
Windows of The Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, woman in her twenties with a slim figure, an alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in the corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirties, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded by women enamored by his handsome, stunning good look, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but overbearing - he demands compliance from everyone; his word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations and another man whom she thought would be her lasting love. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

Rielle's Battle

Chapter Sixty-Seven

She has to change her personality to what she was before and now. She must become determined, tenacious, aggressive, and relentless so no one can influence or underestimate her person.

The following morning of Thursday, Donna called Rielle, telling her that she and Drew had already checked in at a hotel and were ready to meet her to discuss her plan of filing an annulment of her civil wedding with Hyun-Ki. They met at the hotel, seriously discussing her case over coffee. Donna was soothing Rielle when she was narrating the events that took place when Hyun-Ki was suffering from depression and his frustration of losing his lifework, his fears of getting blind and paralyzed permanently. He left her lonely in the Han Mansion without even bidding her goodbye, not caring to ask his brother how she was while he was leaving the mansion. She told them that despite his rude and insensitive behavior of going her ultimately, she was hopefully waiting for his return one day. Even if there was no communication between them, she hung on with that love she best cared for in her heart, including the half-moon necklace he gave her. And then, when she was ready to start a new life after gradually picking up her damaged self, Hyun-Ki returned.

She felt that her love for Hyun-Ki waned after many months of waiting; she never thought she would eventually get tired and give up. Only hurt and anger replaced her once tireless heart and mind for Hyun-Ki when he returned because he showed no remorse but only over-confidence that Rielle was still waiting for him unconditionally.

"Is there someone in your life now, Rielle?" Donna asked her suddenly. Unguarded by Donna's question, Rielle paused and thought for a while, then softly, she said.

"I came to like someone else, but I am unsure if it is love. I don't know what love is anymore, Donna." Rielle was misty-eyed because she suddenly caught Akio in her thoughts.

"You'll know that when the time comes. Maybe Hyun did not yet heal that pain in your heart, and now that the man who inflicted that pain is here, that will be the time you'll discern and discover to whom you'll open up for love…." Donna said encouragingly.

Attorney Drew with Rielle went to the City Hall for her annulment application. The court clerk said he would send a summon to Mr. Han Hyun-Ki to give him a chance to defend his person, and then both parties would face the presiding judge of the annulment case served to him.

"Very indeed, Rielle, Hyun-Ki won't move without a fight. You said that he left a word that he won't give you up, so you have to be firm in your determination to fight him at all costs," advised Drew.

Later that afternoon, Hyun-Ki received a summon from the court clerk. He was shocked to learn that Rielle filed an annulment case against him. He was so mad, almost tearing up the demand, but he took a grasp of himself and called his lawyer. The lawyer, Attorney Alberta Tan, and Hyun-Ki had brainstormed about the case. Hyun-ki gave all the proof needed to make a strong stand in his defense – the surveillance he caused on Rielle, the conversations he had with the detective when he lost Rielle on his radar, and, importantly, his desire to return for her.

"Attorney, I don't want to lose Rielle. I am very much in love with her, and that love never waned even when I was in Korea, even when the detective told me that she had gone to another country, and this was why I returned immediately here because he informed me that he had found Rielle. It would help if you did everything you could to win this case. I am not giving her up!" Hyun-ki was determined to win Rielle over him as his wife.

A few days after the summon for both parties' appearance, Rielle was with her lawyer, Drew, and Hyun-Ki with his lawyer; Attorney Tan was seated at a long table facing each other while the presiding judge, Judge Rubio, was at the head of the long table. The judge was reviewing both sides' cases, and then he spoke:

"Mr. Han Hyun-Ki's defense was due to his accident; he returned to Korea and left the Misses to focus on his treatment to lessen the wife's suffering.

"And on the side of the wife, the wife's deliberation was Mr. Han abandoned her without settling things amicably with her, refusing to talk with her, consistently abusing her with his words, planning to divorce her, and never cared to say goodbye before he left, leaving her distraught and in painful agony.

"This case could be a minor one of normal indifferences that can still be worked out. The issue here was due to the accident in which the husband was saving the wife from the burden of their suffering but had no real intention of abandoning Miss Calma by putting her under surveillance because he wanted to protect her. And in the case of the wife, her distress was brought about by hurt pride, and the proof was the necklace gifted to her by Mr. Han that she kept wearing, showing that she was hanging in the hope that her husband would return or else she could have forgotten him and lived with another man. In other words, hurt, pride, and heartbreak angered her, but that anger was insufficient to ask for an annulment since the husband never left her for another woman. Therefore, I decided to let both parties settle this amicably by going back together and renewing their bond. I will give both of you six months to fix your indifferences with the help of a family psychologist. And if within six months, there was no progress in your living together, useless as one puts it, and the wife who initiated this annulment indeed decides a failure in marriage, her application for annulment may be considered. As for now, this case is dismissed." Ruled the presiding judge.

Hyun-Ki was in high spirits about the judge's decision, while Rielle felt like being thrown into a fire pit. She couldn't believe that the judge seemed emphatic with Hyun-Ki when she got the worst burden one could ever imagine! The more she became indifferent and angry, Andrew comforted her, telling her to take control of herself and look at the brighter side of things.

"Who knows, Rielle, there must still be a chance for both of you to fix your relationship since Hyun-Ki loved you very much. Like when you quarreled in the past, you were back in each other's arms because your love was intense and powerful. Rielle remained quiet for a while; her thoughts were full of worries and fear. Then he saw Hyun-Ki coming towards them.

"You have to come with me now, Rielle. We'll get your things from your apartment, and let us start again?" said Hyun mildly, showing a contented smile.

"Why in a hurry, as if I'm running away? Let me have this day with my sister and my attorney brother-in-law. We will celebrate my lost battle." Rielle said indignantly.

"You lost no battle, Rielle. This decision was for both of us; we have to work out our marriage because I believe there's a chance for us both to make it through. Let us give both a chance." Explained Hyun modestly.

"I admired your self-confidence, Hyun. As I previously said, let me spend time with my sister and brother-in-law and for myself too. We'll talk tomorrow." Rielle said and left with Drew, leaving Hyun bitter about Rielle's attitude of resentment.

After spending time with Donna and Drew, Rielle went home and tried to assess the judge's ruling and the chances for both her and Hyun-Ki. Rielle knew deep inside that her pride was not hurt, but she was hurt because Hyun considered her soft-hearted and forgiving; that was why he was so confident that Rielle would always take him back and love him no matter what. And now, Rielle wanted to change that. Rielle has to prove to him that she is no longer the same Rielle who always understands, is always ready to forgive, has a soft heart, and is kind. Rielle must change to become determined, aggressive, and persistent so no one can influence or underestimate her person. And she assured herself that Hyun-Ki would see those changes in her.

Morning came. Rielle woke up by continuous knocking on her door. Rattled though she was, she put up a belligerent attitude. Hyun-Ki's men were at her door and were apologetic for having realized that the mistress of the house was elegant and so beautiful despite her aggressive look this morning.

"Forgive us, ma'am, for our intrusive behavior, knocking without consideration of others; we were here to help you with your belongings, for today you must move into your house, being the wife of our CEO. Two maidservants are here to assist you with your luggage, ma'am."

Neighbors were disturbed by the heavy taps on Rielle's door and became curious and nosy about the goings-on at Rielle's apartment. One woman was interested, and upon learning that Rielle was the wife of a powerful and very wealthy CEO, the neighbors were awed and envious, then wondered why she was living an ordinary life when she was, after all, rich and powerful.

Following were two sedans behind Rielle's limousine, while two were afront as if royalty was passing the highway. Hyun-Ki ordered how they must serve Rielle. And bodyguards must be around her all the time, though invisible to her sight, so as not to make her uneasy or uncomfortable.

Maidservants bowed to greet her upon her entrance to the mansion, and Hyun-Ki walked toward to meet her in open arms. Rielle fended off his arms and walked straight into the foyer, where the walls made of travertine stone accent and several artworks surrounded the hall. And as she entered the living space, the floors and walls were made of marble. The living room was very bright because glass windows and sliding doors surrounded it, and it had easy access to the swimming pool and patio. Her eyes shifted from where she stood in the direction of the dining area with glass windows and a sliding glass door leading to where she wondered. As Rielle led to her room, she passed to a family area where one could see the outside through sliding glass windows. The maid opened the door and extended her hand, showing her the room. She entered the main bedroom with a king-size bed and a walk-in closet with a vanity area. The room had its classy wall accent and vast space for a lounging area, a teevee, and access to the balcony to see the fantastic community view.

"Is this my room?" she asked in awe, the maidservant following her.

"Yes, ma'am, yours and master Hyun-Ki." She replied. Rielle didn't like the idea and said she preferred the room she slept in when she fainted weeks ago. The room Rielle mentioned was on the ground floor, close to the living room. It had a beautiful wall accent, and the windows were also glass, where one could see the view of the garden. The room had its bathroom and a queen size bed, and Rielle thought it 'perfect' for her.

Hyun-Ki was against Rielle's choice. He would prefer Rielle to be with him in the main room.

"How could we fix our marriage if we have different rooms, Rielle?" opposed Hyun-Ki.

"And what, you expect me to jump in bed with you at once and make love just like that? What do you think of me, easily flattered with your flowery words, and compliment me with bouquets to have me at your fingertips? No, sir, you have to earn it to have me again." Rielle remarked with determination.

Hyun-Ki realized the significant change in Rielle. The Rielle he knew was affectionate, soft-hearted, and giving. Now, he sees a new Rielle, determined and having this tenacity in her. He thought of letting go in the meantime and decided to woo her again.

Rielle changed her personality from a sweet, forgiving, and soft-hearted person to someone who can be tenacious, persistent, and aggressive. Enjoy your reading.

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