
Wings of Division

"Welp, I'm daydreaming again. It was hard snapping out of a daydream realizing that everything is not real. It's just the opposite."

Q_U_E_E_N · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 4

I was crestfallen that I didn't find Rhain. I was practically dying for answers that swarmed in my head, giving me a massive headache. I could feel the special "medicine" wearing off, making me feel once again, weak.

It had been a crazy couple days, well crazy for me at least. Now that I actually started to talking to another human, well griffin. I realized that in their prospective, everyday of my life is probably crazy. Rhain seems to live somewhere wealthy, maybe he lives with a bunch of other griffins, where they all fend for each other. That sounds like a pretty nice life. But he said something about "pie". I had no idea what he meant, all I know is it's some sort of food. I've never heard of such food. Did it grow on a bush? Or maybe a tree? Or did you plant a seed in the ground and you had to dig it up once it was ready? It seems like I have a lot more to explore in this world and a lot more to understand.

I had to find Rhain. There were so many questions that I was positive he could answer. If only he told me where he was going or maybe give me directions to his home. It was almost suspicious that he saved me and then left. Maybe he thought I was weird or something. I was so weak and fragile compared to him. Rhain most of thought I had some sort of issues, which I kinda do. Whatever pains I have don't seemed to be normal. At least, Rhain didn't seem to have it. Maybe it was normal for my kind, whatever my kind may be.

And there came one of my biggest questions. What am I? I've never seen anything like me, Rhain was the only one I looked similar to. Was I the last of my kind? Or maybe my kind lived somewhere far away and I might have gotten abandoned. I shuddered at the thought. It was possible, since I don't remember anything from when I was four or younger. Did my kind kicked me out because I was suffering from all these unexplainable agony? No, I shouldn't start thinking about that. I know absolutely nothing. Period.

The sun was lowering down into the sea now, warning me I only had a little bit of daylight left to find shelter for the night. I would make a temporary home just for the night.

I found a fairly large aspen tree that had a big enough hole in it that I could squeeze in and sleep. It grew In the center of a grassy field. It would be a little uncomfortable, no doubt, but I'd survive, maybe be lucky to catch a couple hours of sleep.

I began to hear crickets chirping and buzzing and owls hooting and swooping through the navy blue sky. The night creatures were coming out to rule the night.

I climbed inside the tree trunk, peeking my head out to watch the first star appear. I smiled, made a silent wish, then cuddled up in the small area given. I shifted once or twice, finally getting into a comfortable position.

I jerked awake serval times that night, my sleeping pattern changing. But by the time the sun had woken up and decided to rise, I had gotten six hours of sleep, a lot for my body. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and tried to stretch, but due to the lack of space I had, I wasn't too successful. The sun was seeping into the hollow trunk which my eyes had to adjust to.

"Ahhh," I mumbled, feeling the sun's warmth on my pale skin. The night had been cold and with the opening of theme trunk it exposed my to the chilly air.

I climbed out of the trunk into the day's light. I stretched my wings, taking a step forward. But then the ground beneath me collapsed and the air was suck out of my lungs as I fell into the darkness.