
Fight to the death

Xavier was in a tight spot. Although he came here knowing the way out, the exits were covered with titanium plating of the 'safety' doors activated from the control room of his soon-to-be captors.

Twin mountains stood apart, separated through a vast casm known only as 'the canyon beneath the tower' - the tower in question being the Wizard tower - the most famous and popular Wonder of the world. Upon the lofty mountain peak rested an even loftier tower, the Wizard tower - a symbol of absolute rulership of the entire continent!

At the foot of the tower - before the canyon beneath the tower - stood our protagonist, Xavier Goods, son of Rex Goods. Trapped and cornered, he is about to - albeit accidentally - reverse his fate and step onto the path of the True Dragon God's - a heritage once hidden deep within his bone marrow - a heritage which as he takes a perilous jump off the cliff, activates, producing wings of hollow gold, entrancing the surrounding guards and shocking the nearby reporters and news anchors.

The son of Adam, once falling to become a new brand of meat paste - soars higher than the highest point of the Wizard tower looking down upon the entire continent!

Xavier almost fainted from shock as he struggled to adapt to his new heights. WHAT THE FxxK JUST HAPPENED, Xavier screamed internally.

Ok okay, this is gonna end alright I just need to escape, Xavier Goods thought to himself after a good moment or two - time that could cost him his life!

Turning away from the tower, Xavier took flight and seemingly perfectly soared away, shocking the newly alerted Wizard within his High Chamber of his lofty tower. Not knowing that Xavier was an enemy, he let him pass into the sunrise, carving a deep impression in his faintly pulsing heart.

Along the horizon Xavier travelled, changing direction twice, only to stop and land to hole up in the ground, for fear of falling asleep midair.

After checking his skin, his wings retracted, merging with his spine and remaining as plate armor along his spine.

Checking again, Xavier was feeling excruciatingly confounded. What manner of weird luck had brought him to this place? Firstly, he raided the lower towers' locker rooms to regain his family heirloom - along with a fortune in minor cultivation treasures - an unforgivable sin in the eyes of the surveillance guards in the Control Room of the lower tower. Secondly, he just killed eight guards whilst exiting the premises. These two sins were enough to enter the wanted lists of every country in the continent!

Despite this, he escaped with his activated bloodline that he never knew he had - a miracle if nothing more - and God Only Knows if he could have survived without it!

After removing the treasures from his item ring, he started measuring his loot in high grade spirit stones.

This is the beginning of a new era! Dragons shalt reclaim what we lost to the Wizards! long live the emperor goods!

summon_newcreators' thoughts