
it was a big chance for me how could I lose it...

An amazing day started when our teacher called us to her and told us,you have to take an exam for testing your level because, an association wants to support some students who pass this exam and who have big goals but do not have any supporter.

can you imagine how was my feeling about it?they will support me I will continue to my education, I will do it for making my future,for my desires by the helping of my God I will do it.

they give us an address where we should take test, I give the address to my mother she was very happy she shared this issue to my uncle and cousins, my cousin said: I know this address I will take you there,He took us there I mean me and my mother, we entered there, a high and modern building there was the best educational society in kabul, do you know how proud I was of myself? I am in where that you have to pay a lot of money just for one month,

So much money that one month's cost covered our expenses for three months,but can I pass this exam I do not know I am not in normal state can I concentrate on my paper? oh my God,but God is kind he will help me.

I had done my paper at the end oh here is about to contact number I do not have any number,it is okay,I just know my cousin's number okay I will write that.

I give my paper to the examiner and left the class, there was my dear kind mother waiting for me, oh my lovely God look at my mother she has a lot of expect from me do not disapoint her please my dear God,please!

I went towards my mother and I said her that it was a good test I have done entire of them, let's go home, we moved from there and arrived home.

my school resposible said that write a letter for that association too,and in that letter write your situation and your goals, I had written a letter and wrote that I want to improve,I want to be an independent person,There is nobody to support me,and etc.

I wrote a letter, till now I have absolutely remembered the issues of that letter:

greetings and respect to the afghan benevolent association,I am a student of this last year, I try hard in my studies but I fo not know about my future because I do not have any supporter in my education, my father is very old I am the eldest child of my family, and my uncle is the resposible of us, they just can help us in the part of eating and wearing but they can not any more else.

I want to continue to my education first of all by the help of God and then by the help of you I will be able to continue to my education please help me and my friends they need to this association too.

at the end with most of respect your obedient