
Willry/Helliam Oneshots

WolfieChanOwU · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


A/N: Henry and his Wife are already Divorced in this Oneshot.

3rd. Person:

It was a cold day in February. Two men were sitting at a desk in a rather big Buisness building. Those two also happen to be the bosses of said buisness. Fazbear Entertainment, it was always their dream to open up a Buisness together.

"Hey Will?" the Brown haired man asked the tall Black haired. "Hm?" his Best friend and Buisness Partner replied while looking at some Blueprints. "Are you okay?" the other asked.

Henry's P.O.V.:

William has been acting kinda strange lately. He looks tired and thinner than usual. We were currently sitting in our office, he was checking the blue prints while I was doing the Paperwork. "Hey Will?" I asked him. He respondet with a silent "Hm?" without looking up from his work. "Are you Okay?" I asked him calmly trying to make eye contact. For a moment he looked like he was thinking, the he said "Don't worry Hen, Im fine". He was still trying to avoid eye contact while putting on a fake smile. Will is terrible at acting and he knows. Why cant he just tell me the truth? "We both know thats a lie William" I said, still looking at him.

Thats when I started to hear quiet sobbing coming from Will. I stood up, walked over to him and gave him a hug. "Its okay, let it all out" I said with a tone of worry in my voice. His sobbing grew louder and louder when I decided to leave work early with him. "Lets go to my Place. I'll make us a cup of Tea, then you tell me whats wrong, ok?" I asked quietly looking at William who nooded slightly.

We both stood up, took our stuff and left the building. We were going over to my car since Will came here by foot today. He sleept in on the passenger seat as we were making our way through the chaotic streets of the city. When we reached my place I got out of the Car and walked over to the other side where William was currently sleeping. I picked him up and started walking over to the entrance of my House. Hes lighter than I expected I thought. I opened up the door and stepped inside of the House. I carefully closed the door behind us, trying not to wake Will up. I laid him him down on the sofa when I heard footsteps. "Papa!" Charlotte said in exitement. "Shh. Hey Pumpkin, how was your day?" I answered trying to keep my voice down. "Papa, why are you speaking so silent?" Charlie asked with a look of curiosity on her face. I took her up on my arm and carried her over to the sofa, where the sleeping William was laying. "Is uncle William ok?" The six year old asked me with a worried expression. I let out a sigh and replied "I...I honestly dont know sweety. I hope he is" I looked down at my best friend who alway was there for me whenever I needed him. He helped me through the divorce and took care of Charlie for me when I was out of the house. He would also help me when I was sick. I looked to the ground and started thinking. I then grew even more worried by the fact that he always helped me out but never asked asked for help himself.

When I looked back up and saw the most Adorable thing I have ever seen. Charlie had laid down next to William who had put his arm arround her. The first thing I did was sneaking over to the cabinet to get my Camera. I took a Picture to treasure this moment forever. I carefully sat down on the couch trying not to wake up my sleeping Angels. I looked over at Will. His perfect Hair, his perfect face, his overall perfect body. Wait, what?! What am I thinking hes my best friend, nothing more... I-I cant be in Love with him....right?

First Time writing here, Hope you like it.

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