
Wisp of Fantasy

A unique fantasy adventure story.

RaizelDelacroix · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Meditating under the large crystal, I feel very close. Close to something. . . I am not entirely sure about what though.

I start spreading myself out, or perhaps my conscience out further in every direction. It puts a large strain on my entire being.

However that doesn't stop me, because every time I do it the radius becomes larger.

After a while, a massive change erupted out. As if something in my soul surged outward.


. . .

. . .

A indescribable magnificent sight appeared before me.

A sublime representation of nature's grand beauty dripping with unblemished majesty.

A serene and crystal clear cerulean lagoon with shimmering crystals below its surface. Tranquil water lilies grace the water's surface adding to the beauty.

The walls of the cave are a dark gray almost black bejeweled with fluorescent blue crystals gradually pulsating to their own symphony. Creating a bewitching contrast, like twinkling stars scattered through the night sky.

And a massive purple blue crystal adorning the center of the cave, a perfect crown atop nature's majesty.

I found myself lost in a total stupor, admiring the natural wonder that is before me. The gleeful dancing of auroras throughout the space.

A colorful and vibrant light show all around me, wherever I look.

Wait. . . there is no blind spot. Somehow my view is unimpeded, in what appears to be a sphere.

And after floating around the cavern, it seems to be about a quarter of the total volume of the cave.

Along with the new sight, the sense of familiarity from both the crystals and the water was compounded, becoming even stronger.

Although, the crystals seem to have a stronger effect than the water, and I am not entirely sure as to why.

Interestingly, the water lilies are giving off the same feeling, and actually it is even greater than the crystals. Upon closer inspection, these flowers are rather transparent.

Oh! I believe they are actually just a different form of a crystal. They are very delicate with extremely thin petals.

It is quite odd because they also develop color with green at the base and pink to white and yellow within the flower portions.

Why would crystals mimic flowers? Actually, how would crystals even mimic them in the first place?

Wait, with that logic is the liquid in the pond not really water, but some sort of liquid crystal? Yet that doesn't even make sense.

The liquid can't be hot melted crystals, since it does not effect the delicate flower-like crystals. Ugh, I will have to just accept it for now, I suppose there's nothing I can do about it anyway.

The question is what should I do now? Or rather what can I even do?

After some internal deliberation, relaxing in the liquid might be the best course of action for now.

As I sink lower and lower into the depths, a sense of comfort and drowsiness permeates. As I slip out of conciseness the feeling of warm fuzzy memories embrace my soul.

. . .