
Chapter 2 Unknown Woman

After the full moon ritual Tessa decided to take a turn around the property, finding herself walking up the stone path that lead to her quaint little home. It was a humble house with only three small rooms apart from the basics living room, kitchen, and a tiny bathroom. She had recently finished remodeling the bathroom and what is now her scared space/office. Her home though as humble as it may be is her safe place in the crazy world she lives in. Tessa worked hard for the life she lives today, everything she has she provided for herself. The independence of this woman was unshakable, something she learned from her father that is before his untimely death. But the world is a heavy place and she has sure bared more weight than she ever thought possible. Tragedy is just one step in the process of growth. Tessa used to laugh at this not too long ago. She used to think that if that were true than she should be advanced enough in this world to change the damn thing. But now, the reality is starting to make itself known to her. No hardship is without grief. You can't have grief without love. Finally, No love is above improvement.

Tessa found herself at a crossroads in her life and the decisions ahead of her relay more on the influence of someone she has yet to meet. His name is Michael Snow. He is a traveler of sorts, many in the old country would refer to him as a gypsy. He had little in the way of processions and next to no money but he was gifted. Gifted in a way most of the world could not even begin to grasp.



During the Ritual

In a Unnamed Small Village in the Northern Most Reaches of the Continent

Michael Felt an energy blast unlike anything he had ever encountered in all his travels.The blast hit him like a ton of bricks sailing his body through the air heading towards a nearby building. Right before impact time slowed, the dew that had collected on the surrounding surfaces, started to raise up moving towards Michael's suspended body. Water started to encapsulate him, There was a warm red-orange glow all around him. The glow was growing brighter and brighter until it was all he could see. Then a pulsating white light suddenly coming from his left forearm. The white light was growing brighter when he looked down blinding him. Suddenly his heart rate was beating uncontrollably trying to force its way out of his chest. In his mind he saw an image of the most stunning women he had ever seen in his entire life. She had on a deep purple cloak. A hood could not hide her gorgeous curly radiant red-brown hair. There was a soft glow lighting up her face and he could see her blue almost turquoise eyes and the most perfect luscious pouty lips. She looked like a goddess...

All too soon Michael was dropped back on the ground where he stumbled and fell before a heaping dumpster full to the brim. There was trash everywhere, he was struggling to stand up when his hand grazed something warm. 'It feels rather out of place in this sea of garbage,' he thought reaching out to grasp the object. The moment it was pressed to the center on his plan there was a sharp pain on his left forearm a flash of white light for one second before fading away leaving him once again in a dark alley in a pile of trash.

Finally, he made his way home before he dared look at the object for fear of others. That was powerful energy at play back there and it is likely that other could feel it as well.

Once inside he pulled the object from his pocket, it was a clear crystal sphere no bigger than his palm. There was movement inside of it, looking closer in the center was a turquoise spiral ebbing and flowing like the currents of the ocean.

'This is a spirit crystal and there is some serious magic aura around this thing. Okay, so who was that woman and why do I feel this pull towards her. It's like I can feel her. Like if I just start walking my body knows how to get to her. This is crazy even for my standards. Well if there is one thing I know its that I need to find her and fast because that was some serious magic, I don't know if she was the source but one thing I am certain of is that she is at the center of this. And that means others will be hunting her.' he thought. Whoever this unknown woman was she just became the center of his universe. There was no denying what he had to do and that was to find her and fast....
