
Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Money, power, and influence, Zoey Zhou had it all… or does she? Zoey Zhou, a 28-year-old self-established businesswoman whose only talent was to earn money and to earn even more. As a woman whose years were spent chasing those money signs, Zoey had nearly forgotten that her exciting prime years were nearing its end. The reason she had gone in search of her companion for life. However, how could a 28-year-old desperate woman find her soulmate if the greatest hurdle was Zoey, herself? Was it because of her standards? Heck, no! She has no standard at all! Then why, you ask? Well, it was because of one simple reason: Zoey was particularly attracted to men who were not interested in her! And to make things worse? She loses interest once they had reciprocated the feelings! What would happen if the desperate and narcissist drama queen Zoey becomes the heroine of the mysterious and the weirdest man on earth? Will spring come forth? Or, just another disaster will ensue? *** EXCERPT: "Are you sure you're not crazy?" Zoey Zhou narrowed her eyes as she leaned closer to his imperious mien. "Hmm?" “I mean, how can you not like the pretty me? Say, should we kiss and see if it will ignite some spark?” The corner of her lips curled into a grin while her brows moved up and down suggestively. Slowly, the man raised his eyes to meet her playful countenance across the table. Blinking once, his eyes traveled from her eyes down to her lips. He stared for a moment at her red, provocative lips before he opened his mouth. “Kissing you,” he said, raising his finger to point at her lips, “means your lipstick will smear on mine. I'm afraid I must refuse.” “Lame.” Zoey Zhou scoffed as she drew away from the table. “I knew it. He’s gay, tsk.” Zoey Zhou murmured. Alas, right after she blurted out her last remarks, her wrist was grabbed by his huge hands and without missing a beat, the man pulled her back to his embrace. “I heard that. Do you want to confirm the validity of your claim?” His voice was deep and yet so alluring. He leaned his head closer to hers, his musky smell emanating sexiness as a glint flashed across his pair of playful eyes. ----- For spoilers, questions, novel discussion, join my discord server: https://discord.gg/tdSWbQK Catch me on discord: BAJJ#2931 Buy this pleb a Kofi — ko-fi.com/authorbajj *cover not mine. credits to the rightful owner

BAJJ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
726 Chs

Mr. right, left, up, or down.

"Hayy... you just want gossip. Hey Cora Ma, are you going to use this as a reference for your next project?" Zoey clicked her tongue upon the sudden enthusiasm of her best friend.

"Come on, tell me. Pretty please?" Cora Ma fluttered her lashes as she cast Zoey a puppy eye through the video call.

"You're hopeless. Why don't you try to carpe diem and have a whirlwind romance?" Shaking her head, Zoey suggested because her best friend always used Zoey's hilarious experience in her love life.

Zoey couldn't blame Cora Ma though. After all, although Cora Ma was a romance writer, she has no experience in romance herself; how could Cora Ma write bed scenes if she has no experience too?

It was still a wonder to Zoey how her best friend cooked up enjoyable romance story without experience. Fortunately, Zoey had always been open with her love life and often share her experiences and bounce ideas with Cora Ma.

"If I have the looks and body, I would. Sadly, who would like someone who looks average?" Despite spouting the truth, Cora Ma didn't show that she's sad about it. She accepted that no one would like her long ago and even if someone did, Cora Ma was certain it wouldn't last long.

"Just tell me what happened between you and Browny." Cora Ma diverted the subject back as Zoey frowned upon hearing her response.

"Looks is not only the basis, you know." Zoey muttered, displeased that Cora Ma embraced her low self-esteem and seemed proud if it. "Also, you're pretty cute without even trying." Zoey added.

"Please, Z... I am your best friend — don't hit on me." Staring at Zoey with a little bit of disbelief, Cora Ma said out of defense mechanism.

Zoey often tells her that she looked cute and Zoey was sometimes insecure that Cora Ma could look good even without makeup. Somewhat someway, Zoey helped Cora Ma build her self-esteem.

However, Cora Ma knew the standard of her looks. Hence, she often took Zoey's words as someone who wanted to help her build her self-esteem. Cora Ma appreciated her best friend more with this though.

"Girl, you're really hard to get." Zoey humored back then both women chuckled. "Well, Mr. Right said he didn't want to see me anymore." After a while, Zoey finally delved on the initial subject to satiate her writer friend.

"Huh? Browny said that?!" Surprised that Matthew Xi was truly a blunt person, Cora Ma's under eye twitched in dismay.

"Not directly though, but the meaning is still the same." Zoey slowly stood from the sofa and headed to the kitchen. "He's pretty moody — how cute." Zoey added as she placed her phone down on the kitchen counter and poured herself a glass of wine.

"Aish, that jerk. Why did he get mad though? You didn't go overboard, did you?" Grinding her teeth, Cora Ma clicked her tongue before arching her brows as another thought resurfaced.

In her eyes, Matthew Xi was a reasonable person. If he tolerated Zoey ever since, Zoey must have angered him about something. After all, they were talking about Zoey and knowing her best friend, Zoey could be a little too much.

"Overboard? I always go overboard — you know that." Peeking at the phone, Zoey answered in a matter-of-fact tone. "But it's not like it's the reason. It's not like him." Swirling the wine, Zoey muttered as she pondered for a second.

"Huh? Not like him? Z, you sound like you knew him that well." Cora Ma reminded that Zoey didn't know the man that long. "Also, let him go. He's not Mr. Right — false alarm." Cora Ma added because Matthew Xi was cancelled to her knowing that.

"Who said he's Mr. Right?" Zoey arched her right brow as she leaned her bum on the table.

"You?" Rolling her eyes, Cora Ma reminded.

"Mhmm... that's right, I said that the first day I met him." Zoey looked at the wine on the wineglass and stared at her reflection. "Girl, why do you think I said that despite not knowing him?"

"Uhm... because he is handsome?" Appalled about Zoey's sudden mind games, Cora Ma tilted her head to the side as she patiently waited for Zoey's answer.

"Wrong. Because it doesn't matter. Whether he's Mr. Right or left, up or down, it doesn't matter." Slowly, the side of Zoey's lips curled upward before she sipped a mouthful of wine and gulped it down.

"All I have to do is drag him to the right — to where I am." Zoey slowly smiled as her eyes softened. If Cora Ma could see Zoey's expression, she would have the shock of her life.