
Wisp of Fantasy

A unique fantasy adventure story.

RaizelDelacroix · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


After the dew drop settled into place, the cave reverted to its original appearance. That is not to say that it returned to being a normal mundane cavern, but rather a serene and mystical one.

The majority of the crystals still remained but their light was not as fluorescent. Occasionally wisps of cerulean blue particles could be seen flowing around.

An unknown amount of time later. . .

A consciousness begins to rouse. . .

Still drowsy, I let out a small yawn and lightly stretch. My eyes begin to flutter open.

Letting out another yawn, I realize that I must have fallen asleep at some point.

I reminisce in the feeling of having a great dream, something about beautiful dancing lights perhaps. It quickly begins to fade leaving behind a forgotten memory that has a gentle comforting warmth.

Coming out of my stupor, I realize that I haven't opened my eyes yet. However, repeating the motion of opening my eyes changes nothing, the world is still pitch-black darkness.

Panic begins to set in, as I fear for the worst. Am I blind now!? I rapidly reach up to touch my eyes, hoping to rub off whatever it is blocking my sight.

Unfortunately, at that moment I realize I can not feel any part of my body. Whether it be my hands, arms, legs or even my own face.

At that point I start hyper ventilating, and wildly flail my arms and legs about, trying to accomplish some miracle.

Suddenly, a resounding pop occurred, or more like the breaking of a dam, that resonated through mg entire being. It is hard to describe, but it was a feeling of extreme relief and freedom.

Unbeknownst to the conscience, the crystalline glacial blue drop of dew on the petal was trembling. Then the trembling became tempestuous like a raging storm.

All of a sudden the drop erupted and turned into ethereal flowing energy. Akin to a glacial blue aurora of light.

Hahaha, that was amazing! I can not tell you how I know, but I can inherently feel that I can now move around. It was as if I was a rock stuck to the floor never to be able to explore.

I still cannot see, but I have calmed down a bit with my new found freedom. The best way to describe it is, as a feeling of weightlessness.

I can sense the direction I move in. Lost in my thoughts I continue until. . .


Ouch! I metaphorically rub my head. I seem to have hit a wall. Raising my hand to this obstacle.

I say my hand, but in reality it is more like my body, or rather my entire being since I don't think I have a body either.

I also don't really have a sense of touch. I cannot feel it it is warm or cold. However, I can get the general idea of its texture and shape.

My guess is that it is some kind of stone, based on how jagged and rough the surface seems to be.

Traveling along it, I come across an object jutting out of the stone. As soon as I touch it, I feel a jolt and an odd sense of familiarity.