
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasia
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350 Chs

 Transformation Ritual: Love

A perfume store, a bakery, a shoe and hat store, a farm...

Relying on their ill-gotten gains, they made a good living.

Up to the time of their arrest, the faces of those four people were extremely calm, without the slightest bit of panic.

"Well, it looks like they've envisioned this situation for a long time, and possibly rehearsed scenarios for it."

Standing behind the knight, Eleazar looked faintly at one of the men in the room.

A fathead with a fat brain.

He wiped the sweat from his face, with a simple smile and a humble attitude, but as soon as he was asked about the past he was full of perfunctory words, either he didn't remember or couldn't think of anything, saying that he had a bad memory.

There was certainly no way, by normal means, to make them obediently spit out the evil deeds that had long ago drowned in the Wheel of Time.

Eleazar walks into the room and sets down a creepy skull in front of the fat man, two empty eye sockets facing him.

"Hey! This is... What! Officer I want to protest, I have the right to an attorney!"

The fat man shrank back desperately as if in some kind of shock, and would almost have wanted to shrink into the corner of the room if his arms and hands hadn't been locked in the seat.

"7 years ago, a famous local celebrity, Lady Aneris, took her son, who was only 8 years old, to visit her grandfather in a neighboring town. A carriage, two guards, four people passing through the moon mountain, there was an unfortunate accident, search for three days, only in the cliffs under the fallen carriage, and two bodies were eaten by wild animals, identified as two guards, and Ms. Ann Ruiz and her son is nowhere to be found, and another 15 days of searching, but no results, people speculate that mother and son was carried away by the wild animals, and finally the matter is not settled. "

The fat man was sweating profusely and said with forced composure, "What business is it of mine that you're talking about this!"

Eleazar continued flatly, "Three days ago, heavy rains that lasted for several days washed out a cave in Lunar Mountain, which was investigated to hold a large amount of unidentified stolen goods, along with the bones of the missing Ms. Aneris and her son."

"So, the mountain crash back then was actually an extremely bad case of robbery and murder, and judging by the traces of life in the caves and those leftover cutlery, the murderers were four adult males."

The recorder was scribbling away.

"And the four people we arrested today, all of them had unknown sources of property, and the real reason, well... You know it by heart."

The fat man became incredibly agitated, "Where's the evidence, you're slandering, I'm going to hire my lawyer!"


Eleazar suddenly smiled slightly, pointing to the skeleton staring vacantly at him:

"Ms. Aneris is watching you."

A hidden spirituality flooded the room and the bulb flickered with it.

[Mind Suggestion - Shock and Awe]

"Ah ----"

The fat man's body instantly shook violently, his mouth let out a miserable howl, and tears and snot gushed out furiously.

"It's none of my business, everything was orchestrated by Jayne, I was only forced to assist when he took hold of me and threatened me..."

A roar came from the nearby holding cell, "Fatty Du, what are you babbling about!"

"It's your fault, it's all your fault, it's you who plotted to take Ms. Anerys captive when you saw the color!"

"Shut up! Believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

The recorder was so dumbfounded that he dropped his pen, and outside, in the middle of watching the interrogation, the chief's eyes widened.

Those few words were enough to send all four of those men to the gallows.

Eleazar picks up the skull and walks quietly out of the interrogation room, tilting his chin towards the knight and the witch, "Gone, I'll leave the rest to Jean."

Fintan dismissed the people who wanted to see him off, pushed off his meal, and walked out of the police station to catch up with the two men outside who were already walking away.


"You're welcome, sanctioning the prisoners and digesting a lot of magic potions, right?"

Fintan froze and said slowly, "I didn't do it for the transformation ritual..."


Eleazar looked back at him and locked eyes with the witch again.

Fintan clenched his fists, "I'm not like you guys, I have convictions, I have to..."

Eleazar reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "Those two words are too much for you right now, wait until later."

"Yeah, yeah, hurry up and finish the funeral, I want to go back~"

The witch who had gotten her hands on the Ghost Mushroom couldn't wait to get back to refining the glitter powder.

With the knight, who had fallen into silence, they went back to the cemetery.

After placing the skull back, Eleazar nodded to the nearby grave keeper, signaling that it was ready for burial.

Few people came to pay their respects, the rich man who had lost his wife and child had long since moved out of the town, and the phone number of his relatives in that neighboring city had been changed, making it impossible to get in touch quickly, and those who were present were some of the town's inhabitants, who had heard that the police had recovered the body that had disappeared a few years ago, and had come to pay their respects.

When the congregation had finished laying flowers, the pastor began to recite a prayer.

The demonic spirit is laid to rest, and a black mist that cannot be seen by normal people rises from the graveyard.

Meanwhile, Eleazar, who was standing outside the crowd, began to tremble violently as his body boiled with transcendental activity.

[Magic potion residue: 890→850]

When he had calmed down, the witch came over and whispered, "Well?"

"Not bad, two hundred more incidents of this caliber and I'll be promoted."

The witch rolled her eyes at him at once.

The knight standing in the back watched the two men with unblinking eyes.

"Why must they insist on attending the funeral?"

"Could one of them be a Requiemist?" Fintan frowned.

Unfortunately, one's level of occultism is not sufficient to get more answers based on the clue of interment.


After attending the funeral, they took a bus back to Daron City, with no further incidents along the way.

The return fare was sponsored by the Terrytown police, so they chartered another first-class compartment.

The knight had the good sense to wait for the train to start before stepping out of the compartment and walking away, not at all wanting to pollute his superb senses with all the blushing commotion as he had come.

"Are those two guys rabbits in heat all year round!"

He stood hatefully at the link of the wagon, blowing a cold breeze as he watched the scenery speeding by below.

Back in Daron City, the sky was already streaked with a golden haze as they disbanded.

Fintan hoofed it home, glanced at the somewhat fledgling vegetable garden, and then sulked back into the basement.

Lighting a bright candlestick, he made his way to the bookshelf that was taller than a man. Finding the primer on the occult, he returned to the desk.

Slowly, he turned it over, and once again, the mysterious symbols that made his scalp tingle appeared.

"No, I must study!"

Fintan began to grit his teeth as he struggled to understand the words of the book.


The two strolled through the streets at dusk.

Looking next to her with a happy smile on her face, Eleazar suddenly leaned down and whispered in her ear:

"It's love, right?"

Turning that suddenly alarmed face around, "I was right wasn't I?"
