
Wild Alpha

"Tell me you f*cking love me or I'll f*ck it out of you and tear that gorgeous cave of yours." ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ ALLAN DAMSPLE is the Alpha of the century, slaughtering over a thousand pack members and raping hundreds of virgin maidens at the age of 19. After that, the King of all Alpha decided to capture him and place him in the highest security jail. ALTHEA CROSFORD is so young when this happens, and her family has always been quite protective of her. However, after her mother discovers her father's unfaithful affair. Everything she owned was shattered. Anyway, 5 years later, she goes on a field trip to the high-security jail where Allan is being detained. Althea never expected to encounter a wild Alpha, and her life was wrecked until the wild Alpha escaped again to claim her his.

ZetZumi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Chapter 31: Only his

Althea lay in bed, as she always did, watching television. There was nothing to do while Allan was at work.

Unfortunately, Anthony did not even bother to contact her. It's not like she couldn't find her phone, therefore that could be the reason.

"I should get a job too, maybe help Allan buy a new condo because, quite frankly, this one is rubbish. He has enough money to buy me stunning clothes and pants, but not for a possibly bit nicer place. He's probably just bad at saving, who knows," she thought to herself.

"Perhaps I will tell him when he gets home; I hope he approves of the idea; it gives me something to do so that I won't feel like such a bottom feeder," she muttered.

She turns to see a smiling Allan as she hears the door unlock and open. She smiles and gets up to hug him, but he dashes away.

the bathroom before the oils become even

close to him.

"Allan, are you okay?" she sighs, knocking on the bathroom door, but she doesn't hear him say anything; only the shower turns on. She then attempted to open the door, but it was shut. She bites her lower lip and returns to her seat on the bed. I was wondering why he was acting strangely.

When she senses his wolf arguing with Allan, her wolf becomes nervous.

She stands up and knocks on the door again. "Allan," she says quietly. He didn't say anything, but she knew he heard her. His wolf came to a halt.

They quickly return to arguing, and she frowns. He was beaming just moments ago. "Allan, please open the door," she begs, her voice desperate this time. After a minute, let out a soft whimper.

She then hears footsteps outside, but Allan does not open the door. As she worried about her mate, she groaned and slid down it, bringing her legs up to her chest.

When she hears the bathroom door unlocked behind her, her eyes flutter open. Allan opens it with a straight face and looks down at her. She remains silent, feeling awkward in his presence. She didn't want to feel this way, but it was unavoidable.

"Althea," Allan mumbled. She then looks up at him, and he apologizes in a monotone voice. Her wolf froze for a split second, thinking the voice was familiar. She smiles and shakes her head. He had nothing to apologize for.

Allan picks her up from the floor and places her on their bed. "Do you like it here?" he asks abruptly.

She then nods and looks over at him. She wasn't in the mood to speak; she simply felt unable to do so. It was a combination of the two. "Do you feel like you're forgetting or recalling anything?" he asks, letting out a sigh. Althea thought the question was strange, but she guessed he knew a little more about her than she thought.

"Yeah," she replies quietly. He nods and strokes her hair, saying nothing else.

They cuddled in silence for the rest of the night. She wishes she had known what Allan and his wolf were fighting about; their wolves rarely argue with them unless there's a good reason.

That reason is significant; she simply has a gut feeling, as does her wolf. She sometimes believes it's more than just a gut feeling.

She awoke to find herself surrounded by strong arms. She smiles, not bothering to free herself from Allan's grip. It was gentle, not too tight, and just the right position to not bother her or, hopefully, him. She then closes her eyes once more, entering a semi-dreamlike state.

Althea could feel him moving behind her, his hardness rubbing against her. She wakes up again, lightly blushing. "Good morning, sweetie," he says quietly. She bites her lower lip and does not respond. "I know you're awake," Allan sings as he tightens his grip on her.

Althea laughs, "Morning babe," she ssmsmismilsmiles. She never called him a pet name, but she won't die trying. Allan does nothing but relaxes his grip a little.

"Mhm. There was something I want to tell you, but it comes with a catch," Allan says. She then looks straight ahead at nothing in special, feeling a sense of deja vu.

"I will take that as a yes. Last night I knew you were asking to see why I and my wolf were fighting. Well, he had a different approach to how to treat you and what to call you. I didn't like how he continued to act, so vicious and selfish," Allan's voice immediately changed tones.

She had a sneaking suspicion it was a small lie. "Anyway, many years back, she was my best friend, and then we started dating for a year, and that was the best year of our lives—" Althea felt her heart twist as she suddenly didn't feel good enough.

"We held hands, enjoyed, and even lived together. She was my intimate secret and I was hers. We were supposed to be a blissful family now until one day she was sexually assaulted behind a landfill by a prison guard. I tried to save her, but I just got the shit beat out of me. At the time, I was only a sluggish kid. My father didn't even care about what happened until one day someone told me that he wasn't my real father that's why he didn't even feel pity for me, I'm just a stand-in for his late son. I never expected to have a mate again after all those years."

"I just don't want you to be in danger, Althea," he says, a few tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't know anything about him, and he decides to tell her something so important so soon. "I don't want to lose you," Allan says as he kisses the back of her neck, his uncertainty radiating off of him.

"Why would someone wants to target me? " she inquired, and he implied that people would come looking for her on purpose.

There's no reason for that to happen because they're just a normal couple to her.

Allan holds his breath for a moment before saying, "Just in case, I want to keep you safe. I want to defend you, from others and yourself. I want to love you," he said sympathetically.

Althea wiggles away from him, irritated. "No, you're deceiving me; you don't want my love, so what do you want?" she asks. She was sick of all the lies, no matter how small. She understands what she is supposed to be.

She wanted to believe her mate, but she couldn't. Something was telling her not to, and she was beginning to believe it.

"I don't want your devotion," Allan says as he gets up, his eyes flashing with an unknown emotion. "I want you and only you. I don't want anyone to touch you or have the same feeling that I've with you," he whispered as Althea looked up into his eyes. He wasn't lying when he said he wanted to be domineering. "I just want you to be mine, Althea. Mine alone."