
Wield The Sword Like No Other

"Even in a world filled with beauty, there shall inevitably remain jealousy and betrayal." -Drystan Crius Deveraux One would not typically gaze upon siblings and paint them as sworn enemies - not in the typical world at least. In the world of butterfly people, rivalry for power is common, especially between siblings of the throne. Drystan and Riona are total opposites that are seemingly only related by their thirst for power and freedom. Though, not exactly the typical freedom but rather freedom from each other. They battle night and day for the upper hand, fighting their demons along the way. What happens when Drystan gets his hating hands on an ace card? Will Riona submit or will she fight back with the most blood thirst a queen could ever slay with? Or will she simply lose a friend leaving her heart empty?

From_Another_Realm · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 18: Lost Book

Riona stood petrified. Her eyes bulged from her skull. Her knees quivered and yet, an uncomplicated smile accessorized her face. "Vally... I," she whispered her head turning to peek at her surroundings, unfailingly she caught a glimpse of beaming faces pressed to the windows of the castle. All waiting anxiously.

A light laugh left her lungs as she blinked toward the waiting lord. "What did you expect me to say?" she asked nervously, to which Valleric slowly rose with concern. "I will respect your feelings if this is too soon," he reassured. A hand settled on his shoulder. Riona shook her head. "I mean," she chuckled, "what else is there to say but yes?"

Valleric stood still for a mere moment, eyes wide. Had the queen said that? Not another flake of snow had fallen before his arms enveloped her tiny frame. His wings fluttered and his chest vibrated with a laugh. "You mean it?" he asked excitedly, twirling the both of them. Riona hugged him tighter, a tear leaving her eye. "Yes," she said exasperated with joy.

"Hooray!" beamed a loud voice from the doorway, "My pal is getting married!" The pair turned to pause, both laughing when they saw Caspian fluttering in the cold towards them. The man practically crashed into them, hysterically babbling, "Do I get a front seat? What will your wedding gift be? Am I going to stay here? Oh, what am I going to wear? Oh, the excitement!"

Valleric pushed him from them, snickering, "I swear, you're more thrilled than any other in this kingdom."

"What do you expect? My friend is getting married! Am I your right-wing man?"

Valleric refrained from pinching his nose, so he rolled his eyes. "I guess you will have to suffice," he sighed, a smirk dancing on his lips.

"Woah! Wow, guys! I'll be witnessing you kiss firsthand!" exclaimed Caspian. An instant flush or red spread over Riona's cheeks. Valleric's wide gaze turned to her, a warm hand squeezing hers, bringing it up to slip on the cool ring. She admired it for a moment when unexpectedly, the butler appeared.

Riona smiled brightly towards him, yet her face immediately turned to a scowl when he shamelessly probed, "So will there be baby cries next Autumn?" The Queen pulled her lips up to grumble a reply when Valleric laughed to the rescue. "Be patient old man," he said, pulling Riona closer, "You will change diapers when the time is right." In response, Ulric simply nodded, pride hugging his heart, seeing the once little princess turn to be an engaged Queen.

Caspian coughed awkwardly, "Do not be minded by me but can we move back toward the parlor? I forgot a coat..."

"Of course you did, dimwit," mocked Vally, swinging an arm around his friend. "We can not have you freeze to death, now can we?"


The day had been stuffed with congratulations and cheers from the castle. The engagement was to be announced to the kingdom in two days. Anxiety had swallowed the queen as she finally sat alone on a dusty chair in the library. Only a single-lit candle danced to illuminate the dark corner she had chosen to occupy. The flicker glistened in her distant eyes. Her thoughts swam to the days when she had to hide in this very library. Hide from her father's killers...

Drystan accompanied her back then. Now, she sat alone. She leaned her jaw onto her fist. "I thought you wanted to protect me back then, brother... Who would have thought you were prepared to slit my throat with Father's pocket knife," she wondered, slightly shaking her head in what seemed to be a disappointment. She rose quietly, a steady hand raising the candle. Her free hand trailed over the spines of lined-up books. Her legs came to a halt when her fingernails dipped into an empty pocket. Her brows creased instantly. Heat rising up her spine. Fear coiled around her chest like a snake. Riona lifted the candle, desperately searching for that one book she would occasionally page through.

"What are you looking for, my love?"

Her face swooped to look straight into Lord Valleric's intrigued eyes. He stood straight, hands placed behind his back, amusement sprinkled across his face, a brow raised with curiosity.

A shiver trickled over Riona's wings, causing them to twitch slightly. "The book," she started quietly, "the book that you saw in my hands when we first met. Where is it?"

The room seemed to have dropped in temperature, icy flowers blooming on the window glass. A sudden fear stirred the atmosphere and Valleric could sense it. "It must have been misplaced. Are you certain this is the right row?"

"Y-yes... I. Am. Certain," she gritted, her eyes hard on him.

Valleric blinked. Surprised at his fiancé's sudden animosity. "Why was the book so important, Riona?" he asked calmly. She let out a humorless chuckle which stirred the man uncomfortably. She leaned her head against the cold shelf, her shoulder still paining, spreading to her side which was not fully healed yet.

"That book," she said, "Was written by Drystan, filled by his work and art. But, not just any work and sketches: Herbs and poisons... poisons for any occasion and their cures. And you, were the last one to see it. So? Where is it?"

"I do not know," he answered, he himself feeling weary of the situation. His mind racing.

"If the wrong hands have that book, Valleric, then I am done for," she cleared, grabbing his collar, pulling him closer, "How else do you think I survived the poisoning? If I hadn't swallowed Fenugreek seeds and dried basil leaves, I would not have made it. Here in this kingdom, you have to constantly watch over your shoulder."

"I understand," he whispered submissively as his eyes turned away in shame, like a soldier being scolded by his higher up. Riona softened her grip, staring up at him with kinder eyes. Her mouth parted, "I am not ready to lay down in my grave yet. I would like you to find out who did this, Shadow Guard."

His focus flicked back to her, his expression shocked: as if the woman had spoken an ancient hidden language. She smiled. "Only a shadow like you would be able to thrive by my side. My eyes see you in the dark. I still just have to seek your true name."

He straightened, his heart pounding. "No one has ever come close to puzzling my real origin... how did you?" he asked out of breath. His lungs ceased to breathe for the moment. Her tiny hands trailed over his shoulder blades, pulling herself closer to his frame. "Your aura was the same as the Shadow Guard who helped me at the forest edge. Arrogant, dark yet warm. I recognize you from much earlier in my life but I cannot place you. I do not doubt that you have been lurking around since my childhood. So tell me my dear future king, what is your real name?"