
no rest

Diligence..is taking care of oneself to reach what

you want.the time factor is important in an individual life.to always be inspired with yourself

this is to reach the goal.time is of a lifetime. if you

waste it,life is lost. but the life is easy withal.

opportunities and time,which is what matters to

us.men in ancient times used to think and explore for this reason, ancient civilzations were

built by men,whether pharaonic Roman or Greek.

all of this flows in one way, man or a woman. but

about what meant by himself from his existence

that you be ,whatever your appearance,religion.

or colore ,all of this is not important only way,you

are human, reach your goals. time is available to

get and also find yourself, this is golden opportunity now, don't be late, take every moment

in your life as important times same any body you

love than you find yourself again..

the end