
WIP gotta wait yall

I fear nothing, but a synopsis scares me. I honestly can't write a synopsis, just read my auxuitary chapter for information about this novel. I am holding no rights to Soul Eater. Soul Eater belongs to Atsushi Ōkubo, Square Enix and Gangan Comics.

Ichorblut · Outros
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Dance between Death and Life

『3rd Person』

On a foggy day at night, one can witness an outlandish scene in the greyish forest in Ireland.

A small boy with an appearance, which would have bewildered everyone in the near vicinity. He seems to be a ten-year-old boy, painted by horror, with burn scars, and almost bare naked with only a fraction of his former tunic as his attire. He was running, running from this nightmare, which was a witch hunt. In the form of a mob, they are eager to catch everyone, the church deems as a witch no matter who.

With no way of looking back or stopping at any time, he kept on running, while questioning himself how he got in such a situation...

『1st Person』

My life was destined to be on a razor's blade. Before my birth, mum had to fight the odds, because she got diagnosed with a tumor in her womb. The origin was unknown at first, but the gynecologists had the suspicion that my mum will give birth to a demon. They thought that it was my fault and that I am the devil's spawn. They advised my mum to abort me for her 'own good' as if they wouldn't report that news to the church anyways. But my mum decided against it because she thought that either she dies during the delivery or we go down thanks to the church.

At the end of the day, she survived the birth but suffers now from cancer and is in a comatose state due to the trauma and exhaustion of this fateful day.

It's been 4 months since my birth, my name is Aiden and I was raised by my foster mother, who is also my mum's midwife. Her name is Una and apparently, she knows my parents from the church. My mother's name seems to be Kira and my father's Alexander. My father is currently overseas somewhere in Asia to spread and preach his religion. Mother was an educator in an orphanage, before she got bedridden.

"I fear that we can't stay here because the church will try to investigate what happened to you." Sister Una said, talking to herself while looking at me and my mother.

"We have to move towards Aldergrove, I've heard there aren't many people living there, and it's not far from the Belfast train station." Una said, with a sad face.

'I don't know if Mother is conscious about her surroundings and the people around her. Hopefully, we will find an unbiased and good hospital in Aldergrove or Belfast.' I thought back then, with a tingle of hope and faith.

Una remembered something, "I have to write a letter to Alex about our situation." She whispered to herself, with a panicking face.


I would be happy if you correct my writing style, like grammatically-wise or repetitions of certain words. Seriously don't hold back. Also, tell me if some facts are wrong, but keep in mind, that I will change things if it's convenient for the story. Peace out and have a nice day.

I am really having fun here, so I would like to see if that's the case, for you all too. Show it by comments and general feedback. Tell me how you like the length, is the quality and quantity ratio good?

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