
Wings of Myth

Myths, monsters, and heroes, some believe these are nothing but fallacies created by the imagination of aspiring children looking for something to believe in. Others believe these may have existed and hope to uncover the lost past of our world. However, these are merely hopes of the ones who are watched, the unforutnute beings that call themselves humans. Let me tell you the true story and help you unveil the truth of this world.

Amy_pass · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


Their closing in, killing those paralyzed by their own fear. The devil left us to die. As I wait for my inevitable death, I can hear someone yelling in the distance.

"Zora! Get your ass up, let's go!"

Ah, I forgot all about Atel, to think hes still somewhat cool headed…

"Wake up Zora!"

Why does he keep shaking me? We're doomed anyways.

"Fuck it, im just gotta take you by force"

Roots start rising from the ground and circle up in a ball, theres a rope attached to it too. Being dragged isnt the nicest feeling to be honest, but theres no point in complaining when we are destined to die by the hands at that devil witch. I'm not sure where Atel is taking me though, but again it's a waste of time. Even if we survive this trial- Wait, survive, that's right! The trail is to survive, not to kill them! I had to yell just for Atel to hear me.

"Where are you taking us Atel!"

"Honestly, im not sure where but, I guess anywhere is better than that!"

Great, he has no idea where to go. Wait a minute, how did he manipulate plants anyways? Is that how he survived?

"Hey Atel, gotta ask how can you manipulate plants?"

"Honestly, Im not sure myself. When we fell there were plants that cusioned my fall."

"Do you think that has anything to do with your name color"

"It's a posibility."

If his name is green and his element is plants that adds up, but what does purple mean? Shadows? Death? Poison? Who knows.

"System, pull up stat sheet please"

[Stat Sheet Requested]

[Request… Approved.]

I have to request to see it now? Who am I even requesting to?

[Name: Zora Occupation: ********* ]

[Stats: Ancient Name: ******]

[STR: 4 DIV: 0]

[SPD: 6 INT: 8]

[DEX: 2 Race: Lowly Soul]

[New information aquired! Would you like to view it?]

Asking me this time? Go for it


[Element: Null]

[Trait: Can cho*** an ***** based off ************ found, can only be ******* once every ********]

[Data Corrupted]

"Hey uh, Atel"

"What's up"

"I know my element now, it's Null? Whatever that means, but it also says something else but I cant see it yet."

"What do you mean you cant see it?"

"It's all censored or blocked"

"Huh, intresting."

I was too busy making out my screen to notice where I was and how long had passed. I still don't know how long we have to wait.

Looking up at the stars, if thats what those even are, we did fall into a hole after all, time seemed to slow and almost be peaceful. However, great things never stay around for you to enjoy them. And we would figure this out all too soon.

I felt like this chapter was lackluster, let me know if I need to work on anything or if something doesnt make sense.

Amy_passcreators' thoughts