
Just the beginning

Why is it always me.? They always want me and for what? To brag, like "Oooo I got the one no one else could." The boys always want me, and don't get ne wrong sometimes I like them but I don't want to lose friends cause of them.

My mother always said not to brag about your body, cause people will talk? But she's gone now and I don't think my father will actually care.

My family used to be happy, but when they took my mother things got horrible. My mother was magical, so was I.... But my father didn't like that he said we were witches and he hated us, that's why she is gone cause he thought she was evil but he didn't know about me yet.

My name is..... Scarlett and yes, I'm a witch. But not like the bad ones you hear in the stories, im good... well at least I think I am. I don't ever ask for something I don't need and I always put n others before myself.

I don't try and be something I'm not, but the other girls think other wise. They all think I'm something I'm not, I've only ever really had 1 boyfriend and that was in 2nd grade.

We were getting a new student that day, but something was wrong I could tell. He walked in the classroom and we made immediate eye contact... I knew he was special like me and he knew I was too you could tell by the way our eyes met in shock. I already had gotten at least 5 threats to stay away from him and I knew after this there would be alot more. I felt as if we were almost meant to meet each other.