
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Where is the game?

Waking up in a unfamiliar place faith was panicking, looking around all she could see was trees and grass and the beautiful blue sky with clouds as far as the eye can see.

She was wondering if I got drugged and kidnapped and dropped in the woods or something, but then she looked at her hands "do I have a tan?"

"I've always been pale like a ghost because I never go outside, playing VR all day. How do I have a tan?" giving the rest of her body a good look she realized she was taller? but unfortunately same boobs, "the same C cups dammit!"

looking around trying to get her bearings straight. She could hear water in the distance, so she slowly started making her way through the forest toward what sounds like a waterfall.

Finally after five minutes of walking cautiously she gets to the water, it's beautiful blue so blue she could see her own reflection perfectly. Then she realized that wasn't her face "what happened? how did I get into someone's else's body?" then suddenly a voice was heard in her head.

(congratulations on beating the game player you have completed all the challenges like it was child's play would you like a harder challenge?) yes or no

Faith was stunned by the voice in her head it sounded like the system in the game but different somehow? so taking a deep breath like she always dose to relax herself.

Relaxed she finally decided to think about what she accomplished in the game and how difficult it was, how much time she put into the game. How many times she'd died, 35 times and that was only feeling 30% of pain she knew she was feeling 100% in this world.

Re-thinking what the system just told her she couldn't help but smile ear to ear with the system giving her such a complement "child's play?"Saviors of the worlds was one of the hardest games in the world it was never beat except for her of course, with that being said she couldn't help but say "YES! I would like a greater challenge."

(Congratulations player you have chosen a greater challenge. You may do as you please in this new world, you can become it's God ,it's ruler or it's destroyer. the system will not babysit you, you have completed the game you know what to do, conquer this world or save it. it's up to you now player, good luck and live the way you want don't let your old past hold you down in this world you can become anything)

"Anything huh?" looking at the water getting a better look of her new body she realize that she was beautiful not just beautiful but a goddess.

She started drooling over her own reflection she's never really been into girls but if her reflection tried to kiss her she would not have minded it at all.

Snapping her self back into reality she decided to look around this water source realizing that this place was majestic. A beautiful waterfall that was at least 100ft high and at the bottom of the waterfall the water flows smoothly making a river that went deeper into the forest. Looking at the trees in the distance she noticed that those were red wood trees and they surrounded what looked like cherry trees forest. another thing she noticed was she was in the middle of nowhere...

Taking deep breaths to calm her self suddenly sound rang in her head.

(DING you have learned a passive skill calming breaths. This skill is active 24/7 unless the player says not to, the player will feel in a state of constant calm)

Reading the skill and already feeling it's effects she was excited, by gaining one skill she was happy knowing she can get more and become stronger.

Suddenly another sound was heard over the sound of the waterfall sounding like crushing trees? The sound was getting louder and louder then finally the trees on the other side of the river were crushed it looked like a bulldozer just ran through it. Looking at what causes this distraction a big ugly ogre was standing 10ft high looking me with lust and hunger.

Just looking at this beast you can tell if a regular human was standing were she was they would shit them selfs.

But faith couldn't help but laugh out loud, loud as she possibly could sounding like an evil god. The reason why she was laughing before this beast? because in the game If she were to spit on him he would've died, but he has the nerve to stand before her begging for her to test her new body and crush him.

( ogres point of view )

I need food it's been 3 days since I fought those damn humans and I haven't had a good meal since. my body feels like it wants to eat itself I have to find something. I can hear waterfall. water will be nice right now then suddenly I smell a woman it doesn't matter what breed she is. I'm hungry so I have to go now at full speed and full power before she gets away. When I finally get to the clearing I see the most beautiful goddess I've ever seen. my stomach tells me to tear her apart, but my instincts tell me if I do I'll die.

This beast seems to have a little bit of intelligence. if he didn't he would've tried to kill her by now so she decided to speak to it "what are you doing here you filthy ogre."


She can speak in the ogre language? The only word I could say was "FOOD!" before my throat felt like it was on fire so I leaped straight for the water to take giant gulps of cold delicious water washing my face and composing myself. Looking at this woman again but this time getting closer and a better look she really was a goddess the most beautiful female he ever seen and another this he noticed was the look of disgust on her face but that did not change her beauty. Then remembering what she asked what I was doing here and called me filthy I know I am but she doesn't have to point out the obvious, so she was trying to insult me. "I need food desperately haven't eaten in three days do you have any by chance?"

This filthy ogre has the nerve to ask her for food what a idiot she hates ogres they liked to kidnap NPC's in the game and she bet there's no different here. "How about you get ready to fight, you have disturbed the peace in this place and I won't allow it" She casually spoke at the ogre but his expression changed for the worst.

(Author: thank you for reading the secont chapter I hope you keep reading and not minding my amateur writing)