with his senses at full blast, he finally caught a subtle fluctuation of spirituality.

Carrying a transcendental item, or a transcendentalist...

Things seem to be getting interesting.

Excluding the Wraith Envoy that appeared out of nowhere last night, this woman was the first of her kind he had ever sought out on his own, and his mood was not without some subtlety.

There's so much more to the idea of coming clean about your identity and having a friendly conversation together.

But Eleazar also knew that once he realized that his opponent was in a hostile sequence, the inexplicable urge would soon turn into a monstrous murderous intent, itching to destroy everything good about his opponent.

"It's better to observe first, there should be plenty of opportunities in the same academy." Eleazar thought silently in his mind.

[Establishment of observation: Evelea]

[Sequence: Unknown]

[Purpose: unknown]

[Regime of action: unknown]


Soon the bus, nearly stuffed with students, was finally ready to go, and the driver, wearing a flat cap, climbed into the driver's seat and, after checking the instruments around him, slowly turned the steering wheel.

"Class, sit tight."

Eleazar stared sideways out the window, watching one of the black streetlights arrayed on either side of the clean, off-white street pass before his eyes, and it didn't take long for him to stifle the sudden surge of weariness as he drifted off and closed his eyes.

Half-awake, half-asleep, he seemed to dream of the beauty of his childhood, his father's kind smile, his taking Fina around the streets, when the sky wasn't yet polluted by soot, and white clouds floated everywhere, and the town's buildings were so neat and clean that the floor tiles would reverberate crisply when stepped on.

In the blue sky, white clouds slowly pieced together to form a human face, watching all of this with an expressionless face.

The sleeping Eleazar is oblivious until Fina's voice rings softly in his ear and he awakens.
