
Windows of The Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, woman in her twenties with a slim figure, an alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in the corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirties, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded by women enamored by his handsome, stunning good look, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but overbearing - he demands compliance from everyone; his word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations and another man whom she thought would be her lasting love. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

I'm Getting Back What Was Mine

Chapter Forty-Three

"Should I have to teach you what to do in this particular case? Give me what I want, and there won't be any problem with our bank-client agreement.

At the CEO's Office, Hyun-Ki could not focus on his work, swinging his pen with his fingers, looking at his watch, and pacing the floor. All of his thoughts were in Rielle. He was wondering if it was right for him to let go of Rielle from her job as his EA and if he was happy to let her work in another company. When the Head of Human Resources, Mrs. Miranda, came to get his approval, he was full of thoughts.

"Mr. Han, I will send an advertisement in the newspapers for the new hiring of an Executive Assistant in place of Gabrielle. I need your signature for your approval, Sir." Mrs. Miranda was handing the paper for his signature. Mr. Han took the form, folded it, and said:

"When did I ask for an EA, Mrs. Miranda? I don't remember making that request." Mr. Han Hyun-Ki said in a cold tone.

"But you usually make a request whenever an EA resigns, isn't it, Sir?" Mrs. Miranda stressed. "But did I make a request now?" asked Mr. Han Hyun-Ki. The Head of Human Resources turned her head to say no. "Then why do you become presumptuous now that I needed one?" Mr. Han looked at Mrs. Miranda with furrowed brows.

"I do not need one, and I do not have the intention to replace Miss Gabrielle, Mrs. Miranda." Mr. Han was decisive in his tone. "I can get along without one. What's the use of the two secretaries in my Office? Miss Gabrielle already trained them, so no need." Stressed Mr. Han. Mrs. Miranda left the CEO's Office hoping things would work well for him without an EA. Mr. Han called for Louie and Alexis, informing them that beginning today, they would act as his assistants in his Office since he has no plan of replacing Rielle. The two secretaries agreed to their boss' decision although having some second thoughts if they could be effective.

Hwan Chul paid Hyun-Ki a visit in his Office. He was trying to feel his brother's condition about his work. "When are you going to get another EA, Hyeong?" asked Hwan supposing with curiosity. "I am not getting any. I can get through. No one can replace Rielle." Hyun-ki directly said. Hwan Chul felt worried for his brother, thinking that it was more complicated than he expected for his brother to cast aside his feelings for Rielle.

"I am here, bro if you need my help." Advised Hwan Chul. Unbeknownst to them all, Hyun-Ki had no intention of letting them know that he and Rielle were back together, not yet anyway, was Hyun-Ki's thoughts. Then a call came.

"Hello, Sweetheart, I'm still here at the bank. I will have an orientation today about the policies and procedures of the company and my work. I passed the interview, Hyun!" Rielle was excited about imparting the news to Hyun-Ki. Hyun-Ki pretended he was happy about Rielle's success in passing the interview, but he thought Rielle was slowly getting far from his chance to convince her to come back as his EA.

"What time will you be off at work? Can you get out for lunch today, Rielle?" asked Hyun-Ki. "I don't think so because I have to get to know my colleagues here. We have a canteen where I can have lunch, so we'll meet at seven, okay?" Hyun-Ki felt downcast, but he has to accept Rielle's decision. And in the meantime, he has to focus on his business until he can find a way to get Rielle back.

Evening came; Hyun-ki and Junie were waiting for Rielle at the car park. While waiting, Hyun-Ki told Junie that no one must know either at home or in the Office that he and Rielle were back together. Although he cannot understand Mr. Han's reason, he has to abide.

"Junie, go fetch Rielle. Wait for her to go out from that exit gate." Ordered Hyun-Ki. Rielle was off from her training when Drew happened on her, and both walked chatting until they got outside the Office to the exit gate when Rielle saw Junie. Drew was surprised.

"You already called for a cab? I was supposed to ask you to join us for dinner." Having mistaken Junie for a cab driver whom Rielle called. Junie smirked.

"Oh, it's all right, Drew. Maybe next time? See you tomorrow!" And Rielle quickly ran to where Junie showed the way, while Drew did not take off his eyes on Rielle and Junie until he lost sight of them.

Hyun-Ki went out of the car when she saw Rielle running to his car. He quickly embraced her, making her feel his embrace as if he had missed her, while Junie looked the other way concerning their relationship.

"Missed me that much already?" said Rielle meekly.

"I am not sure how long I can handle this, Rielle. I am used to having you around with me." Hyun-Ki said while Rielle saw his eyes filled with misery. Rielle clasped his hand and kissed his cheek.

"Come on, Hyun, the night is inviting and alluring. Are we going to spoil it?" Rielle's smile was enticing. "I want to be alone with you tonight, Rielle." Hyun-Ki looked at her gently yet insistent.

"Hyun-Ki, not tonight, please. Let us have dinner instead; I'm hungry." Rielle was trying to put Hyun-Ki's mind off her. She pulled him inside the car and instructed Junie to go to their favorite restaurant. Hyun-Ki hangs his elbow on the car seat, facing Rielle; he says, "I'll let this slide tonight, Rielle, and tomorrow is Friday; I want you to be with me." And Rielle held his arm and said, "You'll have me tomorrow, Hyun. Happy now?" Then he hugged Hyun to appease him.

Meanwhile, Hwan paid a visit to Nancy. Hwan Chul opened up about his worry about his brother. "Since his return from his vacation, I could feel his remorse, and he was always silent; he was always deeply absorbed in thought, and when he was at home, I could not reach out to him."

"Are you sure that's how you have seen your brother since his vacation? How could that be?" Nancy was weighing what Hwan Chul was saying and the conversation between her and Rielle during her vacation, and Hwan Chul was puzzled by Nancy's reaction.

"As far as I know, Rielle was halved between a decision of reconciling with Hyun or letting him go completely. Have you known where Hyun-Ki was on his vacation, Chul?" asked Nancy. "I knew he flew to Hongkong; why ask?" Chul was wondering about Nancy's abrupt question. "Do you own a resort, Hwan?" came Nancy's next question. "Yes, my family does own a resort, you---" Nancy continued, "that is where Rielle went for a vacation, and that is where Hyun-Ki, too." Added Nancy. "Rielle chose that place because it was close to nature, I mean your hotel, and far from her knowledge, that hotel & resort she chose to spend her vacation happened to be yours, and that's where the two met, unexpectedly." Nancy explicitly narrated.

Hwan was surprised by what Nancy said. Then Hwan Chul became presumptive. "If you are saying that the two probably reconciled, how come Hyun-Ki was acting differently? He was always absorbed with these thoughts. And if they reconciled, Rielle should have returned to her post, but she was not there, although Hyun-Ki told me that he doesn't need anyone to replace Rielle." Hwan was thinking deeply this time, analyzing Hyun-Ki's actions.

"I must talk to Hyun and find out from him what happened. I'll be going now, Nance, and thank you for what you revealed to me." And so, Hwan left, hoping for a chance to talk to Hyun-Ki. Hwan felt good luck because he happened to see his brother by the wine counter and took the opportunity to have a simple chat with him.

"How's your vacation, Hyun? Did everything turn out well? We never spent a little time together since your return." Hyun-Ki stared at him and said, "nothing significant. Why a sudden interest in my vacation, hm?" Asked Hyun, looking drunk. Hwan Chul felt depressed about how Hyun-Ki was acting again. "You didn't pull through your Hongkong plan, bro, did you? instead, you flew to our resort, true?" Hwan Chul was looking deeper at Hyun-Ki, expecting an honest answer. Hyun-Ki looked at his brother ruefully and said, "Yes, I did because I thought I could not reflect and relax there in Hongkong, so I changed my mind and flew to our resort instead. Happy now, namdongsaeng?" Hwan Chul spurred his brother to open up to him. "You met Rielle there by accident, right?" Hyun-Ki looked at his brother, wondering how he found out. "Nancy told me she didn't know anything more unless you told me. Trust me, Hyeong."

"Let us talk about this sometime, okay? I'm not in a good mood to tell you about anything, okay?" Hyun-Ki was somehow annoyed by his brother's insistence, and Hyun-Ki left his brother straight in his bedroom.

It was Friday morning, and Hyun-Ki got up early to fetch Rielle.

"How's your morning, Hyun? You looked as if you never slept at all." Rielle felt worried. "Na-a-a, I'm fine. I'll pick you up for lunch, okay?" Hyun-Ki said, somehow doubtful. "You know I can't do that, Hyun. I am still a trainee. I must learn to socialize with my officemates, and I told you that yesterday, remember? Rielle said, trying to convince him. "Just as I expected, you'll refuse me again." Sulked Hyun-Ki. "I am not refusing you, Hyun; I am just putting sense into you!" Rielle felt agitated. "Okay, okay, who am I not to abide? All right, you won!" Hyun-Ki felt pissed already. "I thought you wanted me to be with you tonight, Hyun; why the sudden sulking here?" asked Rielle, now getting irritated. Hyun-Ki remained to be silent so did Rielle.

Junie reminded Rielle that they were nearing her Office. When Junie stopped the car in front of the lobby, Rielle glanced at Hyun-Ki, who was still quiet. His face looked dark and gloomy. Rielle fidgeted in her seat. Still, Hyun-Ki did not mind her, so rolling her eyes and pursing her lips, she got off, took Junie's hold of the car door, then banged it loudly, which startled Junie, but Hyun-Ki never moved an inch. Rielle thought her day turned subtle because of Hyun's self-centeredness, which made her irritably annoyed. "What to start the day!" she exclaimed angrily.

During the day at work, Rielle was irritable and felt she could not control her agitation. She ran to the Restroom to breathe out her anger at Hyun-Ki's attitude. She ventilated more air to help her cool down, and when she returned to her post, Hyun-Ki was sitting in front of her table, giving out a friendly smile. Rielle sneered at him, and Hyun-Ki stood up and gave his hand courteously.

"Hi, I am Han Hyun-Ki, a businessman, and I wish to open an account with your bank. I hope you can assist me, for I would like to deposit five hundred million." Rielle was shocked, and her officemate was amazed at the amount, so she stood and spoke: "Sir, I am obliged to see you to our Bank Manager for that big amount, if you please," Rielle's colleague was about to move from her chair when Hyun-Ki quickly interrupted her. "I prefer this lovely lady to escort me to your Manager's Office, please?" So, Rielle can't do anything but make Hyun-Ki's request. They were making a few steps along the hallway to the Manager's Office, but Rielle suddenly stopped and talked with Hyun-Ki.

"What are you trying to do, Hyun? Are you going to open an account in this bank? Or are you just making an impression here?" Rielle was showing her annoyance, and both were in the middle of their argument when Drew happened to them. "We-ell, if not the respectable Mr. Han Hyun-Ki, what is the trouble here?" Drew uttered nonchalantly.

Hyun-ki was annoyed, "I never expected nor had in mind that you would be here? Are you giving your services here, too?" he quickly retorted.

"I am the bank's corporate lawyer. And how about you, stalking Rielle?" He deadpanned. Rielle became more relentless to both of them. "Stop it! Do not put me in trouble here!" Rielle said in a worried tone. "Drew, leave us alone for a while. Please!" Drew stepped back, raising his hands with palms open, and turned his back.

"Are you going to introduce me to your Manager or what?" Hyun-Ki was hesitant.

"I don't know your real intention, Hyun, but don't get me in trouble." Rielle squinted her eyes, warning Hyun-Ki. Hyun-ki chuckled. "Far from your suspicions, Rielle Sweetheart. Now, shall we go?" Rielle knocked on the Manager's Office door, introduced Hyun-Ki to Mrs. Liza Echeverria, told her of Mr. Han's interest in being a bank client, and left.

"What is this call for, Mr. Han? It is not true that you come here to open a bank account for you were already our client?" wondered Mrs. Echeverria. Hyun-Ki slumped on the chair shown to him, crossed his leg, his hand playing with the pens on the Manager's table,

"I want to get back what was mine, Mrs. Echeverria." Hyun-Ki sounded serious. Mrs. Echeverria looked puzzled.

"What do you mean getting back what is yours? I do not understand, Mr. Han."

"I'll be straightforward then. Miss Gabrielle Calma was my Executive Assistant and my fiancée. No further explanations, Mrs. Echeverria; all I want is her. I was hoping you could do something about this, or I'll withdraw my personal with my corporation's account and other transactions my company has made. I hope I made myself clear, Mrs. Echeverria?" The bank manager was dumbfounded and astounded by Mr. Han's threat.

"I cannot just fire her out unless she made a grievous mistake, Sir. Rielle was making good progress in her work, and it is against the company policy to terminate an employee without cause, and you know that, Mr. Han." Mrs. Echeverria said explicitly about the matter.

"I understand she was still a trainee, right Mrs. Echeverria?" the bank manager nodded agreeably. "Should I have to teach you what to do in this particular case? Give me what I want, and there won't be any problem with our bank-client agreement. And also, our discussion was strictly between you and me, and nothing has to come out of this Office; I hope I am clearly understood, Mrs. Echeverria." Mrs. Echeverria was at a loss for words, and her mind was disorganized and numbing. "I'll see what I can do, Mr. Han. You will get your EA back soon." She was all she could say at the moment and was grappling for ideas on how she will do this.

Mr. Han Hyun-Ki was satisfied with the discussion with the bank manager but was dismayed when he saw Drew standing near Rielle, hovering over her while they were chatting. Hyun-Ki walked and stood in front of Rielle's desk and gave a grunting sound. Rielle lost her smile when she raised her head to see Hyun-Ki wearing a dark, angry face, and Drew felt threatened.

"Is this what you usually do during work hours, Attorney Drew, mingling with the employees, disturbing their work?" Mr. Hyun-Ki taunted his bent face on Rielle's table and his cold stare at Rielle. Drew looked threateningly at Hyun-Ki, and Rielle said sheepishly to Hyun-Ki, "we were just talking about this one ---" but Hyun flinched and waved his hand to disrupt Rielle, then left in a huff.

Hyun-Ki was doing everything in his power to get Rielle back to his side as his Executive Assistant. Either through cheating or threat, Hyun-Ki was decisive. Will he get what he wants? Keep up with the journey of our characters, my dear readers; we still have a few more to discover.

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