
Chapter Twenty-Six

My mother's corpse was too heavy to carry. I stared at it for several minutes, irritated. Finally, a thought came to me.

I hurried to the small shed behind the house. Long green grass now covered the path, dividing the cottage from the shed.

It was a difficult task to weave my way through the tough elephant grass and it was another struggle, dragging the small wheelbarrow into the house.

However, I found it quiet easy to place my dead mother into the wheelbarrow. She weighed almost nothing. I threw a blanket over her body and marched to the woods with it.

I was not going to bury my mother anywhere near the cottage. Her evil soul would scare away potential buyers.

The tyre of the wheelbarrow got stuck between two rocks. I cursed.

She wasn't even a good mother. I didn't know why I was going through all this burden of burying her when I could simply dump her body in the woods for the foxes to find.