
All about perspective

If you can't bring someone up down bring them down. If you can't be a source of joy and happiness don't be a source of sadness and misery. If you can't respect someone dreams at least have to respect to keep quiet from disrespecting it. Life is not always word and opposites, there are gray area that is between the two and that is what people tend to ignore, someone who is a hero to you is a villain to the others and so the vice versa. Though there are universal measurements for being good and bad, but there are also some instance where the line between the two start to blur. Revenge, payback, protection, national orders, self defence, all these sometimes makes the line between good and evil fade and one is forced to act evil even if he is not or one is force to kill one to save millions.

You are at a crossroad whereby you have to kill an innocent so you can save millions of innocents or where you have to kill a family member for world peace, or kill a child so peace can be obtained, what will you do?.