

In our world, there are no humans, no big cities. We are just servants of Mother Nature, that is, us and the hordes of darkness. They come to us every year to take the "ripe fruits". This year, our protagonist, Skylar, also enters school, where unexpected twists await. Our hero ends up in the danger zone and must go through it if he doesn't want to die. It's very difficult for him to make it through, where the principal and the leader of the training squad anxiously await him. When he successfully reaches the destination, the principal scolds the mockers and escorts the frightened and brave Sky to the main building. They undergo an initiation where everyone's abilities are revealed. Our protagonist is placed in a separate group, where besides him, only the principal is, as she controls all the forces of Mother Nature: water, wind, earth, and fire. It later becomes apparent that she can control dragons as well. Apart from his friends, everyone mocks him because he can't really control his abilities at first. Later, a romance develops between him and the leader of the squad. During the annual training, he puts his all into it and becomes one of the best. He gains the respect of more and more students, but also earns hatred. One day, the haters throw him into the danger zone, where it's revealed that he can control dragons. He returns to the training camp as a dragon rider, injured and half-dead, where the squad leader finds him. After our hero tells everything, punishment is imposed on the hateful students.

Krisztina_Haga · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Second Chapter

When I woke up next, I had no faintest idea where I could be. I felt incredibly tired; every fiber of my being begged for salvation. My head throbbed, and despite my eyes still being shut, I could sense the world spinning around me. I didn't know where I was, but my intuition and the intense jolts suggested they had carried me onto the ship, and probably into the hold. I attempted to blink my eyes open, but an unusually strong light disturbed this process. I turned my head to escape this feeling, but a sudden rush in my skull caused an anguished moan to escape my lips. It took a few minutes for my body to feel it was my time.

I slowly began to move my limbs, but every movement was agony, as if a tree had fallen on me, then turned back to make sure it hurt. By the time I managed to fully open my irises, it probably could have been millennia. Looking around, I was surprised to see that I wasn't rotting away in one of the cellar cells; instead, I was in a neat little cabin. I was lying in a relatively small bed, next to it, a nightstand and beside that, a slender wardrobe occupied the space. In one corner, there was a table, and in the other, hidden behind a curtain, presumably the restroom. I struggled to get out of the somewhat firm bed like a newborn, with slow and shaky movements, but I managed to get myself out.

I approached the table with slow and trembling steps to greet my sandpaper-dry palate with some liquid finally. It was like a feast laid out in front of me; all kinds of breakfast items adorned the trays. There were plenty of fruits, bread, rolls, cheeses, various creams, and cold cuts. After gulping down two glasses of refreshing water, I sat down at the small table and started feasting. These foods were also available on our island, but I had never experienced such a sublime taste.

When I felt that not a crumb could fit inside me, I forced myself to clean up. Without hesitation, it could be stated that I smelled like someone who had wallowed in the sea for a week, almost like a little fish. I stripped off my soaked, still damp clothes, and stepped behind the curtain, where a basin of clean water was still steaming, as if someone had foreseen when I would wake up. I submerged myself in the pleasant liquid heaven and let out a long, deep sigh. I let my long, red hair down and leaned back, letting every fiber of my being soak. Next to the basin was a shelf with various soaps and toiletries. I grabbed the first thing I could find, a bath sponge, and after squeezing some on it, I began to scrub every inch of my body. When I had washed my hair and felt sufficiently clean and refreshed, I got out and dried myself off, then wrapped my hair in a towel. A white uniform was neatly laid out on a chair next to me. It consisted of slim-legged trousers with numerous pockets, a tunic, underwear, and a similarly white pair of boots. White was the color of those with newly discovered abilities; even on our island, they knew that.

So what happened was indeed reality, not just a dream. I saved the people of the island, and in return, they brought me here. It was still a mystery to me why the heavens hadn't shown me my ability on my birthday. With these and similar thoughts swirling in my head, I put on the uniform, then stepped out from behind the curtain and removed the towel from my hair. However, I wasn't prepared for someone to be sitting on the edge of the bed. It was an older gentleman. His hair was cut short, but he had a longer beard, which was white due to his old age. His skin showed signs of the passing years, and his blue eyes confirmed this. The surprise caused the towel to slip from my hand with a dull thud, while my hair, having a life of its own, cascaded down my back.For a couple of moments, I couldn't speak. Then, when I regained my senses, I belched politely, as etiquette demanded.

"Welcome! I apologize if I kept you waiting," I managed.

"No problem, my child. Come and have a seat. I'm Nikolaus, the ship's captain. There are a few things I should tell you," he said, and I sat down across from him, maintaining a respectful distance. It dawned on me then that his uniform was blue. A water controller. Obviously, they sent him to me because of my minor feat.

"Well, as it turns out, you control water too, thanks to your desperation that saved your island. When we arrive, like the others, you'll meet with the headmistress, and then she'll escort you safely to the school. There you'll receive your schedule, your accommodations, and everything you'll need in the future. That's all the information you'll need for now, alright?" he asked after some contemplation, with a slight smile under his mustache.

"All right, thank you very much," I replied with a mild nod, to which he got up from the bed and prepared to leave. Apart from his gray beard, he didn't seem his age.

"Well, feel free to explore. Don't stay cooped up in the cabin; go and get acquainted with my little one, the Mermaid, let me be even prouder of her," he said, grinning, which made me chuckle too. I got up as well and followed him.

"By the way, what's your name? Her Highness, the princess, told everything, but no one knows anything about you other than your ability."

"Skylar Dawin," I replied softly but audibly, then closed the door behind me and followed him along the wooden corridor. It was a simple little corridor, but the walls were adorned with paintings of various sea creatures. I gazed at them intently, always drawn to art.

"You have a truly beautiful name," he replied, and I hummed in response, as all my attention was devoted to the paintings. I stopped at one, and from the corner of my eye, I saw that he had stopped too. It depicted an underwater world and was so realistically done that if you stood close enough, you felt like you were in it.

"You're the first person on this ship who's so interested in my paintings," he said, causing me to lift my head and my eyes widened in surprise.

"Did you paint these? You're incredibly talented!" I exclaimed, making his face blush slightly.

"Please, use informal address, and yes, I painted them. Thank you for the compliment. It's good to see someone so interested in art. Tell me, do you paint too?"

"I was never good at painting, I prefer admiring them. I like drawing more."

"Hmm... I'd like to see your drawings someday when I come this way again," he replied, placing his hand on my shoulder, guiding me in front of him. We stopped at every single painting for me to admire, so it took quite a while until we reached the deck. There, the officers were working at full throttle, and I felt a bit embarrassed for marveling at the paintings and dozing off while they were working so hard.

"Feel free to look around. You're just a guest on this ship; we'll be arriving soon anyway," he said, as if he had read my thoughts, then went to the helm, leaving me alone. I walked to the railing, from where I could already see Willorion. The wind played with my still-damp hair, and I embraced the pleasant scent of the sea it brought. Leaning on the railing, I marveled at the island and the massive building further on it, where I would be spending my next years.A few young people a bit farther away were also admiring the view, chatting among themselves. I thought about joining them, but I didn't fancy being mocked for my orphan status, as I had experienced throughout my life. Solitude had been my good friend until now.

The captain was right; we reached the shore shortly after, and I followed the others alone when a voice called after me.

"Don't forget what we talked about, Skylar! I look forward to your drawings next year!" Nikolaus shouted. I turned back, nodded with a broad smile, waved at him, and continued my way, the others glancing back at me and whispering among themselves as they walked ahead. And so it began. I thought bitterly.

We walked along the pier, where more students were waiting. In front of them stood a woman in her forties, with a stern expression on her face. She had brown hair tightly pulled into a bun on top of her head, and curiously, she was wearing a black uniform.

"Welcome, everyone! I am Beatrice Morris, the headmistress. I will escort you safely to the school through the secure route. Since we are at war on the island, it is dangerous, but we have taken measures over the years to ensure our safety, measures that you students are forbidden to approach unless someone wishes for death. There is a hut nearby from where we will teleport to the school's courtyard. This portal can only be operated with my permission, so no one and nothing unauthorized can cross it. Follow me; I'll share the rest of the information within the school walls," she said. We did as she asked; none of us wanted to get into trouble on the first day. We reached the mentioned hut relatively quickly, where the headmistress, along with her entourage, took us across. At that moment, strange giggles reached my ears. Some people were staring at me and expressing their opinions about me in whispers. Two girls approached me, looking like twins at first glance.

"Are the rumors true?" one of them asked in a slightly whiny voice that immediately irritated my ears. "Has a little orphan like you joined us? They said that you are, let's say it's true; even a fool can see that you don't belong here," she sneered, causing others to burst into laughter. Desperately, I looked around, hoping someone would come to my aid, but as I had experienced many times before, no one dared to challenge the nobles. Their noble blood was evident from their appearance.

"Hear that, Chelsey? I think she's speechless," the other one said, and once again, many laughed. My face burned with humiliation, but I turned away from them with my head down and moved away. We gradually thinned out. However, I was not prepared for the next act. When the headmistress took the next group away, I heard Chelsey's voice again, but this time directly behind me.

"Scum like you have no place among us. Have a good trip down!" she whispered in my ear and pushed me forcefully over the railing. I started to fall into the abyss behind the hut. The impact on the ground was painful, akin to somersaulting, and I couldn't focus on anything but the blinding pain caused by the tumble. Every inch of my body ached from the impact, from my head to my ankles. I cried out several times when I fell on my side. I rolled over bushes and thorns, but the trees posed the biggest danger.

It seemed like an eternity before I managed to stand. My head was spinning, and every part of my body throbbed, especially my side. With great difficulty, I managed to prop myself up and looked around to understand where I had ended up. I was in a forest, surrounded by enormous pine trees that seemed to engulf the darkness. I had no idea where to go, and deep down, I already knew I had fallen into the Danger Zone. Only one crazy idea crossed my mind, but it was insanity itself. I approached one of the thicker, multi-branched trees and started to climb it painstakingly, despite the excruciating pain it caused my aching bones. When I reached the top, I looked around, surprised to see a massive, long wall covered in vines. Hopefully, it extended all the way to the school. After a lengthy maneuver, I managed to touch the ground again, my limp a bit, but I determinedly set off. I heard noises all around me, but I tried to ignore them, which worked until a wolf's howl echoed. I stopped and stood frozen, listening. The howl resonated again, much closer this time. Without hesitation, I started running, ignoring my pains. I heard branches snapping behind me, but I didn't dare look back. Soon, I reached the wall, and I grabbed the first thick vine I could find. Using all my strength, I began pulling myself up, but I was too slow. The beast caught up, and I felt its razor-sharp teeth sink into my ankle. A sharper scream escaped me. Holding onto the tree with my arms, I used my other leg to kick the creature. It yelped and stepped back, snarling at me.I didn't waste any time; I climbed higher immediately, carefully maneuvering from vine to vine. The cunning beast followed me relentlessly, waiting for me to give up and become its dinner. I could only rest at some smaller protruding rocks, and as I got closer to the school, the darkness deepened due to my slow pace. It must have taken hours before I looked down and saw the massive, long fence. The wolf continued to snarl below me, but I couldn't give up at these last few meters. Every muscle ached from exhaustion, my body was drenched in sweat, and I could only gasp for air.

The wall stretched up to the fence, where I didn't know what to do when I got there. Perhaps if I jumped down, I could survive, just not on the other side of the fence. I took a few shallow, wheezing breaths, then with a larger leap, I jumped, closing my eyes, awaiting the impact with the ground. No matter how much I tried to pull my legs and forearms under me, I landed with my knee and elbow beneath me. I heard several cracks, and the blinding pain made me scream. I pressed my head against the concrete and then turned it to the left. The wolf seemed even larger from this perspective, its eyes glowing red, and froth dripped from its snarling mouth. It lunged at the fence, and when it reached the top, I couldn't give up anymore. Every muscle in my body ached from exhaustion, my body was covered in sweat, and I could only breathe in wheezes.

The wall stretched up to the fence, where I didn't know what to do when I got there. Perhaps if I jumped down, I could survive, just not on the other side of the fence. I took a few shallow, wheezing breaths, then with a larger leap, I jumped, closing my eyes, awaiting the impact with the ground. No matter how much I tried to pull my legs and forearms under me, I landed with my knee and elbow beneath me. I heard several cracks, and the blinding pain made me scream. I pressed my head against the concrete and then turned it to the left. The wolf seemed even larger from this perspective, its eyes glowing red, and froth dripped from its snarling mouth. It lunged at the fence, and when it reached the top, I couldn't give up anymore. Every muscle in my body ached from exhaustion, my body was covered in sweat, and I could only breathe in wheezes.

I pointed my hand at the wolf, and I uttered an unfamiliar spell. The sky darkened, and rain started pouring. As the raindrops touched my skin, a weak sigh escaped my lips. With my last strength, I directed the rain at the wolf, and it swept him away like a tornado. I let my limbs fall to the ground. Gasping and wheezing, oxygen barely reached my body, and I felt that despite all my efforts, I wouldn't survive these injuries. My eyes slowly closed, allowing my old friends, solitude, and comforting darkness to engulf me. In a half-conscious state, I heard hurried footsteps, but I no longer had the energy to care. Someone shouted in a thin voice:

"Yes, it's her! They pushed her off!" After that sentence, I heard nothing more.