

"Hey! Can we get back together?": :"Not in this lifetime!" : "why? Listen I know you are mad at me but I know you still love me!" Heh! Love you? I'd rather love a dog than loving you. You were the biggest Bitch I've ever been with I shouldn't have talked to her in the first place otherwise I wouldn't have gotten hurt this badly! Q..Q And moreover because of her my life has taken a weird turn that even if I want I can't go back to anyone not even my family. Thanks to you bitch and for your fake love I was so stupid to believe that shit! I hope she doesn't reply anymore I don't want to talk anyone specially to her! As Amelia's eyes Squinted as soon as she saw her Ex's text someone she used to love but now she had became someone whom she hates the most in the world. I think I should go take a shower talking to such idiots will only ruin my mood. She left her phone lying on the bed because there was nothing to hide and anyway and she was sure he'll never visit her room so just let it be there! As soon as she get inside the bathroom someone walks in her room that someone was none other than her husband who was trying to find something or just wanted to ask her she was feeling better now. Amelia had been always emotionally unstable and now she was also suffering From a bad fever and cold that wasn't going down she wasn't planning onto bath today but those stupid texts already ruined her mood. She chooses to rather suffer physically than mentally because a little bit of manipulation and sweet talking may change her mind or probably she was afraid of past pain and Anxiety she had felt throughout their relationship. She didn't reply further she thought if she can ghost me so she can too! Clodan walks into the room he heard the noises of water coming out of the bathroom he understood everything! 'oh she is probably bathing maybe her fever has gone down!' That's what he thought but he still decided to stay on her bed and wait so he ask her personally if she is alright now? Their marriage wasn't out of love or blind date it was a marriage of convience they decided to get married because of their mistake but also decided to end after 2 years! Lee Clodan was a singer but during his one of the performance in a foreign country things got twisted with Amelia who he had never known but if he hadn't played this fake marriage prank on her family she had to suffer because of his mistake. Some idiot took K-Drama too seriously and actually put aphrodisiacs in his drink during his Hotel stays and Amelia who had been staying in that same Luxury hotel ended being the pray! He ended up going to Amelia's room and they had one night stand that they didn't quite understand what fuck just happened with them! He was lying on the bed suddenly Amelia's phone kept ringing again again and he saw the Contact name 'scarlett Shine'. Before he can think who was that his abruptly picked up the call and he put it on his ear. "Hey! Amelia I know you are just mad at for ignoring you but I know you still love me wanna meet please forgive me I'll never live you again I know I was wrong I only love you now I know shouldn't have cheated on you!" For some reasons even Though Clodan didn't love Amelia and he never had such a thoughts about her but just thinking that someone who was such scaredy cat and calm person suffering from trauma and Anxiety could get cheated on pissed him off his expression suddenly turned sour. He knew that Amelia would never forget such a betrayal and it must have hurt deeply that's why she never asked anything from him through living one year together with him! "Ahem! This is Amelia's Husband shs is the shower what is it?" A man's voice?? Scarlett was confused and puzzled because it's been only 3 years since she stopped contacting Amelia as she knew Amelia would never get any relationship except for her because Amelia never had any relationship in the past either!

Sno_Wi1891 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

One night stand

No matter how hard Amelia tries it was never easy to move on that's why she never wanted to date anyone she knew whenever she'll fall for someone she'll fall for them to the death it was really hard to take the betrayal but she still tried to take it she wanted to visit other countries so she can forget about everything. 

'Only two days left to leave this country and I'll be there wow'

Amelia was thinking while looking down in the sea she loved spending time on ship and she gets to see a lot sea creatures though her job was quite risky but she enjoyed and didn't care much even if she dies there. She was excited about her trip her heart was just telling her that something was about to change she may find peace there.


"Umm!" Amelia opened her eyes she was tired her body was aching like she some pedestrian stepped on her back and she immediately wanted to sleep again! But something wasn't right she was hugging someone and there was also a large hand that was wrapped around her waist and suddenly she remembered everything that happened here ever since she came to the Australia and what had happened last night was totally unexpected and unrealistic it was totally out of her expectations she never thought that there will be a day when something like this would actually happen to her. The flashes of memory were coming back her head felt lighter like she may faint anytime if she gets up right now. And she didn't want to move whoever was sleeping peacefully wrapping his arms around her waist.

'what should I do now?' Amelia felt like crying she didn't what to in this situation she was just wondering 'why only bad things happens to me wherever I go!' 

But the first she needed to do was get dressed before that man wakes up she was so embarassed being naked with some stranger. She knew perfectly well that her dream of moving out and leave alone is going to shattered into pieces if her family founds about this she'll be dead as fuck. Amelia slowly removed his hand from her waist his face was buried on the pillow she didn't get a clear look how he actually looks but his hairs were beautiful and he didn't look like some old Grandpa so she thought it was alright but she was also mad that her virginity had been taken away by some random dude. 

'don't get mad Amelia it's alright things like this are common in foreign countries don't blame yourself you just have to handle it like an adult okay!' Amelia was trying her best console herself in her mind in her 25 years of life she never believed that something like this would actually happen. Her dress was on the floor along with her bra and panties.

"Oh God this is so embarassing I want to faint!" She mumbled to herself and went into the bathroom after taking a quick shower and dressing herself back the only thing she needed to do was either wait for him to wake up by himself or forcibly wake him up! She was having a dilemma because all of this more like she was scared yet surprised she couldn't believe that something like this would happen to her here in Australia. She was deep into thoughts and went closer to the bed she thought it's better to wake him up rather than waiting like an idiot.

"Hey! Wake up!" She slowly poked him and hoped that he'll wake up but she was also scared what if he beats her up. Amelia was having all sorts of wild thoughts she was on ten thousand level of negativity and she was so sure that this guy is a bad person she was so deep into her thoughts that she didn't realised that he was already starting at her and he can she see that disdain in Amelia's eyes as she was looking at garbage! 

But Amelia had different idea in her mind what if he tried to something to me again in case she decided she should take some nude pics of him if he is staying in such a luxurious Hotel he might be rich but who cares anyone's reputation can be ruined if their nudes goes viral even if he is a man! Hahaha she smirked and slowly pulled his blanket and saw that he was butt naked 

"Hehehe his body is nice!" She whispered to herself as she moved further his face turned left side she got scared 'oh my God is he going to wake up please don't wake up right now!' But he just slept back after a little bit of turning now his face was visible and Amelia was shocked to see him! 'I know I fucked up he is..no it's impossible Q...Q I seriously want to cry.' 

Literally Anyone can tell that who he was just looking at him after all he was an international celebrity obviously that almost everyone can recognise! 

'so I had a one night stand.. with Lee Clodan? Is it really him? Wtf seriously?' It was his stage his Korean name might be different but that was the only thing she knew about him and that he and his team members are having a world tour concert and this time it was in Australia, Sydney! 

Now there was more reasons for Amelia to take his nude pics otherwise she'll be in trouble. Amelia immediately took her phone and took his as much nudes as possible where his face was clearly visible and anyone could recognise that it's him! 

'just to be I should send this to Merit and tell her if I don't contact her in 2 hours make them viral in all social medias!' everything turned out fine she was able to send it her friend with a message.

Amelia: "Please Mewii if I don't contact you in 2 hours upload them on all social medias!' 

Merit: "wtf- oh my God who is this?''

Amelia: "just do as I say I'll tell you everything later!'' 

Merit: ":⁠-⁠O Okay''

"Hey you! You are the idiot girl who drugged me?" He was looking at her his eyebrows squinted because he also hated how things have become he was in a big trouble now if his agency found out that he had a scandal in a foreign country or worst what if media found out about it? 

Amelia immediately came back to reality as she heard him calling her "idiot!" 

"How dare you after raping me you are calling me idiot it was you who forced me last night not me!" Amelia said while trying her best to hold her tears in she was scaredy she was alone but she had to argue at least and she didn't want to show him that she was afraid of him! 

"Oh so you think it is a nice idea to drug an International star like me? So you can leach of off money from me I know people like you! But let me tell I'm not giving you anything I'm going to call the police!''

He got up from bed naked Amelia's eyes subconsciously looked at his lower part 'oh my he is huge!' 

He immediately noticed how she was staring at his rod he immediately pulled that blanket from bed and wrapped it around his waist. While wrapping the blanket he saw red blood patch on bed 'oh don't tell me she is a virgin? If she is a virgin why did she do that?she shouldn't have drugged me in the first place!' 

"Do you have no shame? I really hate girls like you!" 

"What do you mean? And more importantly go ahead call the police but I can verify I didn't drug you neither did I do anything to you and it's my room who do you think they are going to believe? It was you who walked into my room and took advantage of my drunken even if you were drugged you should have gone to your room not mine!'' 

Amelia had a point and he remembered that how an artist from another is now in jail for raping young girls he didn't want to ruin his career because of that! 

He was also thinking that it was practically someone else's fault if she hadn't drugged and now she was suffering because of that person also him. 

"How much would you take to quite down and forget about everything that had happened last night?" 

He was simply stating that she should take money from him and leave him alone. 

But Amelia had different plans in her mind because she thought she'll give her virginity to someone special but he ruined now.

"Do you think I'm some kind of prostitute? Money isn't going solve it at all!" Amelia was really mad at him and wanted to slap him for thinking so low about her but she didn't want to provoke a man when she was alone! 

"Why are you saying it like it was all my fault alone didn't you enjoy last night too I still remember how fast your breathing was how suductivily you were moaning beneath me while crying! But I think I should call the police it would be better I'll see whatever happens!" He crossed his arms over his chest he was still half naked though and it was kinda of delicacy for Amelia's eyes his body was well defined he had sharp jawline he was mascular and really handsome! Amelia was literally melting from inside but she can't say that she liked what happened last night! 

"Okay go ahead first of all your reputation will be ruined and I have your nudes I'll make them viral then I'll see who is going to call the police or you'll take responsibility for your actions!" While saying this Amelia's phone was in her hands as she waved her hands he rushed towards Amelia and snatched it right away from her hands and broke it into two pieces! 

"Oh no! Your evidence is now destroyed what are you going to do? Huh?" 

"Heh! I knew you'll do something like this that's why I already sent your nudes to my friend if I don't contact her in two hours, you are going to be headline of the all magazines and new channels!''

Clodan was really proud of himself he thought by destroying Amelia's phone he got away from this scandal now he would be Free but after what Amelia said shook him he felt like his career was already ended here right now he regret that he wasn't able recognise his room and came here when his mind wasn't working properly because of the effects of aphrodisiacs! 

"What do you want?"