

She is a renowned assassin and a saying was made " the more she smiles ... The more she kill". Feng Ming is known for being ruthless not until she loses her mentor and her entire organization is wiped out and lastly she is killed. Su yuoyue is a lazy student and known as a beauty with no brain... After witnessing the affair of her fiance and her cousin , she can't face the emotional turmoil and dies on her way home... leaving behind her family . Feng Ming , now Su Yuoyue seeks revenge for both of thier grievances, while keeping her heart a mile away from him " Nangong Jingshen" We see a story of ruthless to others but accommodating to me .

Simon_Chukwu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Did Ye Siting Not Come.

Su Yuoyue glanced around the environment , she felt a familiar aura similar to that of Ye Siting ....but she didn't find him 

 " Maybe it was just my imagination " Su Yuoyue whispered to herself , the wind blew and Su Yuoyue hair caressed her face , her face looked like that of a fairy that came to the Earth by mistake and was stuck , one word could describe her" too beautiful ".

 The group of ladies that was standing there was mesmerized by her , the person who was touching her face stopped , she could not help but stare at Su Yuoyue .

 " It's no wonder , that Ye Siting would be attracted to her , if I was a man I would also be interested in her " the girl who was touching her face earlier on , said to her friends. 

 " I really can't help but agree " another one of the female students said .

 "Where is Ye Siting , was he not standing here right now " One of the students asked , who was looking for Ye Siting to see his face expression but could not find him .

 "Wait , you are right , Gui Qing , was he not standing here right now " Another one of them said .

 "What happened , where did he go , he was waiting for Su Yuoyue to arrive moment ago, I hope that they didn't have a fight " 

 Su Yuoyue heard a few of their words and walked over .

 "Su Yuoyue ! , Happy graduation " one of the female students said .

 " Happy Graduation to you to " Su Yuoyue replied , "you are in class 12 A right " Su Yuoyue found the girls face to be familiar , so she continued .

 "Yes yes , we are all in class 12 A , Ye Siting class , you occasionally came to our class to study with Ye Siting and Song Ling" Another one of the students said

 " Not occasionally , but rather almost everyday and even Ye Siting and Song Ling would disappear from our class " one of them teased 

Su Yuoyue nodded to show politeness , then she said "was Ye Siting here earlier on?" 

 One of the girls answered " yes , he was even here when you arrived but all of a sudden we could not find him " 

 "Su Yuoyue, I hope that both of you didn't have a fight ? " Another student asked Su Yuoyue in curiosity . 

 One of her friends nudged her , and smiled at Su Yuoyue then said " sorry for her impolite nature , but did you really have a fight with Ye Siting " the Girl said.

"Not really , I sure that something important came up , I will call him later " Su Yuoyue was puzzled as she answered their questions .

 ' Ye Siting was here , so I was not wrong but at the same time , why did he leave all of a sudden , did something happen to his family ' her thoughts were all over the place.

 " Su Yuoyue , would you like to take some pictures " one of the girls asked. 

" Huh , why would you like to take a picture with me " According to Su Yuoyue understanding one usually took pictures with their families and not strangers .

 "So that we can recall this moment with you , afterall we didn't get the opportunity to get a picture with Ye Siting " A student explained and complained .

 Su Yuoyue smiled as she understood although she didn't quite get it .

 " Uhh , okay , I guess that will be fine " Su Yuoyue replied .

 The girls exclaimed and gathered around Su Yuoyue and took a picture.

" Thank you so much , I was going to brag to my friends that I meant a very beautiful person and even took a picture with her " 

Su Yuoyue smiled , a beautiful person , who were they referring to ? But she didn't put on any makeup , how could she be that beautiful , it was simply their imagination .


Su Yuoyue had just walked in to the party area , it was very noisy ..

She had been to parties before but it was usually during a mission and if it took place in the base it was usually a barbecue party .

 So this was all new to her the lights , the drinks , people who were dancing on the stage , the strong smell of alcohol penetrated her nostrils as some students were already drunk.

 " Su Yuoyue !!! , You finally came , I had thought that you would not come " it was a very familiar voice , it was Yui meiyuan .

Su Yuoyue was grabbed by her and dragged her to the alcohol area "I have rejected all the drinks , that was offered to me all because I was waiting for you to arrive " Yui meiyuan complained as she ordered two glasses of alcohol .

 The bartender glanced at Su Yuoyue , once in a while , Su Yuoyue was in shock , she stared at Yui meiyuan who was still seventeen .

 " Yui meiyuan , you are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverage" 

 " Hah , who told you so , for tonight I am Eighteen years" 

" But I am also a minor " Su Yuoyue said as she stood up from the bar area .

 " Su Yuoyue come back here " Yui meiyuan dragged her back " you are gigoi to have some drinks with me before you leave , here have a glass " Yui meiyuan handed her some unknown liquid .

 Su Yuoyue could only take the glass and drink up .

" Here is another one " Yui meiyuan handed to her , Su Yuoyue took it and before she knew it she had already taken four glass of hot scotch .

 Her eyes felt dizzy and lightheaded , the ground went off her feet and it was like she was flying , her body felt light and most importantly she could not stand straight .

  " Yui meiyuan , I think I am feeling strange" Su Yuoyue said .

Yui meiyuan could only stare at Su Yuoyue for a while before she said " Su Yuoyue , why are you four " she looked very confused " I have only one friend , please don't make her to be four , that would be unfair to me , I can't handle four Su Yuoyue" Yui meiyuan said as tears brimmed in her eyes .

 The bartender could only stare in shock ,it was only four medium size and both of them were already drunk and wasted .

 " Su Yuoyue , I want one more of that ,yes you give me one more glass " Yui meiyuan shouted as she ordered for more alcohol .

 " Don't give her anything " Su Yuoyue said to the bartender , she really could not believe that her alcohol tolerance was this low , it was almost like a dream , she knew that she was drunk but she really didn't want to believe it , in her past life , dhs could drink for hours without getting drunk but now . ... It was just four glass and not even bottles.

 " Yui'er , you stay here .I will go and look for Song Ling , I think I saw him standing somewhere around there " Su Yuoyue said as she stood up from her sit .

 Her body felt very light like a little of the wind could blow her away .

 She took her steps easy and slow but she still couldn't help but stumble .

 Su Yuoyue walked for a while but still couldn't find Song Ling , she was finally came to a stop and asked a girl who was walking with clutches .

 " Do you know where Song Ling is " Su Yuoyue tried to keep herself together but her eye was still unfocused , her step were unsteady so we're her eyes .

 So much that she didn't notice that the person who was standing in front of her was none other than Seong Ji, the one who she broke her leg last month .

 " Ohhh , brother Ling , he went outside to get some fresh air " Seong Ji answered with a smile but her eyes carried malice that she could not hide but Su Yuoyue was too drunk to notice .

" Outside , okay I will be right back " Su Yuoyue said as she walked out of the party area .


Sorry for not updating for the last few days , I hope that my readers are still out there and if you feel that the novel is a bit nice please tell your friends about it , my readers base is lacking , about the update I had to move to a new apartment so I didn't have the time to write and I am very sorry for that .

And don't forget to add to your library... Love you all.

Simon_Chukwucreators' thoughts