
Why is Mr. Lu So Two-Faced

Rumors have been circulating about Lu Enterprise's CEO, Lu Qinian, about how he had a pampered little princess at home. Everyone was curious to know what kind of girl could captivate the CEO, who was known to be indifferent to women, to the point where he couldn't see anyone else. Later, during a company's higher management video conference, Lu Qinian appeared in a sharp suit, with a serious and indifferent expression, as he listened attentively to the work reports. Suddenly, a girl's soft voice came through the speakers, "Niannian, I'm hungry..." A girl wearing pajamas appeared in the frame, and her fair arms wrapped around Lu Qinian's neck as she acted cutely. The usually restrained and cold Lu Qinian indulgently caressed the girl's long hair as he spoke with unusual gentleness, "Why aren't you wearing shoes again?" The girl pouted, "My darling husband was supposed to put them on for me..." Lu Qinian chuckled, "Alright, I'll put them on for you." The high-level executives in the video were stunned speechless! 'Sir, why are you so two-faced?!'

Swish · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

He Gave Her Rebirth

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Miss, wipe your hair. Be careful not to catch a cold!" As soon as Li Rongrong entered the room, Mary brought her a towel and a hairdryer.

But Li Rongrong ignored everyone and jumped off Lu Qinian's body, running up the stairs without looking back! Then there was a loud bang, the sound of the door being slammed shut.

Li Rongrong sat dumbfounded on the bed. Her senior's miserable screams seemed to still echo in her ears. She covered her face and felt extremely uncomfortable. It was all her fault. If she hadn't impulsively agreed to study together with Shi Rui and let him accompany her home, none of this would have happened! He had lost so much blood, and she did not know how he was now...

"Aren't you afraid of catching a cold just sitting like this? Who said she would never drink bitter medicine again?" Lu Qinian pushed open the door and stood at the doorway, his pitch-black eyes staring at her, holding a cup of hot milk in his hand.

Li Rongrong felt a lump in her heart. She turned around and didn't want to see his face! She didn't want to talk to him either. Then, she heard a soft sigh. She thought that Lu Qinian was going to teach her a lesson, but he didn't say anything and went straight into the bathroom...

Li Rongrong pursed her lips. This was the first time she had defied him in five years. Wasn't he supposed to be very angry? Why was there no reaction at all? Didn't he hate it when someone defied him the most?

At this moment, the sound of water running came from the bathroom. After a while, Lu Qinian came out. "You're drenched in the rain. Taking a hot bath will make you feel better. If you're still uncomfortable, drink the ginger soup, otherwise, you'll have to take medicine."

"I want to go see my classmate!" Her gaze was stubborn.

Lu Qinian's voice was calm. "He's still receiving treatment."

Li Rongrong's eyes were as red as a rabbit's. She was about to say something when she saw the expensive white shirt on Lu Qinian covered in tear stains and footprints, all wrinkled... When had she ever seen Lu Qinian in such a miserable state?

"Be good, go take a shower." As if not noticing her gaze, Lu Qinian's voice softened, but it carried an invisible pressure.

Li Rongrong was a little scared. She knew this man's tricks. She could only grit her teeth and go take a shower. When she came out, unexpectedly, she found that Lu Qinian hadn't left...

"Come here." Seeing her just standing there, Lu Qinian raised an eyebrow.

Li Rongrong walked over stiffly. Lu Qinian was very close to her, and she could even smell the faint fragrance emanating from him... He was tall, and she only reached his chest. Every time she looked at him, she had to look up, which made her feel suffocated.

This was Lu Qinian, the person who dominated the entire Jing capital, yet at this moment, he was gently blowing her hair...

"Uncle Lu..." Thinking of this, Li Rongrong's nose felt sour. No matter what, if he hadn't taken her out of the Li family five years ago, she might have died without dignity...

Lu Qinian put down the hairdryer and gently tucked her hair behind her ear, his gaze focused as if he was doing the most delicate thing in the world. "Hmm?"

"I'm sorry." Li Rongrong lowered her head. She was truly too anxious today, so she called his name and scolded him...

Lu Qinian smiled faintly. "I wouldn't argue with you. I didn't take good care of you today. I was too worried about you."

When Li Rongrong heard this, she raised her head abruptly and met Lu Qinian's deep gaze!

"You were already an adult and had your thoughts. Naturally, you wouldn't take my words to heart," Lu Qinian said gently. "I had been too strict with you all these years. I was used to you being a child, and I had to worry about everything..."

"No, I wasn't. I was insensible. I shouldn't have said that about you..." Li Rongrong's eyes instantly turned red.

Lu Qinian gently patted her head. "Alright, get some sleep. I'll take care of the rest."

Knowing that he was talking about Shi Rui, Li Rongrong lowered her head and saw the row of teeth marks on his hand.

"Next time, don't bite people like a puppy. Good night." Lu Qinian smiled.

Li Rongrong's heart was a mess as she watched him leave. She couldn't help but recall the scene from five years ago.

That was the worst time she had been tortured by the Li family. She had been punished to kneel in the rain and had been bullied by others. It had been he who appeared in front of her, took her out of that hell, and raised her like a princess. Without Lu Qinian, she wouldn't be who she was now! Everything she had was given to her by him. Since when did she dare to be dissatisfied with him? Li Rongrong, you were so ungrateful.

Even if she relied on her mother's kindness, there was no reason for Lu Qinian to take care of her with all his heart.