
Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Money, power, and influence, Zoey Zhou had it all… or does she? Zoey Zhou, a 28-year-old self-established businesswoman whose only talent was to earn money and to earn even more. As a woman whose years were spent chasing those money signs, Zoey had nearly forgotten that her exciting prime years were nearing its end. The reason she had gone in search of her companion for life. However, how could a 28-year-old desperate woman find her soulmate if the greatest hurdle was Zoey, herself? Was it because of her standards? Heck, no! She has no standard at all! Then why, you ask? Well, it was because of one simple reason: Zoey was particularly attracted to men who were not interested in her! And to make things worse? She loses interest once they had reciprocated the feelings! What would happen if the desperate and narcissist drama queen Zoey becomes the heroine of the mysterious and the weirdest man on earth? Will spring come forth? Or, just another disaster will ensue? *** EXCERPT: "Are you sure you're not crazy?" Zoey Zhou narrowed her eyes as she leaned closer to his imperious mien. "Hmm?" “I mean, how can you not like the pretty me? Say, should we kiss and see if it will ignite some spark?” The corner of her lips curled into a grin while her brows moved up and down suggestively. Slowly, the man raised his eyes to meet her playful countenance across the table. Blinking once, his eyes traveled from her eyes down to her lips. He stared for a moment at her red, provocative lips before he opened his mouth. “Kissing you,” he said, raising his finger to point at her lips, “means your lipstick will smear on mine. I'm afraid I must refuse.” “Lame.” Zoey Zhou scoffed as she drew away from the table. “I knew it. He’s gay, tsk.” Zoey Zhou murmured. Alas, right after she blurted out her last remarks, her wrist was grabbed by his huge hands and without missing a beat, the man pulled her back to his embrace. “I heard that. Do you want to confirm the validity of your claim?” His voice was deep and yet so alluring. He leaned his head closer to hers, his musky smell emanating sexiness as a glint flashed across his pair of playful eyes. ----- For spoilers, questions, novel discussion, join my discord server: https://discord.gg/tdSWbQK Catch me on discord: BAJJ#2931 Buy this pleb a Kofi — ko-fi.com/authorbajj *cover not mine. credits to the rightful owner

BAJJ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
726 Chs

Wow, what a thick face.

Soon, Zoey and Matthew Xi finished their meal. Despite the dilemma Matthew Xi earlier, he still consumed everything — same goes with Zoey.

As they bill out, Matthew Xi took out his wallet but before he could pay, Zoey held on him and smiled. "I'll pay." She offered.

For a second, Matthew Xi didn't say a word and watched her go through her purse. "No." Watching her take out her card, Matthew Xi pulled the small black folder to him.

"Well, let's split the bill then." Zoey proposed as she innocently raised her gaze to him.

"I got it." Shaking his head, Matthew Xi refused. He wasn't trying to impress her but more like it was his natural reaction.

"Darling," Zoey sighed as she frowned. In her perspective, their meal was considered expensive. Well, everything is expensive to her though.

Even though Matthew Xi looked expensive himself, Zoey didn't want to judge by his appearance. Moreover, she was used to paying her bills and meals from her own pocket. Therefore, splitting the bill was something she would prefer so not to insult the man for paying for the both of them.

Seeing the frown on her lips, Matthew Xi arched his brows as he wondered what were her thoughts. Regardless, he didn't want to know as his instincts told him he wouldn't want to hear it. Hence, he conceded. "Whatever."

"Hehe," Pleased that he didn't play hard to get like he usually does, Zoey stretched her lips into a grin as she placed her card inside the small folder.

"Transfer me half of the bill through WeChat." Zoey's brows motioned up and down, casting him a knowing look. With that said note, Zoey then shoved the folder to the waiter and waited for the receipt.

As they wait, Zoey sipped from the straw while cupping her cheek and stared at Matthew Xi. She didn't leave her gaze on him which made him arch his brows.


"Nothing. I just want to thank you for today." Beaming a bright, blinding smile, Zoey said without reserve.

"It's nothing." Matthew Xi cleared his throat as he was caught off guard upon hearing her playful yet genuine thanks. He didn't know how but he felt the sincerity in her words despite her frisky tone.

By then, the waiter returned and handed out the black folder before leaving the two. Zoey skimmed the receipt while playing with her card. "Okay, we're good to go." Nodding in satisfaction, Zoey took out some cash from her wallet and placed it inside the folder as the tip.

Upon seeing her action, Matthew Xi opened his mouth yet he closed them again. He wanted to tell her that he'll give the tip but decided not to.

'She really does things on her own without asking others...' He thought inwardly. Sometimes, Matthew Xi felt that even though he was with Zoey, she sometimes act as if she's alone.

More than the impression he had for her as an independent woman, Matthew Xi never thought that he would have a hard time knowing her. She wouldn't let him pay for her meals, she dragged him around, and even told him that 'all he needed to do was to stay pretty'.

What a dilemma... Zoey completely bent the rules in the society they moved in.

"Darling?" Zoey knocked on the surface of the table to snap him back from his thoughts. He was just staring at her, as if criticizing her sparkling soul.

"Let's go." Blinking his eyes once, Matthew Xi slowly stood from his seat while Zoey did the same.

As usual, Matthew Xi didn't wait for Zoey as he headed out.

"Darling, wait!" Meanwhile, Zoey clicked her tongue for how moody he was.

Sometimes, he would be sweet and considerate. But most of times, there was no trace of sweetness that was on his being. They just ate for Pete's sake! She feel awfully heavy and he walked out of the premises as if he was alone.

Just as they exited the restaurant, Zoey stopped following Matthew Xi's tracks as she turned to the figure standing on the side. When her eyes and the man she wanted to avoid met, an ugly expression immediately crept out of her face.

"I forgot he's still here." Through her gritted teeth, Zoey mumbled to herself as she turned to the direction Matthew Xi headed. However, just as she saw Matthew Xi walking away — furthering their distance — Zoey's wrist was pulled by the man.

"Huh, you're shameless aren't you? Still stalking me?" The man scoffed, peering at her from head to toe.

Upon hearing his last statement, Zoey gasped in disdain as she slowly turned her disgusted gaze at him. "Wow, you're so thick-faced I give you the crown."