
Willow Moonfall

Willow Moonfall was betrayed by her coven and was imprisoned for two-hundred-and-nine years, and now she is back to get revenge on her coven and stop her Father and maybe have some fun along the way.

MelodyRain · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Moonfall Island

Twenty miles off the coast of Salem, Massachusetts

Willow appears floating in mid-air, as she looks down at the ocean, she holds her hands out as red magic circles appear, and her eyes begin to glow gold, and suddenly the earth begins to shake, as the ocean begins to bubble violently and then suddenly a huge island came up from the ocean floor, sharp jagged rocks came up out of the ocean around the island as if to protect the island.

"Beaux Reves...Bouclier d'étoiles...Bloc magique...barrière spirituelle...barrière des morts-vivants...lien d'ombre...brouillard d'illusion...Déviation de l'énergie...barrière démoniaque...défense du feu de l'enfer." Willow spoke as thin red wisps fall to the island and disappeared as it became a part of the island, The spells becoming one of the defensive of the island. She landed on the island, as she look at the barren land.

"we can't have this." Willow said to herself, she held her hand out but this time she use her index finger to draw a line in the air as a small dark purple crack appeared she reach in to pull out and small dagger with a black hilt and a red blade. She took the dagger and pricked her finger and put the dagger back into the hole she made and it disappear, She let a couple of drops of her blood hit the ground, and just like that the island becomes connected to her, and the barren land become full of life. Forests grew in instinct, Mountains appear, and a cliff appear in the middle of the island with an enormous stone mansion on it next to a waterfall.

"Now this is better, and this time no one can harm me while my guard is down." She said to herself and with a snap of her fingers and twelve fairies appear before her, and they bow to her.

"My Queen it's good to see you finally awaken, it has been way too long." one of the fairies said to her, with tears in her eyes. The fairy wore a white dress, and have golden eyes and her wings were made out of light, The Fairy try to hug Willow, but Willow put her hand up to stop her.

"I appreciate, Celestia, I do. However, we have work to do; and really it has only been two-hundred-and-nine years since we have seen each other." Willow said to the Fairy, however, there was another reason why she stop Celestia from hugging her. She didn't want the Fairy to become a victim to her pheromones, as the spell that kept it in check wore off.

"Yeah idiot, listen to our Queen and stop being a crybaby, have you forgotten what would happen if you would touch her before she use that pheromone-protection spell to keep her pheromones in check, why you be on the ground having multiple orgasms and you will be driven mad, or you'll die from it or worst you will be of no use to our Queen, Honestly I can't believe you'r,e my twin." A Fairy with black hair, and golden eyes. She wore a black dress and her wings were made out of darkness itself.

For the first time, Celestia didn't argue with her Sister, as she couldn't believe she forgot about that. However, Willow gave a stern look to the Fairy who talk badly to Celestia.

"Nightfall, Don't be mean, Had you forgotten what we talk about the last time?" Willow said with a stern voice, but it was still soft with kindness. However, Nightfall felt shameful as she adverted her eyes away from Willow.

"No, your Highness I didn't." Nightfall replied in a soft voice.

"Then, what are you waiting for young lady, Apologize. Now." Willow said to her, and Nightfall looked at Celestia, with a sad look.

"I'm Sorry, Celestia, I shouldn't have been mean to you, or called you an Idiot." Nightfall said to her, but Celestia gave her a hug.

"It's okay, sis, I forgive you." Celestia replied to her and Willow smiled as she see them making up, despite Nightfall looking annoyed by the hug, she still, in turn, gave Celestia a hug as well. However, the other Fairies tried their best not to giggle as they knew Willow will get a hold of them.

"Now, everybody I need you to spread your magic to bring this land even more alive, we must be prepared as the Wives of the Raven will learn that I have awakened, and we must protect ourselves, and our new home, For now, I just need Mythia, Stormy, Infinity, and Flare." Willow told them and the other fairies bow to her and then spread out across the massive Island to work their magic, except for the four Fairies that Willow called out.

"How, may we be of service your Majesty?" A Fairy wore half-moon silver glasses, and a dark purple dress, her hair is black and her eyes are green, Her wings were dark purple that have a pulsating purple glow, that reminded anybody of magic when they see it.

"Thank you for asking Mythia" Willow replied with a smile. "I need all of your help with that big stone mansion on the cliff. I need a way to track any abnormal activity, especially the Wives of the Raven, and I know how you love a challenge."

Mythia's eyes seem to light up, however, she spoke as if she wasn't interested. "I wouldn't have called it a challenge, but it will be done your Majesty." and off she flew toward the mansion.

"Flare, I need you to do what I always need you to do, and remember--" Willow was saying until the fire theme fairy cut her off, however Willow knew it was her firey personality.

"I know, I know; you don't want what happen to your cottage in salem to happen again." Flare said as she begin to fly off to the mansion, Willow heard her still talking. "I mean really, you make one mistake and even after five hundred years they still hold it against you." However Willow could only giggle at the comment.

"My Queen what do you need us to do?" A fairy with white hair, and bluish electric eyes, She wore a white dress with lighting pattern, Her wings are made out of black lighting. Beside her was a fairy that have brown pixie cut hair, brown eyes, A white dress that have numbers on it, and her wings which each movement made a ticking noise.

"Stormy, do you know a way to make it easy to use light in the mansion, instead of having to light a bunch of lantherns?" Willow asked her, however Stormy looked at her confused.

"My Queen, what year do you think this is?" Infinity asked her.

"Haven't I been asleep for a couple of years, I mean it was 1813, when I was put to sleep, so I guessing it 1820 at the most." Willow replied. However Stormy looked to Infinity.

"I'll let you handle this, I'll go and do my task." Stormy said and she too flew off.

"My Queen, I sorry to say, but you been asleep for two-hundred-and-nine years." Infinity said to her, and Willow slowly descended to the ground, as she sat on the ground in disbelief. Infinity flew down to her to check on her.

"Are you okay, my Queen?" Infinity asked.

"You telling me I been asleep for that long, so then that means I'm--"

" You're five-hundred-and-fourteen year old." Infinity replied.

"I'm ancient." Willow replied, still in disbelief.

"Well you still look good for your age, I mean you still look twenty." Infinity said trying to reassure her.

"That only because I'm a half demon Goddess." Willow said to her.

"And a powerful and beautiful one at that." Infinity reassured her.

"So I guess that it for my revenge, Majority of the coven are humans, there is no way they'll still alive." Willow said as she lay on the ground, as she doesn't know what to feel.

"I wouldn't say that, there maybe a chance those traitors still alive, and we know exactly how the members in the coven were a bit promiscuous." Infinity said however Willow sit up and looked at her.

"Are you implying that I am a whore?" Willow asked her.

"No, my Queen, although we both know that you wasn't exactly innocent; during those years, after all this isn't what you would normally wear." Infinity replied bluntly.

"Well...I can't disagree, anyway I guess for someone who live history, is going to need a history lesson, however that would be another time. I need you to use your magic to slow time on the Island." Willow said to her.

"Are you going to be okay?" Infinity asked.

"Yes, I'm just going to lay here and think about everything." Willow said and she lay back down watching the clouds roll by, as Infinity bow and flew away.