
Winter Remains

The seemingly never ending winter chills the cold coarpses of the world. North Korea had set of a chain reaction, causing all country's to create and use nuclear bombs, leaving the world in a frozen ash state. Nico Kreiger was a survivor, barely surviving in an old bunker made by his grandparents. when a mysterious person opens the bunker and finds a child, he takes him in, teaching him how to survive in the neverending wastes of the world.

Suchikawa · Ação
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2 Chs

Well Informed

"Hahaha! We hit the jackpot today! Boy's, get the-" The muffled voice was cut of by a loud Bang. Another booming noise left a voice screaming.

"Sh*t, take cover!" one said.

"Where the hell is he!?" another yelled

"We need to get out. The confirmation will happen soon." A calm person said. Their footsteps were bairly heard as they retreated, shooting like maniacs. All the noise forced Nico awake. Grabbing the closest thing to a weapon, an old bat. He readied for a fight.


The entrance swung open. Someone quickly jumped down and closed it. They grabbed various things to make a blockade of some sort.

TAP... TAP... TAP...

Nico violently swung at the person. The bat blew up into splinters like being bashed into a brick wall. The person threw a punch that hit Nico in the jaw. He was sent flying and violently hitting the ground. shakily, he got up, raising his hands and making an awkward stance.

A women walked her way towards the half dead Nico. Even the wind would push him down.

"I'm only here to hide for a few hours so go sit somewhere and leave me alone." her voice was dead.

"Why would you even need to hide? with your strength alone you could kill a man." Nico said, falling back and nearly doing a roll.

"Jesus, how long have you been in this sh*t hole? Do you even know what shadows are? What about Tombs and cities?" She started raising her voice in concern.

He shook his head, responding with "I have been down here for awhile, you are the first person I have spoken to in years. To keep my sanity I have made friends of my own." Nico raised his hand and pointed to a pile of objects with crudely drawn faces, some were cans, others were odd figures that had trinkets hanging off them.

The lady sighs, and says "Guess we have a long lesson."

Shadows - Beings that apeared shortly after the bombs fell. Everyone has a unique shadow that watches and helps the person. weather it's a few extra bullets or a unlocked gate, their main purpose has been to help the person. When a person dies, their shadow runs towards the corpse to confirm their death. This process is called confirmation. once this happens anybody nearby will be hunted and killed, leading to a cycle of death. once someone looks like they are about to die, they are often sent far away to save as much people as possible.

Tomb - cities that have been destroyed by human, shadow, or natural means. They have been closed of and abandoned, many treasures could be found as long as its finder can survive. Tombs are named based of of the city.

Cities - large populated areas underground, often in train stations, military facilities or other buildings large enough to hold the population. Cities are named based on a letter and 2 following numbers.

Ten minutes of detailed explanations passed Like a journalist, Nico whipped out a note pad and stated writing furiously. Less than a minute After the Explanation, small tapping noises echoed through the shelter. Suddenly a voice apeared.

"please let us in, it is cold out here." It sounded like a child with a British accent. Nico got up, hesitantly approaching the entrance. The women suddenly grabbed Him and covered his mouth.


Suddenly the girls soft voice turned into an ear piercing screech. It kept banging and banging, leaving visible dents into the hard iron latch

"Let me in you bastards! You dare kill my player! Do you know what you have done? I have lost everything because of you." it started turning brittle before screaming once more.

"Or was it you? Did you F*cking break the rules and kill him!" A fight broke out, presumably between shadows. Nico was about to speak but was shut down immediately. The lady had put her finger against her lips.

The fight was fought for hours, eventually coming to a stop.

"Please dont kill us, it isn't our fault!" They yelled in harmony. A few seconds of silence ended with screaming and snapping of bodies. A sudden wave of rain tapped at the Entrance.

Many hours later, the lady finally spoke,

"My name is Maya, if you want to learn about the new world, find your way to Tomb C 09. I'll be your mentor as long as you survive long enough to get there." She walked away waving her hand. While climbing up Maya grabbed a mask on her side and covered her face. White powder fell and she was out.

The adrenaline Had worn off. Nico drooped down and crawled to his bed. Pain had started without any sign of stopping. Trying to hold back the tears was fruitless, His eyes were a flooded dam.

I hate that I have to make an entire chapter of information, in the coming chapters I'll try to let you figure it out by reading Nico's experiences.

Now that school is over for me expect at least 1 chapter a week. I still have to work so that is why it takes me so long.

Suchikawacreators' thoughts