
Wings of Myth

Myths, monsters, and heroes, some believe these are nothing but fallacies created by the imagination of aspiring children looking for something to believe in. Others believe these may have existed and hope to uncover the lost past of our world. However, these are merely hopes of the ones who are watched, the unforutnute beings that call themselves humans. Let me tell you the true story and help you unveil the truth of this world.

Amy_pass · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs



[Ancient System Online]

[Welcome user # 5213 of patch # 831, your new name will be assigned shortly…]

[New name assigned: Cain]

[Color assigned: Blue]

[Element assigned: Sub Element of Water, Ice]

Woken up by a bright light, I feel deluded as an angelic figure descends from above me. Her beauty is unmatched and her gaze stares into my soul with a warm feeling of comfort.

"My name is Pastel, the Deity of Duality. I welcome you all to the Garden of Eden."

Her voice was as angelic as her looks, a pure maiden indeed.

"Here in Eden, you will learn to hone your Ancient System to it's full most capabilities."

The only thing running through my mind was her beauty, it's almost mesmerizing…

"Now little hatchlings, I will guide you onto the path of divinity."

She let out a soft, welcoming grin as I followed closely behind her, I must have looked like a dog following his owner as she left out a soft laugh.

After walking for about 10 minutes we reach the start of a stairwell that ascends a tall mountain with no top in sight. I must have been mesmerized by the angel in front of me to ignore it's excientance all this time.

"Do not be appalled by the amount of stairs, it is but a decoration."

She talked calmly while guiding us, like a mother caring for her child. Suddenly a warm feeling surrounds me as a faint yellow light lifts all 50 of us up the mountain. After ascending for what feels like forever, we reach the top and are met with an appallingly gorgeous sight. A palace that overlooks a city made of white and gold, and a bell a top that palace that reminds anyone and everyone the nature of their pure life. While gawking at the sight, the saint named Pastel (the same deity of duality) spoke once more.

"Welcome children, to your new home, the Hanging Gardens of Eden. If you follow me, I will show you to your new home in this sanctuary."

Our little duckling group of 50 follows her closely, making sure not to get lost. She led us successfully to our dorms and I settled into my new home. The outside looked gorgeous just like all the other buildings in the town; however the inside reminded me of a cozy log cabin… What's a log cabin anyways? I guess it just felt right to say…

"Dear children of light, please come down to the lounge area."

A voice echoed in my head, the mannerisms seemed like Pastel was calling us. Losing my original train of thought, I headed down to the lobby to see what was going on.

"I hope your new home is treating you well."

She talked cheerfully as we all entered, the only title to describe Pastel was a saint.

"Anyways , to start your training you will be enrolled into a swordsman/deity academy. Here you will learn how to defend yourself and make use of your own system. As your ranking in the academy go up, so will your promotion into a higher class or race as you can also call it. My little fletchling souls good luck on your training, and I will meet with you once you have learned enough."

With another flash of light, she was gone. I knew it wasn't for good but, it still hurt to watch her go. While I might not be sure what my purpose is in this plane of existence, all I can think to do is what she recommends, as she is my guide of the light. As I walked back to my dorm I noticed a wanted poster, kind of odd with this seemingly perfect world…

The poster read: Zora, wanted dead or alive.