
Why her but not me

A little princess tries to prevent her dreamy sister's marriage so she offers herself in her place. She is new to feelings and expressing them. Can he save his sister and have a decent happy ending?

TheDeer · Fantasia
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2 Chs

An unpleasant intruder

The doors to the dining room open allowing a young man a little older than Abigail and I to enter, accompanied by a knight who gallantly carried the SilverShield shield.

-Father, who is he?

-The eldest son of the SilverShield, his name is...

-Your majesty, let me introduce myself, my name is Harryson, it is a pleasure to meet you.

-What is he doing here father? I don't know how to say it but it doesn't feel good to me

-Sister, don't say that, maybe it's someone nice, my name is Abigail, it's nice to meet you.

-AHEME I'm going to continue, Harrison is here for political matters. The reason I went to SilverShield was to try to fix our past problems with the SilverShield, they suggested an arranged marriage between our firstborns to unify the family.

A silence filled the room at that moment and I could even observe how Abigail's smile faded along with her characteristic aura. 

-Abi, are you okay?

-I hate you Dad!

Abigail abruptly pushed her chair, running almost crying to her room.

-DAD, how could you do that to Abi?!

-I don't understand what you mean, Adara.

-While you were traveling Abi was very immersed in love stories and even later on a trip to the castle she met a boy

-But she is barely 12 years old, what will Abigail know about love?

-It's true, she doesn't know anything about being in love and maybe I don't either but you know how sentimental she is, at least you would have asked her!

Father remained silent with a hidden look. 

-Adara, silence, I'll explain it to you later and you, Harrison, can stay in the guest room. I'm sorry for what happened.

-Don't worry, Your Majesty, this usually happens even in the most united families. 

Harrison leaves the dining room, leaving my father and me alone.

-Well, do you have any explanation?

-Adara I hope you understand because I know you are smart enough to do so, the SilverShield and we have had conflicts for years and the other nations don't like that, if we don't fix the conflict the other countries are willing to attack us. Both the SilverShield and us, that's why I went on a trip. I know this is not good news but I do it for the good of this family and the kingdom!

My father's desperation and anger could be seen in those words, but still...

-That is no excuse to decide Abi's future like this! He wanted to fall in love! And although that is difficult because of our social position, I want her to fulfill it.

Our voices became more broken as the conflict progressed, we both knew this was ideal for the kingdom but not for Abigail.

-Dad, does marriage have to be yes or yes with Abi?

-Why do you ask?

-.....What if I get engaged to Harrison? so that Abi could continue to be released from the marriage

-Are you sure? Although you were born almost at the same time, you are still the youngest and that is highly criticized.

I take a short breath before letting go of my freedom to fall in love but it's just politics anyway and I haven't felt anything for anyone I've opened up to.

-If it's for Abi, I'm willing to do it.

-I'm sorry for all this Adara, I'm going to inform the SilverShield representative. You calm Abigail down and try not to reveal your marriage, just tell her it was called off.

I walked to Abigail's room but something didn't seem right. Maybe this isn't such a good idea.

-Abigail, can I come in?

No one answered but it was clear that she was inside.

I entered the room to immediately receive a pillow in the face.

-Hey Abigail, don't do that.

-you knew it? Did you know all that about marriage?

-If I had known, I would have told you, but I already resolved the matter, don't worry.

-How did you solve it?

-Come here I will tell you a story.

I sit on the bed next to Abi, who was still hugging one of her pillows. 

-A long time ago a maiden did not want to fall in love despite her beauty, all the boys wanted to go out with her whether they had good intentions or not, even so the girl never fell in love but one day a stranger arrived. the maiden's house seeking refuge. The girl was attracted to the boy's mysterious aura so she let him go. After months, that event was just the beginning of their love story. Unfortunately, the girl had an arranged marriage that her parents had never told her about.

-And what happened next?

-Well, the noble knight spent everything he had gotten living with the maiden and took her away from the kingdom so that the two could be together forever and despite the difficulties they could have a good life.

-I don't understand what you want to tell me with that story, sister.

-Look at that love that the knight has towards the maiden to the point of giving everything for her, it is the same amount of love that I feel towards you sister, despite my lack of empathy, you never left me alone and gave me refuge. in your bright smile so I will try to free you from those chains that they want to give you as long as you have a happy future

Abigail hugged me while I was still crying so I hugged her back to comfort her and help her sleep.

-Thank you for being my sister Adara.

-Not thanks to you

At the same time the king goes to Harrison's room to speak with the representative

-I can pass?

-Go ahead your majesty