
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

In the heart of a palatial home, the sitting room unfolds like a scene from a luxurious dream. Bathed in the golden glow of a thousand tiny lights, the tufty sectional sofa upholstered in rich, creamy beige fabric with plump cushions sprawls invitingly, whispering promises of comfort. Above, a chandelier of shimmering spheres floats like a constellation, casting a warm, celestial light that dances on the polished marble floor. Walls of glass reveal a glimpse of paradise beyond- a crystal blue pool framed by a lush greenery. The space breathes elegance, from the sleek, wooden coffee table that anchors the room to the stone-like wall that rises behind the sofa. To one side, an open dining area awaits, its modern light fixtures dangling like jewels casting a soft glow over the table.

Above, a mezzanine peers over the scene and so does a tall male figure. He looked like a dark prince from a fairy tale. His jet-black hair, tousled and artfully dishevelled, framed a face that seemed sculpted by a master artist. His sharp cheekbones led down to a strong jawline and his eyes, a captivating and bright shade of emerald green was fixed on a business magazine. A single silver earring glinted in his ear and his broad shoulders standing straight while his black shirt was unbuttoned just enough to reveal a hint of his collarbone and the layered necklaces that rested against his skin. His long legs dressed in black sweatpants were crossed against the glass mezzanine. A young girl dressed as a maid approached him slowly, taking little steps.

"Master Asher, someone wants to see you" She spoke in a low voice.

The young yet gorgeous teenager turned towards her,

"Who is it?"

"He said that he is the private investigator you hired."

The maid said.

"Let him in"

He said taking the stairs down to the sitting room.

The maid left and after some minutes a middle aged man dressed in a black suit walked in holding a large brown envelope.

"Good afternoon Mr Grill"

"Good afternoon investigator. Have a seat," Asher said closing the magazine in his hands, "Have you found him?"

The man let out a wide grin as he handed him the brown envelope.

"I found him and I know almost everything about him. He is a student at Angel High School and there he is the captain of the school football team, one of the best violinist in the school orchestra, captain of the Mathematics and Science club. He is also in the school's golf team, basketball team and badminton team. He is the school's beauty king and he's quite popular among the girls. He's dating someone called Katie and he has a knack for playing pranks. He's the top student of his class and his grades are really impressive. He's almost like a perfect student."

"Perfect my foot. He is anything but perfect, he is a nightmare," Asher rolled his eyes, "And of course his habit of torturing people's lives never died. I'm just surprised no one has ever thought of punching his stupid ugly face."

"His face seems to be quite far from ugly," The man said, "He is quite popular at Angel High School for his looks and the school is littered with his fan girls. I think he has a nickname."

"Angel High you say?" Asher mused.

"Yes, Angel High School," The man nodded. "One of the most expensive private high schools in the city. It is basically a school for the rich and is owned by 'Techzo' a technology company."

"Techzo? Isn't Mr Hither the CEO there?"

"You're right Mr Grill."

"So he still hides under his father" Asher scoffed, "I guess he didn't change much."

"Everything you asked for is in that envelope, everything about him and all he does, his pictures, his friends, his house and everything about Angel High School."

Asher's perfectly shaped lips had a slight smirk playing on them. "Thank you investigator. You've done a fine job. I'll send you the rest of the payment before the next three hours."

The man rose as he adjusted his suit. "You are very generous Mr Grill. I'm glad I could be of service to you. If I may ask is there any reason why you are so interested in this student?"

"Oh, it's nothing much," His smirk grew into a sinister grin, "He is an old friend and I just have a tiny score to settle with him. Weren't you about to take your leave investigator?"

"That is right Mr Grill, I'll be going now"

And after that he left, Asher sat back on the couch and opened the envelope, they contained pictures and written notes on certain information. In one of the pictures, there was one that was taken of a classroom with the students. Asher immediately recognised two boys sitting at the back.

"I can't believe it," He muttered, "Craig and James are in Angel High School too. This just got more interesting."

"Asher" A young pretty blonde walked into the room.

"Hey Stacie," Asher closed the envelope, "What's up? What are you doing here?"

"Oh come on, can't I come over and see my best pal? I came over to visit you." Her eyes spotted the smirk on his face, "You seem to be in a good mood today."

"Well well" Asher chuckled, "Guess who I found today"

"No way" She gasped, "Have you really found him?"

Asher nodded. "Guess who is transferring to Angel High School?"

"Who? You?" Stacy queried, "Why are you transferring to Angel High School? Is he there?"

"He is," Asher answered, "and I am going there."

"You are going? Really? Do you have to?" She queried, "How are you going to transfer?"

"Easy, All I have to do is talk to my dad and in a blink of light I'll be in Angel High School. It is really not hard at all," His face suddenly turned solemn, "I will also have to get a basketball, golf and maybe a violin coach. Scratch the violin."

"Why do you need a basketball and golf coach?"

"Nothing, I've got reasons and Caspian isn't going to know what hit him."

The school bell rang indicating that it was time for the students' lunch break. Slowly and in groups the students left the class all headed towards the school cafeteria.

"Finally, I am starving," Mercy yawned, "Let's go have lunch."

"I'm totally in for that," Joanna added, "Want to go out for lunch Sammy?"

"I still have to finish this assignment," Samantha was scribbling on her notebook, "I will join you guys for lunch when I'm done."

"You mean the assignment the teacher that just left the class gave us?" Mercy asked astounded, "You are doing it now? The deadline is not until the next class which is next week."

"I know but I have to do it now. Ever heard of procrastination is the killer of time? Just go on I'll be there soon."

Samantha replied.

"Come on let's go, I'm hungry" Joanna held Mercy's hand, "She said she'll meet us there. Let's go. We can keep a seat for her."

"Okay, we will see you then."

Mercy left the class with Joanna.

After five minutes Samantha made her way towards the cafeteria. The large cafeteria buzzed with the low hum of conversations and the clinking of cutlery against plates. Sunlight poured in through expansive, floor-to-ceiling windows casting a warm, golden glow over the modern, open space. The ceiling soared above a vibrant red ribbon winding its way overhead. Sleek, silver tables dotted the floor, their surfaces reflecting the light in a soft shimmer while red and grey chairs added a splash of colour. Students clustered in groups eating with their faces animated with discussions, arguments and laughter. Upstairs a mezzanine offered a quieter retreat, where some sat alone, others sat in pairs or small quiet groups. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the savoury scent of a variety of foods, creating an inviting atmosphere that beckoned all to enter.

Samantha moved to the counter and paid for a mug of coffee and a plate of sandwich. She looked around but she couldn't find Mercy and Joanna anywhere so she took her cafeteria tray and sat on a empty table at the centre of the room. She noticed the people around giving her weird glances while she sat there but she couldn't understand why.

Just then the doors flew open and Caspian walked in with two of his friends behind him. He stood out among the trio, his sharp features and striking red eyes making him impossible to miss. His face was a work of art- high cheekbones framed a sculpted jawline and his eyes, a mesmerising shade of crimson, hinted at both warmth and friendliness. His tousled black hair fell in soft waves, perfectly dishevelled giving him an effortlessly cool aura. He wore a band of white roses and green leaves on his head giving him a cute and gentle look. His lips slightly parted in a thoughtful smile, revealing a hint of mischief and tenderness. His smile widens as he spots a group of girls seated on a table, giggling and waving at him. He waved back, their eyes twinkling with camaraderie. As he walked through the rows of the table, a ripple of recognition followed him. As he walked by he got either a nod, a giggle and wave from the girls and a hello from the lads. He moved with an easy confidence, his smile warm and genuine. Caspian's friends flanked around him but it was clear he was the centre of gravity. He stopped at a table where a group of boys sat, their eyes widening as he approached.

"Hey Jake," He called clapping one of the boys on the back, "Heard you won the flour prank. Congrats man."

He laughed as he walked past, he possessed a warm and sociable aura.

Finally, he arrived at his usual table at the cafeteria where he sits with his friends and was surprised to find someone sitting on one of the seats.

"What in the world are you doing here?"

Samantha raised her head to see Caspian and his friends looking at her.

"Hi Caspian, Hi Craig, Hi James. Here for lunch?"

She greeted them with a wide smile.

"Well, Hi Aqua woman," Caspian smiled, the smile disappeared almost immediately, "Get out. That's our table and you can't sit there."

"Why not?" Samantha asked, her tone calm and gentle, "There is room enough for you three. This table has four seats."

Every eye in the cafeteria was fixed on this table and this four people.

"He's saying that you can't sit with us. Go find somewhere else and stay."

Craig said.

"Let her be Craig, if she insists on sitting with us let her be our guest." Asher gave a thousand dollar bill to James, "You two go get our lunch. I want to have a little talk with our guest."

James and Craig went towards the counter while Caspian sat opposite Samantha.

"Are you bored? Want to play a game?"

He said folding his arms on the table.

"A game sounds like a good idea. We can know each other while having fun."

"Of course," Caspian smirked, "How about throw the corn at the girl?"

"How do we play?"

She asked.

Craig and James returned to the table with three popcorns and three glasses of pineapple juice. They dropped the tray on the table and had their seats.

"I will show you," Caspian said, he picked one of the popcorns on the tray and threw a piece at Samantha's face, it fell as it hit her head and landed inside her coffee. He snickered waiting for her reaction.

Samantha looked at the corn in her mug and turned back to Caspian,

"I don't think popcorn goes with coffee and you are not supposed to play with your food."

"Oops," Caspian chuckled, "Why don't you go get another clean mug?"

Samantha was about to stand before a familiar voice called her name.


She looked up and saw Mercy looking down at her from the mezzanine. Mercy hurriedly came down to the table they were.

"What are you doing to her? Stop whatever you are doing."

She told Caspian.

"No need to get heated up," Came the laughing reply, "We were just playing a friendly game, right Aqua woman?"

"Leave her alone!" Mercy glared at him before taking Samantha's hand and leading her out of there.