
Win My Husband Over to Find My Child

Witty FL x Adorkable ML + a cute bun + a talking crochet fox ---------- September: On a short hiatus, will resume in October ---------- After the sudden death of her boyfriend, Leslie Song has been single-handedly raising her precious little daughter Calliope. It’s a difficult life, but it’s a happy one. A freak accident puts an end to that. As Leslie lies dying on the road, watching Calliope breathe her last, she curses her helplessness. Calliope’s crochet fox seems to hear her. It opens its mouth and asks, “Do you want to see your daughter again? If so, follow me. Her soul has already left for another world.” Leslie agrees. That’s the last thing she remembers before losing consciousness. When she opens her eyes again, she finds herself—or rather, her soul—standing beside her unconscious body on a hospital bed. “How is this supposed to help me find Calliope!” she exclaims. “This is not your body. Your body is dead. This is my original host, Charlene Li,” explains the toy fox. “You can possess her body to find Calliope, but if you do, you must finish her uncompleted mission for her.” “And what mission is that?” “To marry the second most eligible CEO in the city.” ‘This,’ Leslie concludes, ‘is a scam.’ But she has no other choice. ********** Meanwhile, the second most eligible bachelor in the city, Calix Xu, is patting himself on the back for thwarting his grandmother’s attempts to marry him off. After exhausting all of his tricks and excuses, he has resorted to marrying the comatose daughter of the Li family. Calix smiles, pleased with himself, "Aren't I smart? Grandmother can do nothing now." But… why is he seeing his newly-wedded wife hovering beside her own body? Before he can react, his wife—the moving one—floats towards him. "Husband! Help me find my child!" “Your child?” Calix asks weakly before doing the only reasonable thing he can do in such a situation. He faints. ---------- WSA 2024 entry! Commissioned cover and character images by yuuri_e (Instagram)

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450 Chs

Not CEO Xu, He's Cook Xu

Taking a step back, Calix covered his mouth with a fist, "C-cough! Sorry... I didn't mean to pull you like that."

Leslie didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Even though it was an unexpected move, Calix only did that for a good reason. He thought she would fall from the balcony, hence his abrupt action.

"Don't be sorry. It's not like you're intentional," Leslie let out faint laughter. She looked at the young CEO from head to toe, "Are you already ready for bedtime now? What time is it?"

Calix had changed out of his three-piece suit.

Instead of an outfit that accentuated his broad chest and tapered waist, he wore a baggy sweater. He also put down his hair, the bangs slightly covered his forehead.

CEO Xu was already a devilishly handsome young man yet, the two moles under his left eye added more charm to his appearance.

Leslie inwardly shook her head, forcing herself to return to reality.

"Almost ten," replied Calix quietly.

After being nagged by his grandmother through the phone call earlier, Calix immersed himself in his work. He postponed reviewing a few documents in order to complete his marriage registration with Leslie.

As Calix finished his work for tonight, an image of Leslie flashed in his mind. He remembered that he told her not to step out of the bedroom even though no one else could see her.

Caught in guilt, Calix hurriedly headed to Leslie's bedroom. He was surprised to see only her body was there. Feeling skeptical, he didn't believe that her soul had returned to the shell.

It turned out, she was leisurely sitting on the balcony railing!

Leslie parted her lips, hesitating before she closed them. Calix barely noticed that she was in a battle with herself.

Wondering what she wanted to say, Calix asked, "Is there anything?"

Leslie laughed awkwardly. She slowly put her hands over her tummy, "The thing is... I'm quite hungry ah. Can I get some food?"

Leslie didn't realize how famished she was until Calix appeared. She assumed she was only sleepy. Her stomach began producing the not-so-melodious sound.

"...you still have to eat?" asked Calix dumbfoundedly. His gaze on Leslie changed, flickering with incredulity, "Even in this state?"

Heat crept on Leslie's cheeks. She nodded once, "I have to eat and sleep. Sleeping isn't a problem, but... I can't eat if you're not nearby."

Staring at Leslie with a deadpan look, Calix let out a long 'huh'. It was so obvious that he couldn't believe what she had just said.


Leslie swore she could hear a crow cawing in the background, reminding her of a children's show adored by Calliope.

"A-ahem! Anyway, I'm hungry," Leslie quickly broke the awkward silence, "So, can I go out of this room? When will you show me around the house?"

Calix scratched the back of his neck. His other hand rested on his waist. His impassive look was replaced with a troubled one.

"Sigh... if you put it like that, it sounds like I'm keeping you hostage here ah. Come. Let's go to the kitchen now."

Leslie grinned, "Thank you."

Calix suddenly exclaimed, "Walk, don't float. I wanna keep my mind in peace. What if I dream of ghosts tonight?"

Leslie almost choked. Holding back from gritting her teeth, she quickly agreed, "Yeah, yeah. I'll walk ah. You won't dream of any ghosts."

Calix narrowed his eyes. Despite doubting Leslie's words, he complained nothing.

Thus, a happy Leslie followed the apologetic Calix out of the bedroom.

Mimo didn't follow. It lay on the couch and told Leslie to enjoy her meal. She promised to return as soon as she could.

As Calix led Leslie down the hallway, he began telling her about the manor. He kept his tone as usual instead of lowering it down, seemingly unafraid of people hearing him talking by himself.

It turned out, there was a good reason why.

"There's only me and two staff here. They are husband and wife. Uncle Raymond is the gardener and driver. His wife, Aunt Wendy acts as the cook and housekeeper. Usually at eight-thirty, they'll retreat to the annex where they live."

Calix continued talking as he and Leslie descended the staircase. Warm yellowish light brightened the hallway, allowing her to see the opulence of the mansion.

"This is the second floor. My bedroom's also here. This mansion has three floors above ground and two-level basements. The third floor has a swimming pool. If you like exercising, you can go to the first basement. There's a gym there."

As Leslie quietly listened to Calix, a thought struck her mind.

This guy loved talking, didn't he? Calix didn't look as afraid and uncomfortable with her as before even though not a day had passed.

Was it because this world was inside a book?

The characters were supposed to have the same level of rationality as real humans. But, perhaps there were unwritten rules about them being able to accept ridiculous things easily.

Soon, they reached the kitchen. Leslie inwardly sighed, thinking the place was bigger than her whole apartment unit in her previous life.

Everything was put in an orderly manner, expressing how meticulous Aunt Wendy was. Leslie would love to meet the older woman.

"Sit down. Choose any stools," said Calix without looking at Leslie. He headed toward the wide double-door refrigerator, "I told Aunt Wendy not to cook for me tonight so, there's no leftovers."

"I can have some toast," Leslie pulled out one of the stools, still standing next to it, "If you want, I can cook for you."

Cooking for him, meant bribing him with food.

Leslie wasn't one to boast but, her cooking skill was excellent. Her maternal grandmother taught everything she knew as Leslie inherited her knowledge. Yet, she mostly used cheap ingredients to save costs.

Calix's next words surprised Leslie.

"No need. I'll cook. How about egg fried rice? You can eat that, don't you?"


Did he say... he would cook?

That CEO Xu?

Startled, Leslie eyed Calix in disbelief. Her lips formed a small round shape.

Calix rolled his eyes. His lips curled up with a hint of a smirk, "What? Do you think I can't cook? I'm a good cook, okay? You'll surely like it."

Ignoring Leslie, Calix brought out a bowl of white rice. Aunt Wendy always kept some inside the fridge. The refrigerated rice was perfect to be transformed into simple yet delicious egg fried rice.

Aside from the white rice, Calix also grabbed three eggs, garlic, a carrot and scallions.

"This is just a simple dish. I'll let you taste more complex ones later."


In the end, Leslie sat on the stool. She quietly watched Calix frying rice using a wok. His movement showed no awkwardness.

Right now, instead of CEO Xu, he should be called Cook Xu.

Leslie stifled her laughter. 

Well... not a day had passed yet she already learned new sides of this young CEO Xu.

Soon, a delicious fragrance spread in the kitchen. Calix seasoned the fried rice with some salt and pepper before he gave it a few quick tosses.

"I think we have more things to talk about," Calix reached out for two clean bowls, getting ready to serve the dish, "Let's chat over supper."

Leslie's heart skipped a beat.

What would his questions be?