
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
350 Chs

Fate Divination: Glowing Mushroom

Arrived in Starbreeze at 1:00 p.m. ...

Standing on the streets of this strange city, Evelea is looking around for someone to ask for directions, relying on her sweet face.

Eleazar stood outside the station and turned his head to look at the silent knight next to him.

"You seem to have a lot of power, actually being able to direct police operations on the spot."

Fintan said quietly, "Superintendent First Class, as a privilege of service to the Church."

"Well, that seems like a pretty good deal, how much is it a month?"


Eleazar felt the flat wallet in his pocket with some intent.

"Only the paths of justice are accepted, and unknown serializers like you who play with the mind are better off being good."

"That's a shame, if I get caught that 15 million won't be there~"

Fintan choked on his words and turned his head away from him in exasperation.

"I've found a ride to Tritown!"

At that moment, the witch ran back happily and grabbed Eleazar's hand, shaking it over and over.

"Compliment me!"

Eleazar and Fintan turned their heads to the staring driver on the side of the road.

The man's eyes were extremely blank, no need to think, he must have been charmed by the witch again.

Eleazar: "..."

"Another Mind Pathfinder?"

Fintan's face clouded over as he looked at the witch.

Eleazar rubbed the guy's head somewhat helplessly and called for the little knight of justice to join him as he straddled the lightly loaded van and casually sat down in the back.

It appeared that the fruit had just been transported, and there was a faint scent of fruit on the car.

"Driver uncle, it's time to go~"

Witch knocked on the driver's side rear window.

The dull-eyed driver suddenly woke up, looked blankly at the three behind him for a moment, and slowly started the van, heading out of town.

Fintan looked at the two men who were exchanging glances with each other in silence.


It wasn't long before the van drove into a monochromatic town.

The driver turned back and said with some hesitation, "Three travelers? Tetra Town is here..."

"Thank you very much!"

Eleazar pulled out a hundred dollar bill and slipped it to the driver.

"Ah!" The witch didn't seem to have input that hint to him, and the older man's eyes were instantly a little confused, but soon ceased to be confused and inwardly filled with surprise.

"Haha, that's very kind, where do you guys want to go, I know everything about this part of Tritown!"

Evelea took the opportunity to ask, "We're actually here to explore, I heard you guys found a cave here that glows at night, is that true?"

The driver's uncle was stunned, "Does news travel that fast nowadays?"

Eleazar asked curiously, "Is this true?"

"Well, I don't know if it's true or not, but all kinds of strange rumors are flying around anyway, but the mayor of the town has ordered the mountain to be closed, so I'm afraid you guys can't get in."

Eleazar smiled slightly and pushed Mr. Knight out of the way. "Actually, we're police officers here to investigate this incident."

Fintan was caught off guard by the shove and glared back at him somewhat hatefully, pulling out his First Class Superintendent's license somewhat helplessly.

The driver's uncle was scared white on the spot.

"I... I... I'm not evading taxes, I'm just transporting fruit for Henry, I'm not involved in the deal, I don't know anything!"

Ah this...

Fintan took a deep breath, "Tell me everything you know about that glowing cave, I don't want to pursue anything else today."

"Okay, I'll say it! I say!"

Halfway through the morning, the three men who had finished understanding the situation walked through the town.

A few days ago a torrential rainfall washed open a hidden cave for an unknown number of years, and someone saw a bright light emanating from the mountain at night, and subsequently went on a treasure hunt, before being found tragically dead in the cave the next day.

"Is it a demon spirit?" Evelea asked curiously.

"We won't know until we visit the site." Eleazar pondered the clues in the driver's words.

Fintan, however, stops, "Do you... Are carrying any silver?"

Demonic spirits, such ghostly creatures, had no silver, and the difficulty of the challenge rose exponentially, so it was normal to mess up and have all of them die in there.

He suddenly realized that after he lost his silver sword, he was no longer speaking with the same air he used to.

Eleazar pulls out his revolver and flings open the clip that lights up with a hint of silver, then quickly closes it again, stowing away this major contraband.

"It's only got five rounds, but if it dares to show itself, it will be told to come back!"

Fintan's eyes went wide at once.

"You... Where did you get a pistol, I don't even have one!"

"Don't ask... Don't pry into this kind of secret~"

Eleazar waved a hand before knocking the witch beside him who was also trying to show off her contraband.

Then it was another half hour or so of walking to the big hill that was blocked off.

The First Class Superintendent's license was amazingly powerful, and they were let off the hook straight away.

Following the clues provided by those at the foot of the mountain, the three found the cave.

Eleazar stops dead in his tracks, his face suddenly cold.

"That's right, it's a demon spirit..."

"Can you be sure before you even go in?"

Fintan frowned.

Walking into the cave then, Eleazar suddenly looks down at the translucent mushrooms that are sparsely scattered along the sides of the cave.


Evelea suddenly leapt for joy, "Wow, really spooky mushrooms!"

Eleazar instantly darkened his face, yanked the witch aside, and asked in a low voice, "What exactly did you divine!"

"Our needs ah~"

Evelea was full of joy.

His needs are to find dark creatures, slay the promotion, and complete the first magic potion ritual as soon as possible to be free of the evil god's control.

The Witch's request was much simpler, wanting to find the ghost mushroom that could make a stealthy medicinal powder, so that she could have a rendezvous with him every now and then.

I can't believe I actually put two wishes together, it's really hard for that over-the-top divination, and I don't know if the crystal ball popped or not.

But on the other hand, Divination that consumes the power of fate is really, really powerful.

Eleazar felt their threads of fate again.

Well, consumed a third of it...

He hurriedly grabbed the demoness and asked in a low voice:

"Hey, isn't there any other way to replenish the power of fate besides that sort of thing?"

"Because you only reveal your true heart when you do things like that, you horny bastard!"

A sex maniac?


Eleazar burst into a fit of rage and held down the witch who tried to go digging for ghost mushrooms.

"You make it clear to me! Who's the lecher, you guy who uses charm techniques on people every day!"

Evelea sighed hopelessly, stood on her tiptoes, and whispered in his ear:

"You were so great in the car earlier~"


The knight who was checking the situation in front coughed violently and turned back, glaring fiercely at this pair of unashamed dogs.

Defeated, Eleazar looks resentful and can only is to go ahead with the knight to look for clues to the demonic spirit.

Damn it, I've got to figure out her transformation ritual!