
Times gone by : Discovering

Just before he fell and hit the floor something held him but there was no one just a glow around his body as he slowly fell.

The boy fell as gently as a feather and hit the floor and as he did he opened his eyes in wonder as to why he wasn't hurt, {what was the glow} he thought to himself, Just as he was getting up something fell and broke near him and just like that a chain reaction begun, Things started felling and breaking making loud noises, *clang* then another *bang* and then right on top of him came a glass cookie jar just about to hit him in the head, He closed his eyes and covered them with his hands expecting to get hurt.

Nothing happened.... nothing... not a thing was heard expect the sound of footsteps running.

[ Mom Point of view ]

" well it was good talking to you again so please do come again," I said smiling to my good friend Emma as it was a short but delightful chat.

"Well it was a good time even though it was short it was fun, So I'll try to come more often Elizabeth," Emma replied to me before she turned and walked to her car and got in, and as she drove away she waved goodbye to me and me waving back with a smile.

*Bang* I heard something breaking in the house and thinking of what it was I ran back in, stopped and listened to where it came from, I heard another *clang* from the kitchen and ran to the kitchen door and looked into it.

[ Theodore Point of view ]

I heard nothing but footsteps running, I opened my eyes and looked up to what was supposed to fall on me, It was floating above me " What is this?" and moved away a step and put my hands half way down and * whooos* it moved down but stopped as my hands stopped, I looked at my hands and saw a light glow around me, I tried to think about what it was, I tried to experiment with it, I wanted to move it up, * whoos* and up it went, then down and down it followed.

I realized that I heard about this from the books my mom read to me on bed time, Now what was it called again? some magik no it was more like magic, yes magic... it was called magic, "what happened?" came a shout from behind me frighting me, and stopping the magic that stopped the the jar from dropping, *bang* the jar fell and broke, I slowly turned around to see my mom starring at me in worry.

" Are you okay?" she ran to me and asked checking to see if my hurt, A few minutes went by and seeing as i wasn't hurt she hugged me, " Mommy did you see?" I asked her an obvious question, she nodded confirming it " was it magic?" i Asked another Question this time she looked me in the eyes and said "I don't know but it probably is".