
>>> Chapter 3 <<<

(As always rate and comment, please! It's a long chapter 😬)

Taehyung pulled out his things from his bag as the room for his first-class fill-ups.

As soon as he pulled out one of his notebooks, he noticed how the outside zipper of his bag looks like there is a note trapped in it.

Taehyung tilted his head in confusion as he zips it open revealing a crumpled paper inside.

He uncrumpled the paper carefully revealing a number scribbled on it with the name "Jungkookie".

"Oh," Taehyung whispered to himself.

"OH." Taehyung immediately pulled his phone out sending the number a message to confirm that it is from Jungkook.

(Text conversation Taehyung's POV)

Taehyung: Hi is this Jungkookie? 🤔

Jungkookie: Took you long enough baby tiger 🐯

Taehyung: You mean... a cub?

Jungkookie: A what?

Taehyung: A cub, a baby tiger is called a cub Kookie 😂

Jungkookie: So from Jungkookie to Kookie? I'm not sure if you're giving me nicknames or if you're getting lazier.

Taehyung: I think it's cute 😌

Jungkookie: You're cute

Taehyung: ...?

Jungkookie: *sends a picture of himself*

Taehyung: Umm you look good...?

Taehyung: What is it for? 👀

Jungkookie: You can use it as my contact pic Tae 🙄

Jungkookie: Can you send me one too? For the contact pic?

Taehyung: Heh

Taehyung: Sure sure

Taehyung: *sends a pic of himself*

Taehyung: Took this awhile back 😊

Jungkookie: Cute :)

(End of text conversation)

It's Friday night, Taehyung knew it will be busy but he didn't know that it will be this crowded.

People are everywhere, all seats are taken so he had no choice but to sit on one of the counter bar stools.

Taehyung, of course, asked Jungkook first before doing so, who of course told him that he is more than welcome to sit anywhere.

"It's really busy." Taehyung tried to tell Jungkook over the music, which is also so much louder compared to the other nights.

"It usually is on Fridays, and when there are special events or special parties," Jungkook informed Taehyung.

Before Taehyung can continue the conversation, a man dressed in a black see-through button-up stumbled to the counter.

"Hey cutie." the guy flirts with Jungkook.

"What can I get you?" Jungkook smirked flirting back, it just comes naturally now as this is what he deals with every night.

"3 tequila shots and you- naked preferably." the random guy flirted boldly making Taehyung's eyes widen in surprise.

The guy continued checking Jungkook out as he prepared the shots.

"That can be arranged," Jungkook replies as he hands him the shots.

Taehyung's eyes are still wide at the exchange, Jungkook noticed this.

"Sorry about that." Jungkook scratched the back of his neck, wait why is he apologizing.

"No you don't have to be sorry about that, I was just shocked," Taehyung explains getting back his composure.

"Shocked that I swing both ways?" Jungkook smirked enjoying the fact that he is flustering the boy.

"No, no, of course not", Taehyung quickly defends.

"Just of how bold he is", Taehyung said in a low voice that Jungkook almost didn't catch it.

Truth be told, Taehyung is only here because he enjoys the company of his friend, Jungkook. He barely can talk to the other so he doesn't see the point.

Plus after the exchange with Jungkook and the random guy, the way the guy is still eyeing Jungkook makes him uncomfortable.

Jungkook noticed that Taehyung is getting ready to leave, so he immediately made his way from behind the counter in a rush.

"You leaving? So soon?", Jungkook asked as he stopped Taehyung in his tracks.

"Yeah I don't have many important things to do tonight, and it getting pretty crowded so," Taehyung explained as he slowly made his way out of the crowded bar with Jungkook walking right behind him.

Taehyung took a breath of fresh air as soon as he stepped out of the crowded bar.

"You should go back Jungkookie, it's very busy." Taehyung points out.

"You sure you don't have anything important to finish? If you need the wifi I can arrange a table in the corner, I'll put a reserved sign so no one will bother you." Jungkook offered in pursuit of making Taehyung stay.

He couldn't fully admit it to himself but he likes being around Taehyung, it's been a few days but he likes seeing him, even if he's just watching Taehyung studying from afar.

"I don't have anything important today, I just came to see you", Taehyung admits.

Jungkook's heart jumped in a very unusual way upon hearing those words fall out of Taehyung's mouth. He almost worried for his health at the weird thing that his heart just did.

"I had some work but it's not important." Taehyung continues to explain.

"I'm gonna go now bye Jungkookie." Taehyung waves cutely.

Taehyung turned on his heel but before he can start walking away, Jungkook decided to go for it.

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's arm, softly, he pulled Taehyung, making him turn to face Jungkook.

A questioning look is plastered on Taehyung's face and as he was about to ask what's wrong, Jungkook pulled him closer, his arms wrapping around Taehyung's frame.

The warm tingling sensation that Jungkook felt is undeniable, incomparable.

From just a mere hug, he feels so good and satisfied, more than he had ever felt with anyone he slept with.

With just a mere hug.

Taehyung hugged back, the pain in his stomach from earlier all of a sudden disappeared and is replaced with relief.

"Goodnight Jungkookie," Taehyung whispered.

As soon as they pulled away, Taehyung began walking home but not without waving once more at the other who waved back with a smile.


(Jungkook twitter)

~ Jungkook feels weird ~

Jungkook @Jeon_Jungkook: Weird...


Mingyu @Mingyu_the_great

👀 Get back in here??? It's busy, my limbs are about to fall off!

Hoseok @Hoseok_Jung

@Mingyu_the_great shh 🤫 he walked ******** out let him be

Mingyu @Mingyu_the_great

@Hoseok_Jung Why censor cutie's name?

Hoseok @Hoseok_Jung

@Mingyu_the_great Because we're moots uwu

Jungkook @Jeon_Jungkook

@Hoseok_Jung ???

Jungkook texts the tiger flower (his bar) group chat

Jungkook: Hoseok?

Jungkook: What did you mean you and Tae are moots?

Hoseok: Oh so your on a nickname basis now cute 🥰

Hoseok: And it's hyung to you

Jungkook: What do you mean you and Tae are moots HYUNG?! 🙄

Mingyu: He means they're mutuals on Twitter bro, they follow each other

Jungkook: What the fuck

Mingyu: Yes bro that's what moots mean

Jungkook: No what the fuck as in what the fuck do you think I am a dumbass or some shit? Of course, I know what moots mean

Mingyu: Then why are you asking hyung?

Mingyu: What he meant?

Jungkook: You know you are lucky you are my friend otherwise I would have fired you already

Mingyu: Using boss powers I see...

Jungkook: Mingyu seriously shut the fuck up

Hoseok: Anywayyy

Hoseok: Last night before he started working on his project I saw him scrolling through Twitter

Jungkook: So you just what stalked him?

Hoseok: Of course not

Hoseok: I talked to him like a regular person and we exchanged @'s 😊

Jungkook: He just gave it to you like that?

Hoseok: Taehyungie is very friendly Kook

Jungkook: Taehyungie?

Hoseok: Don't be jealous now

Jungkook: I'm shut up I'm not

Hoseok: Hyung*

Jungkook: So what's his @

Hoseok: Say "hyung pleaseee 🥺" first

Mingyu: Hyungie pleaseee 🥺

Hoseok: Okay Mingyu I'll dm you now

Jungkook: Wtf just give it

Jungkook: Or y'all dead

Hoseok: Wow you'll kill us for an @?

Mingyu: Gotta stop texting now, so much order and my boss is outside texting

Mingyu: oh wait that's you 🤭

Jungkook: Hoseok Hyung

Hoseok: Right with you Mingyu, bye kook see you when you decide to come in the bar and help us out 😚

Jungkook: No wait

Hoseok: ???😇

Jungkook: Give me Tae's @

Hoseok: ???🤔

Jungkook: Hyungg

Jungkook: Pleasee 🥺

Mingyu: Oh my God

Mingyu: Imma screenshot this

Hoseok: it's @kimtaetae

Hoseok: You're welcome Jungkookie 🥰

Jungkook: I'm gonna kill both of you

Hoseok: We love you too uwu

Jungkook: uwu?

Jungkook: Wtf

Hoseok: Taehyung texts me that

Jungkook: You text too what?

Mingyu: Y'all having fun here I followed Tae tae already first uwu

Jungkook: Shut up please don't use that again

Hoseok: But seriously though Jungkook please come inside we need help there's too many people

(Jungkook texts Taehyung)

Jungkookie: You got home safe?

Taehyung: Yes Jungkookie

Jungkookie: Will you come this weekend?

Jungkookie: to study I mean

Taehyung: No 😔

Jungkookie: What will you be up to then?

Taehyung: Well I'll spend Saturday in my bed sleeping, scrolling through Twitter, watching Netflix. 😍🙏🏻🙌🏻

Jungkookie: What's your Sunday gonna be like then?

Taehyung: I'll be hanging out with my best friend Jiminie, his boyfriends coming in town for the week too so we'll hang out. ☺️

Jungkookie: Ah your best friend's boyfriend is not from Seoul?

Taehyung: No he travels frequently but he is very sweet to Jiminie they're very very cute. 🥰🥰🥰

Jungkookie: Really?

Taehyung: Yeah sometimes I wish I have someone like Chanyeol hyung, Jiminie too, Jiminie's amazing. 😊💜

Jungkookie: So your not with anyone?

Taehyung: No 😔

Jungkookie: Why the sad face?

Taehyung: Idk I've never been with anyone ever so I just wish to have someone to feel how it's like you know? 🤔😊

Taehyung: I have to go to bed I'm tired 💤

Taehyung: Goodnight ✨

Jungkookie: Goodnight Tae

~ On Twitter ~

Hoseok @Hoseok_Jung

@Jeon_Jungkook stop stalking oomf challenge: FAILED 😔✊


Jungkook @Jeon_Jungkook


Mingyu @Mingyu_the_great

Yeah Hyung, leave my bro @Jeon_Jungkook alone

Jungkook @Jeon_Jungkook

@Mingyu_the_great see this a real one right here

Mingyu @Mingyu_the_great

@Jeon_Jungkook Of course, I got you, bro I 💯support your stalking 🙌🏻

Jungkook @Jeon_Jungkook

@Mingyu_the_great eat dirt

Jungkook texts tae ~ Taehyung's POV

Jungkookie: You and Jimin are really close

Taehyung: Hi Kookie!!

Taehyung: Yeah we are he's my soulmate 🥰

Jungkookie: You said he's seeing someone else?

Taehyung: He is, Chanyeol Hyung, Why?

Jungkookie: So you and him, your really just friends?

Taehyung: I don't know what you mean Jungkookie?

Taehyung: We're best friends, Jimin and I

Taehyung: Soulmates I'd like to think 😇

Jungkookie: I mean it's platonic?

Taehyung: Oh

Taehyung: OH

Taehyung: 😂😂😂

Taehyung: Yes Yes 😂

Jungkookie: Ahh good to know

Taehyung: Why did you ask Kookie? 🤔

Jungkookie: Nothing

Jungkookie: You two just seem

Jungkookie: Really really close

Taehyung: Jiminie has been in my life for so long, he's done so much for me and I love him to bits 🥰

Jungkookie: But it's platonic right?

Taehyung: Yes Jungkookie, why? What's wrong?

Jungkookie: Nothing nothing dw

Jungkookie: I was just wondering

Taehyung: Hmmkay 🤗


A week has passed, Jungkook and Taehyung continued their routine, Taehyung goes to the bar for dinner and the free wifi every day except the weekends.

After that, Jungkook walks Taehyung back to his dorms no matter what time Taehyung decides to go home, Jungkook made sure that Hoseok can cover for him as he walks Taehyung home.

Taehyung texts Jungkook ~ Tae's POV

Taehyung: Hi Jungkookieee

Jungkookie: Hey baby Tiger

Taehyung: I'll miss you tonight

Jungkookie: Oh...

Jungkookie: Why?

Taehyung: I won't come it's Friday, it will probably be busy

Taehyung: I don't wanna bother

Jungkookie: You're never a bother Tae

Taehyung: Have a great night Jungkookie! See you next week 🤗


Over that weekend, Jungkook couldn't help but miss Taehyung. The truth is, he couldn't stop thinking of Taehyung, no matter how hard he tries.

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon when Jungkook finally decided to talk to Mingyu and Hoseok about what he's feeling.

"This is bad, really bad." Jungkook rubbed his temples after he finished telling the two guys closest to what he can call best friends, how he feels, and what he's been feeling.

"How is that a bad thing? That's amazing that means you have feelings bro! You're human after all!" Mingyu celebrated putting his right hand to his left chest before looking up to the ceiling like he was praying.

"Our prayers have been answered." Hoseok joins Mingyu.

"Can both of you please stop, it's disturbing?" Jungkook said shaking his head.

"What are you so in denial about? You like him so what?" Hoseok rolling his eyes sighed at Jungkook's attitude towards what he is feeling.

"I don't like it because I can't even have a proper hook up without thinking about Taehyung okay?" Jungkook admits.

"Then hook up with him? Problem solved." Mingyu suggests.

" It's not like that, I don't like him in that way..." Jungkook trails off.

"You wouldn't want to hook up with him? Really?" Hoseok asked unbelief in his tone.

"Of course I do!" Jungkook answered back taking the other two by surprise.

"But I don't just want to hook up with him, I-"

"I want something more than that..." Jungkook almost whispers.

This took the other two by surprise even more.

Hoseok blinked in surprise as he cleared his throat unsure what he just heard, "Explain, please" Hoseok demands.

"Yeah he cute, he's very attractive anyone with a working pair of eyes will be able to see that. But I don't just want to hook up with him." Jungkook paused before continuing.

"I want to go for walks with him, I want to talk to him as much as I could, I want to see him smiling all the time..." Jungkook expressed his feelings unconsciously, a soft smile starts to form on his face as he is once again reminded of Taehyung.

Hoseok and Mingyu looked at each other, as they listen and look at their best friend.

"Means you want to date him, bro." Mingyu finally said it.

Upon hearing those words, Jungkook got scared. Does he want to date Taehyung?

No there's just no way.

Jungkook doesn't date it can't be.

"I don't do that, remember?" Jungkook reminds them.

"Do what?" Mingyu asked.

"Dating, relationships. Not for me." Jungkook tells them.

Hoseok frowned at this, at how incredibly stupid this sounds to him.

"What? Is that like a golden rule you can't break? Like the 10 commandments or some shit?" Hoseok asks in frustration.

"Bro you're not gonna die if you try." Mingyu agreeing with Hoseok tells the other.

"Just let it go okay? I just wanted to tell you guys to maybe vent out."

"It'll be fine," Jungkook assures them.

These feelings should go away, maybe he just has to ignore it for a while, ignore Taehyung and this feeling will go away, Jungkook told himself.

It was Sunday night when he decided that maybe he should avoid Taehyung, so on Monday night, when Taehyung walked in the bar, he did just that.

"Hi, Jungkookie!" Taehyung greets cheerfully, Jungkook just looked at him and nodded, no response, no smile just a nod.

"How was your weekend?" Taehyung asked as he tried to push down that sting in his stomach by how uninterested Jungkook is with talking to Taehyung.

"Busy," Jungkook answered.

Taehyung backed down, maybe he doesn't want to talk to Taehyung. Taehyung thought.

"What would you like to have?" Jungkook asked, this being the longest sentence he gave to Taehyung.

"I'll take a look first, it's fine I'll just ask Mingyu-sshi," Taehyung tells Jungkook who simply nodded.

Jungkook didn't fully ignore Taehyung but to anyone with eyes and ears, you can tell that he is purposely avoiding the other. Jungkook thought that through this, through ignoring Taehyung and what he is feeling, the feeling will go away.

Taehyung ate in silence, his heart and stomach ached, like he was having some sort of tummy pain that radiates to his chest.

He hates this feeling, when he steals glances from Jungkook who he can tell doesn't even want to spare him a glance, it hurts even more.

Did Taehyung do something wrong?

Does Jungkook not want to be friends anymore?

Taehyung wonders, and with that in mind, tears started forming in his eyes.

He tried to push back those tears as he ate as fast as he could, almost choking on his food and tears.

He finished the food as fast as he could and walked up to Mingyu at the cash register quickly settling his payment.

Jungkook was taken back that he couldn't do anything but glare at Mingyu to remind him not to take money from Taehyung.

"Taehyung-sshi, you don't have to pay you to know that right?" Mingyu reminded Taehyung who is trying his best to hold back his tears as he pushed the bill in Mingyu's hand.

He knows he doesn't Jungkook's been buying him dinner for almost 2 weeks now, but since Jungkook doesn't want to talk to him, Taehyung assumed that things probably changed.

Taehyung didn't say anything he just dropped the bill at the counter, & immediately started walking away.

He knows that Jungkook could see him walk away, but Jungkook didn't follow after him like he usually does.

Taehyung wants to know what he did wrong, but he doesn't have the heart to ask and be ignored again.

Taehyung can easily make friends, why is he so dejected when a friend he made over 2 weeks ago all of a sudden is ignoring him?

It's fine, Taehyung went through a lot worse friendship wise.

But somehow, this friendship he has, or rather, had with Jungkook is something else that hurts more.

Jungkook, on the other hand, saw the whole exchange, he can see that the boy is upset, he knows this is his fault.

Almost on instinct, Jungkook stood up to follow Taehyung, but he quickly stopped himself upon realizing what he was about to do.

Jungkook needs to do this, he has to, or else he'll be in much deeper shit.

"Are you stupid or are you stupid?" Hoseok asked after Taehyung walked out of the bar, he and Mingyu saw everything that happened.

"I thought you like Taehyung?" Mingyu asked confused at how Jungkook's words contradicted his actions tonight.

"I do." Jungkook barely whispered.

"Then why were you purposely ignoring him? Poor kid looks like he was about to cry!" Hoseok demands an answer.

"It's for the better, this way the feeling can go away," Jungkook answered as he wiped the bar counter.

"I knew you can be dumb but not this dumb." Hoseok shook his head in disappointment.

"You're stupid, this won't change how you're feeling," Hoseok tells his friend who just ignored him.

"Hyung's right you know. You should just let it be. No need to stop it or try to make it disappear." Mingyu agreed with Hoseok.

That night, Jungkook tried to erase the memory of Taehyung's sad eyes by flirting with everyone who attempts to flirt with him, just like the usual.

But somehow, he started to feel uncomfortable, unlike before.

He thought of finding someone to hook up with, but when the conversation starts going there, he felt like something is wrong in his chest.

Hence, that night he went home alone, with only Taehyung in his mind.

Maybe, just maybe, his friends are right.

What is wrong with how he's feeling?

Just because it's new and it's the first he felt like this, he's trying to get rid of it.

Isn't there a first time for everything?

He's just not sure if he is ready for this 'first time'.


(End of Chapter 3)

(I've decided to only write the text conversations and tweets that I think are important from now on because it's too much writing but you can see the original on my Wattpad it has the same name and I have the same username as well 😊💜)