
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Training day or so I thought

"What did the system tell you, what path did you pick and why, then I'll let you eat." Sil assured with a smile.

"The path I chose was the forsaken beast, because I've heard rumors about the forsaken beasts they hunt alone because they have no rivals. As for the system it said congratulations forsaken beast you have gained a new skill [void space] void space you can capture or store anything placed on your black fur. You have gain a new skill [shadow walker] you have free rain over any shadow you touch but know you are not the only one lurking in the shadows so be careful use it this skill." He explained the best he could.

Sil was speechless he gained two skills form evolving for free, lucky bear. "Void space sounds useful but shadow walker seems like a double edged sword. Scar be carful using that skill shadow walker the systems warning should be highly upheld." She said in a stern voice. "As for void space that one sounds very useful" she added while giving scar his food.

"Thank you master for the food, I will take your advice to heart."

Sil was now just waiting on scar to finish the other half of the bore so she decided to focus on her mana again, the mana in her body felt like a ocean of sand very difficult to move and control but after circulating her mana around in her body for what felt like hours, but actually only a few minutes her body started to sweat her breathing started to speed up, even with the passive skill (calming breaths) then she suddenly collapsed.

Scar's POV

Eating the delicious bore meat lost in its flavor half way through eating i got snapped out of it by my masters mana growing to a unbelievable pace. Her mana was so powerful it started to make me feel disoriented, suddenly it all stopped as my master collapsed on the ground sending a powerful mana wave in every direction.

Scar was speechless one second she was fine now she's unconscious? Scar with his advanced hearing could hear beasts rampaging In there direction with his quick thinking he put his master on his back for her to be sunk into the darkness of his fur.

Suddenly over 10 bore were charging in on all sides of scar, but he wasn't worried with his new body he towered over these bore.

"It looks like me and my master will be feasting for weeks on bore meat." He roared charging in on the closest bore. cutting open the bores face killing it on the spot, not slowing down he kept killing bore after bore killing all 10 bore with one slice to the face destroying the brain.

Wanting to test the only safe skill he has, He pick up the bores by its leg swinging it over his shoulder but before it hit his back it disappeared into the darkness of his fur.

"Easy skill to use and very useful to." He thought putting the remaining 8 bore into his void space and was about to head into the forest but he heard a familiar sound.

Then suddenly another 10 bore started rampaging straight at scar, he dispatched of them the same as the last putting them in his void space.

But before scar could leave and find a safe place for his master to rest. What scar thought was a beast had snuck up on him from his shadow, pulling him inside deeper and deeper.

He wasn't worried because his new skill shadow walker made it were he could break free and look at what dragged him into the depths. But turning around he could see nothing but darkness then suddenly he could hear a voice a deep evil voice.

"Congratulations on becoming a forsaken beast may I know your name strong one?" It asked in a almost demanding tone.

Scar was stunned at first but decided to answer the voice. "I am scar, I will tell you no more for I have do not permission from my master to speak." He firmly asserted.

"A strong beast must have a strong master, I will not pry on your life I just wanted to meet another forsaken one but I'm no beast." He assured with a chuckle.

"May I ask your name since you asked me mine voice in the shadows." Scar asked back confidently not showing any traces of fear or unease.

"How rude of me I'm a forsaken human the name is Jack, they call me Jack the Ripper."

"Well I guess it's nice to meet you Jack, but I have a question for you if you don't mind answering that is. How did you know were I was? can you find any forsaken one at any time?" Scar was getting worried "did i pick a path we're any forsaken one can find me and my master any time?" he thought to himself.

"No actually, only when we're in close proximity or for most part. I have a higher rang then most." he said while chuckling.

"How I found you was a massive wave of mana traveled for miles and I wanted to see what it was. I found you instead so can you tell me what made that mana wave?" He asked the last bit in a deeper voice almost demanding a answer.

"I have nothing to hide from you Jack so I'll tell you it was my master, she decided to go off and hunt after she did that mana wave you were talking about." Scar didn't want this Jack to know his master was unconscious inside his body.

"I see your master is strong indeed and it's a female at that. I haven't felt such power before come from a female or male, it's been so long since I've had a challenge." Then he started laughing like it was the best joke ever.

"My master would probably love to dual you, but I don't know we're she is. she haven't called for me so I can't tell you what direction to go unfortunately." He lied smoothly without missing a beat.

"No need to worry scar I know everything, we will meat again very, very soon." He assured with a little to much joy in his words.

Then suddenly scar was back in the cherry tree forest with no one to be seen. Scar didn't know what to think of Jack, and what did he mean by he knows everything.

Scar had no time to dwell on such matters he had to find a safe place were his master could recuperate when she woke. Scar didn't feel safe letting his unconscious master sit in the open so he would be keeping her in the void space till she wakes.

When sil fell unconscious she really didn't lose awareness, her body just couldn't go we're her mind was.

Suddenly all she could see was white. Then the system voice spoke to her.

(Congratulations player this chance dose not come often and you have exceeded the expectations of the system you may chose a species you have also gained the right to look at your stats. bonus reward you now have the right to make your own body this is a one time opportunity that will not be offered again)

Sil was speechless this is not what she expected when trying to use mana, now she has so manny opinions to chose from and she can finally see her stats and without hesitation she open her status menu.












Passive skills

Silent steps

Calming breaths

Familiar: Scar

Level: 1

Class: nun

Strength: experienced/680

Speed: experienced/440

Stamina: advanced/250

Charm: intermediate/1

Intelligence: king/1

Mana: king/1

Willpower: king/1


Void space: a skill that you can store anything if placed on his fur.

Shadow walker: be one with the shadows but be careful the shadow is apart of you.

Sil was confused by everything on her status window almost everything made no since. "what are these numbers next to scars stats, why do I have question marks?" she was going mad but then the system spoke again.

(The player has been grated permission to ask questions but only limited amount of information can be shared some questions will not be answered)

Sil didn't hesitate on asking everything she needed to know. "What are these numbers next to my familiars stats and why do I have question marks."

(The player has not selected a race so no stats have been evaluated. The numbers are rank in that tier.

Definition: these ranks have have tiers known as.

Basic: 1/ 100

Intermediate: 1/ 200

Advanced: 1/ 400

Experienced: 1/ 800

King: 1/ 1,600

Emperor: 1/ 3,200

Legendary: 1/ 6,400

Angle: 1/ 12,800

Demon: 1/ 25,600

God: 1/ 51,200

Sil was stunned at all the... numbers what the fuck, 51,200 she didn't expect the system to change so much in this new world.

Finally she decided to ask the one question she did not want to here. system what race can I become. She didn't what this answer because in the game you could get stuck looking through the endless options.

(Player can only pick from 7 different species)

High human: much like a regular human but with more mana capacity's. Also more likable to humans, If other races find out your of high human blood they will look up to you and also praise you.

High dwarf: same as a regular dwarf. But you Adapt to the forge like it was your birth right. Most dwarfs quickly adapt to the forge but it takes years of experience to become a master. But a high dwarf will be able to make anything they put there mind to. Also more likable to dwarfs. If other races find out your of high dwarf blood you will be known as a god of a forge even without forging anything.

High elf: elf's have the power of Mother Nature with them also being masters with bows from a young age. But high elf are Mother Natures warriors, able to move mountains or make them from nothing. High elf's also are experts with a bow able to hit a rabbit from hundreds of miles away without training. More likable to elf's, if any race finds that your of high elf blood they will look at you in fear and also worship you and your mastery of a bow.

Dragon: being a dragon in humanoid form comes with a lot of perks. It may look like regular skin but it's all dragon scales tough and fire resistant. Also having super strength with all 7 senses heightened also gaining a 8 sense dragon sense. gaining a skill (dragon form) transform into a full-size dragon. More likable to dragons in any form. But being a dragon is not all good, if any race finds out your a dragon everyone will look at you in fear and hate for the dragons past was a terrifying one with nothing but distraction.

Demon: a higher level of a forsaken one,demons control forsaken ones.This race is based on controlling your opponents emotions with deception magic also darkness magic. having a powerful ability to take your opponents life force and adds it to your own but you have to do this with your claws or you will not gain life force. Also having free rain over darkness itself and all inside it. More likable to forsaken ones and demons. If any race finds out your of demon race they will fear you but also be disgusted in your presence.

Angle: A race that looks human but with exceptional looks also very in tuned with healing magic. If humans find out you are of angle race they worship you as a new god do you're bidding and beg for your grace same with the other races.

Awakened one: with the appearance of a human. But the question is can you come out alive after evolving in to awakened one? you will have beauty and unlimited mana but how will you use your infinite power? (Make sure not to drown)

"So little options? I guess they learned how tedious it is having thousands of customization. Now what to pick everyone of them sounds good in there own way, but there's already a couple I can cross out." She thought as she proceeded to look over the list.

"High human is at the bottom of the barrel for me with demon and angle because I don't see them to be that interesting. on the other hand we have dragon, high elf, high dwarf, and awakened one those sound like fun. But I don't think I want to be a elf like I was in the game so I'm crossing out that one to."

"High dwarf it sounds cool to be my own blacksmith and being able to make anything but I bet I lose out on a lot of magic. So what's left is dragon which sounds cool but having a dragon body might be weird so that one is out. And lastly there's awakened one this one sounds the most promising when it comes to magic so that's what I'm going with." The second sil clicked on awakened one her body felt like it was in a hurricane of glass.

After what felt like mouths in the hurricane of glass losing most of feeling in your body the system spoke.

(Congratulations player you have completed the awakening faze you are now a awakened one please customize you body player)

Sil still panting from the amount of pain she had to indoor after calming down she started customizing. She kept the same body she came into this world with besides a couple changes she was now 9ft with a cup side of D like she always wanted keeping her bright red eyes and hair she was happy with her new body.

(Player must now chose a classes to master you have 2 different classes to start with)

Summoner:able to control beast weaker then yourself also being able to control weaker undead.

Castors: able to conjure and Control elements at will with practice and time.

Assassin: with steps that can't be heard also having the speed to rival beasts with this class is for the people who don't want to fight there opponents only kill them.

Warrior: with the body to rival boulders and the strength to lift them a warrior confronts his opponent head on with out fear having

Healer: not manny have to power to regenerate flesh also less have to power to heal them being a healer is guaranteed to earn the favor of everyone around you.

Blacksmith: making weapons armor and anything you could imagine when a forge is by your side.

(Congratulations player you have unlocked a new class unknown to this world. Having this class makes it were you can pick the specialist.)

Specialist: the specialist is a unknown class to this world this class grants you the privilege of being able to use all classes. But this class has draw backs such as the more you learn in one the less you may learn in another.

Example: being a master of summer,caster,warrior,healer. will make it 20x harder to learn alchemy but not impossible.

With a evil grin on her face,the choice was obvious for sil she didn't care about picking a class so why not have all of them?