
why i in Harry Potter universe?(1,084,170)

Meet Cain Smith, a little child full of curiosity who discovers a magical and mysterious world. He struggles with his forgotten past and his initial interaction with the mysterious Information Centre. When Cain explores the world of wizardry, he is given a fascinating gift that leads him on a quest to learn the truths about himself.

DARK_Kin · Livros e literatura
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16 Chs

Mysteries of the Nail

After a long and exciting day of Quidditch practice with his father, Cain finally settled into his cozy bed. But as he was about to drift off to sleep, he couldn't shake the thought of the rusty nail he'd received from the Information Center. He remembered it was hidden somewhere in his room, so he decided to search for it.

Cain rummaged around his room for a few minutes, and at last, he found the rusty nail. To his surprise, it was no longer just a nail; it was now securely hammered into the wall.

"That's new. Who could have possibly hammered this nail into my wall? Especially in a wizarding family like the Smiths, where we rely on magic for everything" Though Cain as feel quite weird about the nail

Intrigued and cautious, Cain grabbed the nail and pulled it as hard as he could.

With some effort, he successfully removed it from the wall. However, as he held it in his hand, the nail suddenly transformed into a book.

"What in the wizarding world...?" astonished Cain stare at the book

He remembered the similar transformation he had witnessed at Flourish and Blotts, and he managed to maintain his composure. With a mix of curiosity and skepticism, he opened the book. The first paragraph read, "Book is book and book are book, whether is book or not, it's still a book."

Cain closed the book and placed it on his table, his mind racing with questions. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Is this another trick from the Information Center? First, answering questions that weren't even mine, then thrusting me into this unfamiliar world without any memory, and now this... a rusty nail that can transform into a seemingly useless book. What is the purpose of all this?" whispering Cain to himself

Cain couldn't find answers to his questions, and the mysteries surrounding the Information Center and the nail it had given him continued to confuse him.

As Cain closed the mysterious book, it suddenly emitted a blinding, radiant light that forced him to shut his eyes tightly. He waited, unsure of what would happen next. When he felt it was safe to open his eyes, he was met with an astonishing sight.

Before him stretched an enormous library, with rows upon rows of bookshelves. But there were no books to be seen, only empty shelves and endless, boundless space.

"What in the wizarding world...? That's a lot of bookshelves, but why are they all empty?" Cain said as he still bewildered by the scene infront of him.

Cain's bewilderment deepened as he surveyed the vast, vacant bookshelves that seemed to stretch endlessly in every direction. The library was grand and filled with potential, yet there were no books to be found.

Confusion filled Cain's mind as he tried to make sense of the situation. Then, it struck him like a bolt of lightning. He remembered the cryptic words from the book's first paragraph: "Book is book and book are book, whether is book or not, it's still a book."

In that moment, it all became clear to him.

The nail symbolized the book, and the book symbolized the limitless space contained within the nail, where he could fill it with as many books as he desired.

In realization Cain muttered "So, the nail is the book, and the book is the space... a magical space for infinite knowledge." Cain pondered what he should do next with this incredible discovery. With this unique and boundless library at his disposal, he realized that he held a remarkable source of knowledge. 

but first Cain need to fill the library first. " So this mean if you want something you must word for it?" Cain can just shook his head as he pretty sure its will take along time to fill the library maybe he cant even fill it up as it literally boundless.

Cain's initial bewilderment had turned into a growing sense of panic. The empty library was daunting, and he wondered how he could find a way out of this strange place.

"How do I get out of here? I was just in my bedroom..." muttered Cain anxiously, He then realized that the solution might lie within the nail. He held the nail in his hand and focused on the idea of returning to the library.

As he mentally repeated, "Enter the library," he was once again surrounded by the boundless library.

"thanks goodness i can get out" Cain said with relive ,then Cain thought maybe he can try put his book on the bookshelf, so he took the book on the table and said in his head "enter library" Instantly Cain already in the library.

Feeling a newfound sense of control, Cain walked to a bookshelf and placed the book he had been holding onto it. However, he was taken aback when the book suddenly turned white and vanished before his eyes.

"Shit, my ten galleon book?!" shocked, Cain then shouted a his body vanish right infront his eye.

In an instant, he found himself back in his bedroom, and the book was nowhere to be seen and his hand is only the rusty nail. The panic he had felt in the library now turned into frustration at the loss of his valuable book.

"What just happened?" Exhausted and overwhelmed by the unusual events, Cain felt an overwhelming sense of fatigue. He collapsed onto his bed, and the weight of the day's discoveries and mysteries carried him into a deep and restless sleep. Before he dozed off, Cain thought "maybe i will get the answer tomorrow"

Unbeknownst to Cain, The beginner magic book disappearance will haunt him for a very very very long time...


to be continue

what happen to the book?

just what is the nail capable of?

what Cain next plan?


please give some review for this novel and tell me if there any error so i can improve my writing... thank you so much for reading.