
when it was the last year of the school...

we were in the middle of the year when the teacher came and said: you have to make some documents for intering the university, I had an incredible sense about the the finishing the school,and most important to be an independent person after that, I felt that I will arrive to my dreams God looked at me he helped me all of the difficulties will finish oh my God I am very thankful of you, thanks my God.

I am asra, I am the first child of my family,there are six member of us in our family two brothers(ali and omid)and one sister(gul),my father can not work because of his age he is old may be you think that how can he be old when I am the oldest kid of him, yes he get married when he was about 50 years old.

so by the way I was very upset about the situation of my family while I could not do anything too.

we prepared as many documents as needed, I cooperated with many of my classmates for preparing their documents too, that was the best time of my life when I was full of dreams without knowing what will happen with us, what will happen with the world.