
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Michael Beastwalker

Sil's smile was still stuck to her face as she turned to the chef causing him flinch. "It's your lucky day, you get to help me turn your city into a fortress." She declared keeping her smile that made her look like a true demon.

Chief Bon was stunned for a moment. "How and why would you help us to this existent?" He asked trying to stay respectful. "It's simple really. A blacksmith said if I can make this place need one less black smith then he would join me." She answered casually.

"Enough about that, where would you like me to start?" She asked looking around at the clearing. Bon immediately cleared his throat before he walked forward to the tree line stopping at it turning to Sil.

"Here along the tree line, we cleared theses trees for this situation." He answered with a slight bow getting Sil to nod. "I'm only going to build the defenses the houses are up to you Bon." She stated as she walked to the side putting her hand out toward the forest.

Bon was extremely curious what Sil was about to do, Jack on the other hand was even more excited. If Sil could pull this off that would give her the title of castle builder, a rare title only given to expert architects.

Suddenly the air got heavy as a purple aura surrounded her with her power going to its limit.

"Now grow" with theses words leaving her lips a 25 pillar made from the mana stone appeared in a pitch black color.

"Jack take everyone for a walk, keep the area clear until I'm done. Scare you stay with me." She ordered as she walked away with her hand on the pillar making it turn into a wall as she walked away.

Nobody could believe their eyes, a wall that would take mouths to build properly is being built in seconds in front of their eyes.

Bon stood their in disbelief looking at the wall as it grew with Sils every step. "Let go everyone! Under our lords command keep the area controlled until she's done." Jack commented the solders and the others to move into action.

Scar casually walked beside Sil, deep thought. "Walls. Their only human protection from the out side world. No walls will be needed in her kingdom." He thought as he watched the walls continuously grow along the tree line with Sil powering it every step of the way making the earth move for the mighty wall.

It only took Sil a hour to build the outer all and suddenly she got a system message.

[Title: Castle builder]

[Title: Castle builder: Allows the builder to control the area to a certain extent within the zone of the builder]

Sil didn't know what to think about this, in the game their was no such thing as a title. But she decided to use this title to see what it was all about.

Suddenly Sils point of view was flipped showing her position from the sky looking down on the area.

This was very disorientating she couldn't even walk with this title active.

"Scar put me on your back, I can't move my body right now. I just got a new skill or something and I'm testing it out." She explained as she started to build another wall 10ft away from the other, making it build in a second but this almost caused her to vomit.

The wall appeared in a second startling the guard's on the wall and getting Scar to smile. "The power of a true god" Scar marveled at the wall he was truly surprised at the power Sil just casually displayed.

After a moment she composed herself "I'm not done yet" she assured as she stated building rafters and floors between the walls making them into one, adding the gate and the winch for the gate all at the same time, completing this process almost made Sil collapse from mana exertion.

She could feel her mana being refill by the second like a waterfall of mana always being pored into her letting her quickly recover.

Jack and the soldiers approached her in awe, and not far behind was Chief Bon running over with a look of pure disbelief. "Congratulations master on you're new title" Jack bowed as he complimented her.

Sil smiled shaking off the feeling m as Bon approached "well chef what do you think?" She asked getting him to answer immediately "it's amazing" Sil smiled a little more hearing his answer.

"I just made a bunch more work for you so I wouldn't be so thankful if I were you, I'll be taking my blacksmith now, I have places to be." She stated as Scar started walking toward the city leaving Bon marveling at the wall in front of him.

"Everyone did good, now go back into the void and rest and have a good meal." She ordered getting everyone to go into the void but Jack who always walked by her side as she road on sScars back.

Sil approached the gate seeing the guards holding back some civilians from running out. "It's fine now you can let everyone do as they please." She ordered getting the guards to move out the way letting the people flood out looking at the new area Sil just created.

The people moved around Sils group like a rock in a river, so she was soon able to pass through the clear streets of forge pass.

The guards saluted them as they passed but Sil only slightly nodded letting them know they were seen.

Sil quickly made her way back to the blacksmith shop where Rose was waiting in the lobby, greeting her with a bow. "My lady welcome back"

Sil glanced her direction before looking back toward the back door "where's you're father" she asked walking toward the door with Rose next to her.

"He's forging a sword at the moment." Rose answered immediately as they entered the back room to see her father hammering away at a red glowing ingot.

They quietly observe him until the ingot suddenly shifted into a short sword with a glowing red blade with a gold hand and cross guard.

He turned to sil with a dissatisfied expression "what do you need this time?" He asked impatiently but tried to keep respectful.

Sil smiled "take a walk with me" she ordered getting him to frown "alright lead the way" he reluctantly answered getting her to jump off Scars back walking out the building.

Joey and Rosa followed close behind Sil with Scar and Jack behind them. "So lady Sil, where do you plan to go next?" Rose asked curiosity.

"I might have to go to war with the vampires, but if I don't I plan on visiting the elf kingdom." She casually answered back, but her words made the two stop in their tracks with sweat dripping from their foreheads.

"Van.. vampires?" Rose stammered getting Sil to turn to her with a spine chilling smile. "That's what I said" she answered coldly proceeding to walk forward through the main gate.

The look on Joey's face fell even more when he seen the 25ft high and 10ft thick wall built in less then a day. "How is this possi…. Castle builder!" She shouted figuring it out. "And the mana you shown before." He added coming to a realization.

"That amount of mana? that's impossible." He muttered in disbelief but his eyes never left the wall. "I'm glad you understand the effort I put behind my words. Now let's go back and pack all your things." Sil commented breaking the brief sentence making Joey turn to her confused.

"Wait you don't mean?" He asked turning left and right seeing that the wall didn't stop no matter how for he turned. "Yes it's time for you to move to my kingdom and teach my people how to blacksmith like you." She answered turning back to the city with everyone following close behind her.

Joey had mixed emotions about the whole situation. He felt forced into this but at the same time, it was a honer to teach other about blacksmithing.

Not to mention his daughter looked like she already joined Sils side making him sigh as they entered his shop. "So… where's your kingdom?" Joey asked as he watched in disbelief at Sil, Jack and Scar picked up everything putting it into the void.

"He's right here" Sil answered patting Scar on the back getting him to smile with his toothy grin, that would make most shiver.

Joey just looked at Scar confused with his hand on his chin. "Do you mean?" He asked as he walked forward putting his hand on Scar, his hand entered the void causing him slip into it.

Suddenly his scenery changed. He was standing in the middle of a red brick road with people walking around shop to shop talking to the shop owners.

Even though the sky was dark everything was clear as day, and even without a sun it was warm here. "Where am I?" He muttered to himself almost tripping over his own feet trying to look at everything.

Sil entered the void after telling Jack to guid Scar back to ForgeTheft, appearing right behind him able to hear what he muttered. "This is my kingdom, it's always with me." She smiled getting Joey to turn to her in disbelief. "Amazing" his words made her smile even more as she walked past him. "Go explore and find a spot you want your shop, then simply ask Scare and he'll move your old shop to where you want it."

Joey had no time to reply, Sil quickly walked away toward the biggest building Scar made for a special person.

Approaching the building a man that stood at 7ft tall in loosely dressed clothes with pants that's closely resembled sweat pants, walked out stopping as he seen Sil "Michael how did you sleep."

He slightly bowed before answering. "I've never slept better, but I have to admit I feel different. Not to mention how everyone is treating me." Sil's gave him a questioning gaze making him continue. "I feel like I'm some noble or something"

Sil smiled "that's because your no longer human. Your a high human who's under my faction, respect is a given." Michael looked at her in disbelief, "high human?" He muttered looking at his hands seeing they were slightly bigger.

"Yes that right your the first of manny, but for now you'll walk with me. Let's go, I have a few people to introduce you to." She explained walking down the street where everyone immediately kneeled when they seen her.

Michael watched Sil's walk away for a moment before he smiled catching up with her. "So this is your kingdom? Where are we?" He asked curiously getting Sil to turn to him showing him a smile before she turned back forward entering a shop.

This shop had a sewing machine on the side. The person behind the counter was Fred Lucius, but they wouldn't know that because he was by the door kneeling to Sil. "Master Sil welcome, what can I do for you."

Sil immediately noticed his clothing was clean looking like a tuxedo but with a trench coat. She smiled at Fred, a man who stole money from her at one point in time was now kneeling before her with all the respect he could muster. "Take me to your mother."

Without hesitation he stood bowing toward the back room "Please follow me". The trio walked into the back room where their was filled with people sewing constantly. It remained Sil of a sweat shop but everyone looked well fed and nicely dressed.

Before anyone could stop what they were doing she raised a hand "theirs no need to stop what your doing." Everyone sighed getting back to work as Trish, Fred's mom walked over kneeling to her.

"Welcome to my shop lady Sil what can I do for you?"

"This is Michael BeastWalker, he needs enchanted casual cloths." She pointed at Michael with a thumb, he stood their scratching his head with a awkward smile.

Trish moved like a phantom to Michaels side startling him, but before he knew it she was back in front of him with a note book and a smile. "Of course my lady, I'll be done within the hour."

"Let Scar know when it's done, we have places to be." She advised as she turned around walking out the building and down the street.

"Where to next master?" Michael asked with a smile getting her to turn to him "I want you to meet a couple people while we wait."

Michael nodded staying silent until they entered another shop with a brewing stand on the side. The second the woman seen Sil she ran into the back room.

Almost immediately Sandra, better known as the FireWitch master of fire and poisons kneeled to Sil "my lady what brings you by?" Michael was completely stunned seeing this woman kneel to Sil.

He knew exactly who she was, she was the reason he admired and respected alchemists. "I wanted you to meet someone. This is Michael BeastWalker a high human." Sandra stood hearing her words looking at Michael like another experiment.

"High human? How interesting. Can I get a sample of his blood?" She asked almost eagerly, Michael without hesitation walked toward her holding out his arm familiar with the process.

Sandra pulled out a needle from her inventory sticking it into his arm, after a moment she removed it with a smile. "Thank you Michael"

Michael smiled as Sil stepped forward "can you tell me anything about the other high species?" Her question immediately made Michael focus on Sandra who smile nodding.

"Theirs two types of higher power the first being the Lords, Lords are made when a beast man evolve, so to speak they don't have the power to become a higher race. Then of course the higher race, is a step above the power of lord, only full blooded beings can achieve this power." She explained like a teacher educating her students.

Sil had a feeling their was more to it but she didn't care at the moment. "Let's go. Thank you for your time Sandra, till next time." Sil said her goodbyes before turning around walking out.

"Good luck on your adventures lady Sil" Sandra added before Sil left the building. "Scar take us to the beasts" she ordered and immediately they moved to the beasts void.

Before Michael could question what he heard he was standing in front of 4 gorillas with one having 8 arms signaling he was a king tear beast, with 2 Dire wolfs a pitch black wolf that stood at 6ft high and about 7ft long with its legs the size of tree trunks. With a pure white dire wolf a little small her next to it. Last their was a mantis at 7ft tall clearly another king tear beast.

They all kneeled with Drake the 8 armed gorilla greeting his master. "Master I'm honored to be in your presence." Sil smiled as she caught something in the corner of her eye.

Turning to it to see Rick, the man who sold Mona to Sil at the black market event he's 6ft with white hair and a full beard matching in color. He kneeled seeing his presence was known "master Sil, I'm glad to see you in good heath".

"Rick it's been awhile, where have you been hiding?" She asked interest in this man who played a major part in the black market. He smiled as he stood "meeting your people and I'm very interested in the beasts you tamed."

She smiled not surprised by his answer "This is Michael BeastWalker by the way, he's going to play a important part in my faction and kingdom. Michael this is Rick Zander."

Rick stared at Michael in disbelief taking a step back "BeastWalker? That's impossible. And this aura he's not human." Sil smile grew menacing "that's right he's a high human." Rick fell backwards not believing his ears before he started laughing like a mad man.

He got back up to kneel "a true god like before, I'm honored to serve under you master." Michael couldn't understand everything that was happening, so he just stayed quiet looking at the beasts in the corner of his eye.

Sil seen this "their exceptional aren't they?" She asked getting him to turn to her a little nervous. "Yes, truly terrifying beasts master." He didn't know what to say so this was the best he could come up with.

Sil subconsciously started laughing for the first time, making the mood shift for the better. "What's with that stiff answer I was only joking. Their mine like the rest, I just wanted to show you what you have to live up to" she smiled a little at Michaels confused expression."What do you mean?"

Her smile only grew with this question "is it not obvious? Did you not hear the name I gave you?" She asked with a smile that looked like it could tear her face making Michael feel true fear. "You want me to lead the beasts into battle?"

"Yes and someone weak could never command king tear and up beasts, so I hope you train accordingly." She nonchalantly said with the smile that could make baby's cry.

"A truly masterful plan master" Rick commented still kneeling to the side. Michael turned to the beasts standing proudly in front of their master, "what kind of training would you recommend?" He asked not knowing how to work along side a beast.

"I was hoping you would asked that, I recommend you train with the beasts, letting them break you and make you stronger. I'll also help you learn how the beast fight, use them properly." She explained with the smile that seemed to never fade giving Michael goosebumps along his arms.

"That will be all, make sure to train hard. Take me out." She ordered with a wave, now she stood inside a familiar bar being greeted by John. "Welcome back lady Sil" her evil like smile faded turning into a soft one from the friendly greeting. "Thanks, but I don't have time to talk. Let's go Scar."

Scar choked down the food he had prepared for him, quickly following Sil out. "Where to in such a hurry?" Scar asked walking next to her as people made way for them.

"I have a few things to check on" she stated nonchalantly as they entered a fancy house behind the first wall, it was non other then Leo's house the lizard man.

Entering the building the guards stood stiff greeting her and announcing her arrival. "Welcome lady Sil." She smiled at them as she walked past to see Leo shortly after, "what can I do for you lady Sil".

"Follow me" she ordered walking into the Void getting Scar to smile with a toothy grin. Leo only hesitated for a moment before walking in.

They stood in front of a 10ft troll with four heads, Grod just stood their awaiting his masters words.

"Did you eat well Grod?" She asked approaching him.

He immediately kneeled with a bow "of course master, it was a feast." She smiled at him turning to Leo who looked like he might jump out his skin at any moment.

"I need you to spread the word of my power, and tell them I don't discriminate. If their useful to me their welcome to join my faction and kingdom, but if they choose to my enemy." She ordered as she charged her mana as Grod roared making Leo kneel from the pressure.

"I understand lady Sil it will be done." He tried to say it confidently, but his voice was strained from the pressure he was under.

"Scar to the beasts" instantly they switched rooms now standing in front of Michael sparing with Drax the king tear gorilla.

"And this is one of my generals Michael BeastWalker," as she introduced him Michael was easily blocking 8 arms at once while not being pushed back.

Leo was captivated by the fight, he's never seen anyone spar with a king tear beast, much less against a beast with such raw power. "He's amazing" Sil smiled a little more menacingly as she declared "this isn't even a start, speak of my power and make sure they fear my name."

Leo stood with a bow "it will be done lady Sil, thank you for trusting me to spread the word."

"Of course and thank you Leo, Scar give him a bag of 20 gold and let us out." They immediately switched back into the main hall of Leo's house with him holding a small bag of gold.

"I'll be going" she said walking away with everyone bowing to her as she left. Leaving the house she walked toward the second wall, where the guards quickly made room for her to pass.

It was no surprise that Sil went straight to the black market blacksmith shop, they immediately let her in after seen who it was. "Welcome back Sil, what will it be." A familiar dwarf asked in a friendly manner.

"I wanted to know how's that wyvern armor is going and I also need another 50 emblems." She answered getting the dwarf to nod a couple times.

"Please follow me"

They entered a back room with all the forges passing them entering another pitch black room. With a flick of the dwarfs hand the lights turned on revealing a statue of a mantis.

This statue was wearing armor head to toe with silky scales that looked like they moved in the light, being black and blue blood splattered through it, the armor looked like juggernaut armor with scales but it was tight to the mantis.

"You made it so soon?" She asked touching the chest plate, getting shocked by the armors passive ability. The dwarf puffed out his chest in pride "of course, I only said two weeks to put less stress on my men."

She smiled turning to Scar "put it in the void, equip it on Mona and bring her out to me." Scar did as told and after a minute or so Mona walked out the void.

Mona looked like a mantis with dragon scales, the armor shot out small burst of lighting as she stepped out kneeling to Sil. "My master thank you for such a gift, I'll serve you better in battle now."

Sil smiled at the greeting "I'm glad you like it, make sure to get used to it before the big battle. That is all, go and train." She ordered getting Mona to go back into the void leaving the dwarf confused. "Big battle?"

Sil smiled wickedly almost making the dwarf jump back "that's my secret. Now about those emblems." The dwarf cleared his throat before leading her back into the forging room, where her emblems were already being mass produced.

She smile became softer at the sight "good, now bring Joey out here." She ordered turning to Scar who immediately pulled Joey out, he looked around confused but he still bowed to Sil "anything you need my lady?"

"These are the blacksmiths I've been in contact with, I just wanted to introduce you to them." Joey eyes the dwarf up and down before looking around at everything. "I say a king tear forge?" He asked looking at the dwarf next to Sil.

He smiled before tapping Scars side "hay their big guy, can you bring that mantis back out here?" Scare did as asked letting Mona walk out with her lightning wyvern armor getting Joey to open his eyes wide almost not believing what he was seeing.

He examined Mona's armor in every detail as he nodded multiple times. "It can't be any less then legendary, this is masterful craftsmanship." He said getting the dwarfs to puff out their chest with pride.

"Thank you masterSmith orc, I know of your achievements and I'm honored to receive your opinion." The dwarf Sil usually talk to said with respect lacing every word.

"With this level of craftsmanship how are you not well known?" Joey asked with a eyebrow raise getting the dwarf to scratch his head awkwardly. "I'm a black market blacksmith I don't even remember the last time I said my real name aloud." He explained getting everyone to nod in understanding.

"Do you want to live like this?" Joey asked with sincerity getting the group of dwarfs full attention. "We were slaves to this kingdom, so we never thought of leaving after we were granted freedom."

Joey turned to all the dwarfs "I want all of you to listen closely because I won't be saying this twice."

Joey announced turning to Sil who gave him a wicked smile like she could read his mind.

Joey cleared his throat "Men No. Blacksmiths at your calendar shouldn't just rot in the under belly of a kingdom. You should be helping to build one better then all the rest, So what will it be? Rot here or help me build a kingdom never before seen."

The dwarfs were silent giving Joey a uneasy feeling before the dwarfs suddenly started shouting "we'll help build!" Joey sighed in relief as Sil's wicked smile turned into her laughing, getting the rooms attention.

"This was well worth the introduction, now why don't we pack everything so you boys can work properly. Scar bring out some muscle to help move things along." She spoke with a smile turned to Scar who immediately let Drake and his fellow gorillas out.

The dwarfs watched in disbelief as everything in the room was being ripped up and put into the void. The dwarfs only seen a little of Scars void space, so seeing everything disappearing in front of their eyes was a little unbelievable. "What is he?" One of the dwarfs muttered.

"Go in and find out" Sil dared the dwarfs and they couldn't help their curiosity. They walked toward Scar putting their hand on the black fur before their hand disappeared into the void.

They all jumped in to see a road of red and the road full of people casually talking to one another. Joey appeared next to them out of thin air making them jump a little. "Welcome to be the Dimension Bear kingdom" Sil spoke as she appeared on the other side of the dwarfs making them turn to her.

"It's unimaginable" one of the dwarfs muttered looking around as everyone ran over kneeling to Sil.

The dwarfs turned to Sil seeing her nonchalant smile as she looked down on all her people.

"Everyone please as you were" she announced getting everyone to stand moving back to what they were doing.

"Joey you can take it from here cant you?" She asked getting Joey to bow slightly "of course" with that said "Scar take me to the elf princess and bring Jack with me."

The dwarfs heard this last second, turning around to see Sil was already gone.

Sil stood in a pitch black room, that felt like she was falling into the endless void below her. In front of her was a lifeless elf who was stuck in a falling position with her limbs flailing in the wind.

Jack had a evil smile at the sight, "should we wake her or let her fall for another decade?" Jack asked turning to Sil who smiled catching on to his idea.

"I don't know, maybe another decade or two."

The elf snapped awake like a whip stuck her "please stop, I'll do anything." Jessica pleaded as she cried but she couldn't do anything else, do to her forever falling state.

"I don't know, your father doesn't seem to care so why stop?" Jack said with a yawn getting Jessica's face to fall. "Not to mention the fact his daughter turned herself into a slave, what a pitiful king." Sil added with a disappointed sigh.

Jessica couldn't think of a single word to say before Jack sighed "I guess you can continue falling" his words stuck a spot in her mind making her shout out "I have a access to the Alfheim treasury, and also the hidden path to it."

They both smiled menacingly getting Jessica to smile with hope. "I like that, that sounds good." Jack said turning to Sil who nodded a couple times "alright little elf fo you want out this place?"

Jessica nodded as she pleaded "yes! please." Sil smiled as she chuckled "what would you do to escape this place of endless darkness?" Jessica answered immediately "anything please!" She shouted as she started to fall faster with her hair flying up behind her showing how fast she was falling.

"Scar let her stand" Sil ordered and in a instant her hair fell with her arms as the elf panted for any bit of air. "We need you to help us over throw your dear daddy, this shouldn't be a problem right?" Sil's words made the elf shoot her head up looking at Sil in disbelief but all her willpower left her long ago. "Of course not master" she weakly answered as she kneeled.

"Another thing, Jack is your master as well. Disobey him and you'll be put back here but you'll fall a lot faster." Sils words struck her like a hammer and she immediately crawled to Jack "please spar me master." She pleaded knowing of the pain she caused him.

Jack scowled with the most hate Sil's ever seen on a persons face, his facial expression resembled someone standing next to sewage for to long. He stomped on her head "don't say stupid shit like that, your just a puppet now don't speak unless spoken to." Sil didn't like the look of this but remembering what Jack told her she let it slide.

"Scar give her a house and some food, take us out." Suddenly they where standing in a room with nothing in it but a couple holes in the ground.

"This place feels so much different without any forges." Jack commented looking around getting Sil to agree. "Let's head out, I have a couple more stops."

With that said, they left the now regular house. "Bring Rick out here." Sil ordered as Rick casually walked out the void kneeling to her "I'm at your service my lady."

"Show me where all the blackmarket shops are" she ordered and without hesitation he stood with a bow "please follow me." Rick was born and raised in ForgeTheft, he knew exactly where he was no matter where you put him within the kingdom.

It didn't take long before he lead them into a building with a hidden lever opting a hidden door. "Just a little farther" he said nonchalantly as he lead the way deeper into the house.

They walked through a door leading into a dark open room. They walked to the center when suddenly a spot light lit up their poison, a second after another set of lights turned on across the room revealing people wearing masks.

Rick stood tall as he introduced Sil arrival "Be honored to be in the presence of a ruler and a god, The Dimension faction leader Sil wishes to buy from the blackmarket." Sil loved the introduction making her smile happily as the masked people looked at Rick in disbelief.

"Rick what's the meaning of that introduction? You know we don't like being talk to that way." One of the masked people with a black cat on it said a feminine voice.

"That's because you stand before a true God, someone who can bend the sky and erase planets." He announced all his might and power trying to prove his point.

They whispered to each other for a solid minute before they all walked down with the lights following them. Sil was curious on what was about to happen and before her eyes these masked people kneeled to her. "We greet you Dimension Bear faction leader."

"Theirs no need for all that, please take me to the merchandise" she assured with a smile as the masked people stood leading the way.

Sil followed with a genuine smile that Rick noticed making him beam with pride. "May we ask what you intend to pay with?" A masked asked with a bear mask and manly voice.

"I can pay in gold or charging crystals." She answered nonchalantly, the masked stopped in their tracks turning to her in disbelief. "Any crystal?" A female voice asked getting Rick to scowl "I already told you she's a god among us, whatever she desires I'll happen."

The masked people silently turned forward leading the way once more, Sil kept her smile as the hallway suddenly lit up showing all different kinds of shop's.

"Please shop until you're satisfied." One of the masked spoke with a bow before they walked away leaving Sil and her small group.

(Thank you for reading, and as always sorry for the lack of chapters)