
Wings of Myth

Myths, monsters, and heroes, some believe these are nothing but fallacies created by the imagination of aspiring children looking for something to believe in. Others believe these may have existed and hope to uncover the lost past of our world. However, these are merely hopes of the ones who are watched, the unforutnute beings that call themselves humans. Let me tell you the true story and help you unveil the truth of this world.

Amy_pass · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


"Looks like we have some runners!"

Looking up towards the sky I can see the one who caused all of this, Pastel, the Diety of Duality. She's the one who caused over 150 souls to perish just because they didnt get a cusion to fall on, she's the one who-

"Someone's getting a little loud in there, although it wastes a ton of dinvinity reading minds is a very useful ability."

Shit. I forgot she had that ability, stupid fucking witch.

"What do you want anyways she-witch"

"Be more nice to me ya-know! Anyways it's no fun if you just run and hide with your little friend there so i'm going to add a punishment"

"What do you mean! This trial is to survive! Why do we get a punishment for doing what you want?!"

Pastel starts laughing uncontrollably, that sinister smile that haunts me to my core comes back.

"Yes, you are surviving so to speak, but I never said that was the trial"

Her grin intensifies

How did I miss thiss, I know what type of person she is and yet I keep doing this shit!

Pastels wings spread out as feathers drop, imp-looking demons form from seemingly nothing.

"I will give you a helping hand just this once, you know to maintain my balance. Duality is important after all."

"The fuck, you think this shit is helpful?"

"Of course! Toodles now, ive got to find more roaches- I mean souls to "help". "

I watch as she flies away, suprised by how Atel is still asleep, although I wouldn't put it past Pastel to knock him out.

"Atel! Wake your ass up we got problems!"

"What man, i'm tryna sleep."

"Maybe open your eyes instead of dreaming shit-eater"

"That's not very nice of you- oh, I see"


"Yeah yeah"

Vines appeared from the ground and trapped the demons, appaled I look back at atel.

"Thats a new one!"

"Yeah yeah, hurry up and kill them"

"With what?"

A sword made of vines appears on the ground, annoyed I stare over at Atel who's snickering to himself, this fucking guy.

I lunge foward to slice off their heads, but as I have NEVER weilded a sword, and an insight that Atel must have forgot, the sword doesnt do much and falls out of my hands.

"How the fuck did you miss?"

I can feel Atel's annoyance as I try to grab the sword again. The demons must have gotten bored because they started chewing through the vines. It took me a minute to realize that this man used vines, which are surprisingly easy to break through, to hold them down.

"Zora! Watch out!"

As he yells out, a dreading headache starts to form as I start hearing things.

"I**u** watch out! Don't go t*o h*g*"


My last words before losing consciousness.

Woken up by a searing pain in my legs and stomach, trying to figure out whats going on and why I'm in pain I start to look around. Around me lies a metal cage, beyond that lays a camp with those demons from before. Switching over to my pain, theres two rods sticking through my calves, a grotesque sight indeed. I dont see a sword or knife in my chest but there is a blood stained banadge there. I suppose they want to keep me alive to eat me whole. Shit, wheres Atel when you need him.

*Crackle* *Crackle*

Looking over to see the origin of the noise, I found who I was looking for. Atel was nailed to a cross, burning, screaming, and crying for help. I can't move, I want to help but I cant. All the demons are cackling, finding entertainment in our agony. I destest them, I destest that witch. Once again I find myself useless and broken. I cant live like this, I hate them, I hate them all, I hate- (A slight cry in his voice is heard)

I hate me.

[New Trial: Murder]

[Quest details:]

[- Avenge your comrade and murder those who inflicted you pain]

[ 0/*? Dead]

[Rewards: ]

[Promotion to *****]

[Dark Gem]

I know what I had to do.

i know there are some punctuation errors, especially with the word can’t. I feel its more appealing if I use cant rather then the correct cant (also saves me some time :P)

Amy_passcreators' thoughts