
Why does it have to be the Naruto world?

Yoroi wakes up in the body of a ninja in Kumogakure, but quickly realizes he has no idea about the Naruto world. He knows some story points but nothing more. Accompany him on his way through this world and see how he grows with challenges. (Each chapter ~2500 words.)

RookvS · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Here I Am

"Ah you're awake, I thought we were losing you too Yoroi."

A hysterical voice entered his ears through the bright light.

Slowly his eyes adjusted and he could see a good looking lady in the process of bandaging his arm.

"Lie still until I am done. It's miraculous enough that you survived the stone."

Cautiously he tried to look around, but his aching neck made it impossible.

"Where am I? What happened?" Only very quietly and with much effort could he speak.

"It must have been the stone..." the lady sighed.

"We were ambushed, besides you, only Okaki and Mushino survived."

"Who are Okaki and Mushino???" More and more he was confused and began to think he was in a dream.

"How is Yoroi? Is he going to make it?" As if he had teleported, a middle-aged man was suddenly standing next to the lady.

It was at that precise moment that everything became clear to the injured man. He must have been dreaming of being in Naruto....

"I think Yoroi just forgot everything he knows, the head hit must be the reason. I hope he makes it, but it seems like he's paralysed."

The lady was visibly sad and fighting tears. After that, he saw only blackness.

After what felt like a hundred years, he finally woke up to find that he was in hospital. With a headache, Yoroi opened his eyes and was greeted by a hospital room. 'Ah, I must have fainted, no wonder I'm dreaming such weird stuff.' However, after his eyes had properly adjusted to the light, he found that the hospital room was not state of the art. Actually, the hospital in his town is known all over the country and should be well equipped, so why doesn't it match? It took a few minutes before Yoroi was surprised by the next shock: looking out of the window, he could see a city that was completely foreign to him. 'What the hell is going on here???' Just as more and more questions popped into his head, the door to his room opened.

A pretty lady with long silver hair and darker skin tone came jumping towards him.

"Yoroi, you are awake. I was so worried. If I had lost you too, I wouldn't know what to do." Crying, she hugged Yoroi and held him silently for a few minutes.

Only when she calmed down did she notice the perplexed expression on his face:

"Don't you remember me?"

"I have no idea who you are, who I am or where I am." Replied Yoroi.

By now he didn't know anything. First he dreamt he had landed in the Naruto world and when he woke up he was in Kumogakure in a hospital bed. How did he know he was in Kumo? The headband, the style of dress, the whole person of the lady pointed to that village.

"It must be from the fight or maybe a trauma? I don't know if it's good to tell you everything, but otherwise you don't know anything or what to do."

The lady took a chair, sat next to him and took his hand.

"You are Yoroi an upcoming Shinobi here in Kumogakure, your home. A few weeks ago you became a chunin and had since fought in the 2nd Shinobi War. While escorting a medical unit, your team was ambushed by the enemy. You immediately set off a distress signal and your brother Yodoi and I rushed to your aid with our team. Unfortunately, we were too late and you were all already on the ground. Your brother did his best and defeated the enemy Jonin, but paid with his own life. Besides you, only Okaki and Mushino, your two teammates, survived." It was very difficult for her to tell him the story and tears flowed incessantly. Yoroi himself could not hold back.

Even though he couldn't remember anything, it affected him and it felt like he had lost someone important.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am Hanai, your brother's fiancée.... I was your brother's fiancée." She couldn't get any more words out after that sentence.

All Yoroi could do was hug her, hoping to help her.

A few days later....

Hanai came by every day and spent the whole afternoon with him. According to the doctors' orders, Yoroi had to take it easy and so that he wouldn't get into trouble because of his amnesia, no one but Hanai was allowed to visit him. In the meantime he could also see why no one was surprised about his amnesia. He had been hit in the head by an Earth Release Justu. That jutsu was the reason why he was the first to go down in the team. Unfortunately, there was another problem, he had never really followed Naruto and consequently had no idea what exactly was happening in the story. Especially the time before the main story was unknown to him. Again and again he pondered over his knowledge, trying to sort and classify it. 'Why couldn't it have been Star Wars or Lord of the Rings...' Struck by his bad luck, the question of what he would do now also came to him. He had no memories, which meant he didn't know how to use jutsu or how to sense Chkra either.

After more days of waiting, the day of his release arrived.

Hanai took him to a rather large flat in one of the houses on the mountainside. The view was breathtaking and Yoroi wondered how Hanai could afford the flat.

"Nee-chan, how can you afford this flat, it's so big."

Hanai looked at him and visibly moved she spoke, "Because your brother was a Jonin and died as a hero, the village is providing this flat for you and me. We are at war and many Shinobi are dying, if the village did not take care of the bereaved, we would be weakened inside." Even though Yoroi was only 10 years old, the last few years had left a big mark on him. In war, you don't have time for kids' stuff and so the children were already very grown up. Be it in their thinking or in their bodies, both were already at the level of a 16-18 year old for most of them.

His room was in a normal Japanese style, which was very new for Yoroi. He came from Europe, so apart from the food, which he was already used to, the style of conversation also felt strange. At least the doctors felt very Japanese, a big difference for a European who was used to being very direct. Nevertheless, Hanai was what he would call normal. As the days went by, he also met other people, especially when he went shopping with Hanai. The mood in the village could be described as depressed. Even though Kumo did not participate much in the war, there were still enough victims. A small drawback was that no genin were deployed, although this was more due to the fact that Kumo kept a very low profile.

Today was a big day for Yoroi, because Hanai had promised to buy him new clothes. The old yoroi's style of clothing did not exactly match the new yoroi's taste in fashion. But clothes are expensive and so it took a lot of persuasion until she agreed. Of course, yoroi had not taken advantage of hanai spoiling him. At least not intentionally, he promised.

The shopping trip lasted hours and finally he found himself in a small shop. A dark grey hoodie, whose hood was light grey. Matching light grey shorts, a wine-red t-shirt and wine-red socks. Of course, it looked like a typical outfit to everyone, but according to Yoroi, there were worlds between his and a normal outfit. Hanai was a little confused because she didn't see any real difference between the new and the old style. Eventually she realised that he just wanted to go shopping with her. On the way back they had some sweets and so it was late until they were both back home.

"Yoroi, the Raikage is expecting you tomorrow. So please go to bed early, you must be fit tomorrow." Hanai gave him a kiss on the forehead and closed the sliding door behind him. Yoroi sat down on the floor looking at his room door. 'If it wasn't for Hanai, I think I would have had a hard time finding my way around. I am the only person she has left, her lover's brother. But she is also my only person in this world. No matter how everything turns out for me, I will do my best for her.' The last few days he was able to settle in and in the meantime he also found a temporary goal: To make Hanai happy. He could not imagine a better goal than to bring happiness and joy. Some have noble goals like world peace, no poverty etc., but Yoroi was no hero. He was a normal human being in a world with chakra and other mystical powers. A happy life with his big sister is all that mattered to him at the moment. And so his day ended with a smile.

The next morning, Hanai was already waiting for yoroi when he opened his door. She adjusted his hoodie and pulled a white waistcoat over it, then pulled out a bandana.

"This bandana belonged to your brother, I hope it protects you and can accompany your rise in this war-torn world." Hanai placed the bandana on his head and tied the headband with the kumo symbol. Yoroi actually liked his short white/silver hair, but the wound from the stone was still clearly visible on the right side of his head. Accordingly, he decided to cover it. Hand in hand, they walked towards the Raikage's building. Yoroi, however, became more nervous with every step. In his memory, the Raikage had been a muscleman in Naruto's time and did not like to be told what to do. Accordingly, he hoped that someone else and hopefully more sensible was in power at that time. Unfortunately, he soon found out that his wish was not granted.

In the Raikage's office, a muscleman sat and stared at him. It was the first time Yoroi felt a supernatural aura pressing on him. Inevitably, the experience led him to believe that the Raikage was a powerhouse.

"Yoroi, your status." He said in an authoritarian tone.

"I have settled into life somewhat, but continue to have no recollection of anything prior to waking up in the hospital. Furthermore, I also lack all knowledge on the subject of jutsu, chakra, etc." Yoroi had no choice but to report his predicament to the Raikage without embellishment.

"Your parents and brother were great Shinobi and all Jonin. Your brother's last wish was that you would eventually become a Jonin too. So I promote you to a Tokubetsu Jonin, you then start training a team of Genin, I give you three months. I expect you to use those months to get fit for your task or best of all to get stronger. You can go now, I have other things to do."

After the visit to the Raikage, Yoroi went to one of the training fields. Hanai had booked it especially for him. The location was quite far away from other training fields on a small clearing with an artificial pond. To get started again, he borrowed some scrolls with basics about chakra and the Shinobi codex. The chakra scroll was surprisingly easy to understand, mainly because of the feeling he had from the Raikage. That feeling was a good basis for perceiving chakra. Day after day passed and he could feel it better and better. The first exercises went well. After only one week he could already walk on trees, after two weeks even walking on water was no longer a problem. It proved to be suprisingly difficult, so that Yoroi couldn't keep track how many times he had landed in the pond.

From week three, he began with the first jutsu and mastered them in a few days. By now he was also well informed about the Shinobi system and felt he had finally arrived in this new world. Hanai brought him lunch every day and occasionally trained with him. From her he also learned that he used to not be able to walk very well on water, which explained his problems. At the start of the fourth week, he bought some chakra paper. Surprisingly, no one knew about his chakra nature and so he had to invest all his pocket money. 'Why is this stupid paper so expensive!' He channelled chakra into the paper and split, one half getting wet, the others wrinkled. 'Mhmm.... Lighting and Water Affinity.' He had two affinities which were quite common in Kumo. What Yoroi didn't know, however, was that he had a third chakranature, but he hadn't noticed it. Maybe it was because of the paper he had bought underhand for a cheaper price.

The next few weeks passed without much happening. After 6 weeks he had mastered the first better lightning jutsus, so he then took care of water. After 8 weeks he was through with his jutsus and back to his "old" skills. His goal now was to become stronger, and for that he wanted to study the technique of storm release. He could easily get the scrolls from the Raikage. Unfortunately, Storm Release turned out to be somewhat difficult and so he only mastered the basics at the end of the three months.

On the first day after the three months, a training fight was scheduled for him, of course the Raikaige did not hold back and sent a Jonin to fight. 'A is becoming more and more likeable to me -.-' Somewhat annoyed, Yoroi awaited his first fight. It was clear that Hanai trained him and both had short fights, but Hanai was only a Chunin and had decided to end her Shinobi existence. She could not bring herself to do it, her trauma was too deep. So it was understandable that the difference to a battle-hardened Jonin would be huge.

The fight took place on his training field and so he at least had the home advantage. At the beginning of the fight he only used water release, which the Jonin parried with ease. After the first jutsu display, they both moved on to Taijutsu. Here, of course, the Jonin had the advantage and Yoroi was forced to take a few hits. With a grin, the Jonin increased the pressure and sent Yoroi stumbling back a few metres. But now Yoroi grinned, for he was now on dry ground. From the beginning he wanted to wet the ground so that he could leave this area in Taijustu. Only five finger signs later, which he did quite quickly, he shouted: "Lightning Release: Charge Field" Surprised by the jutsu, the Jonin immediately understood Yoroi's intention. With a jump he wanted to save himself from the charge field but at that moment he noticed a clone at the lake who started to make finger signs: "Water Release: Rising Moisture" Where did the clone come from and what was he doing? During the first confrontation, he used the splashing water that restricted his vision to hide a clone in the lake. Yoroi knew that it was possible to leave the charge field by jumping, but of course he was prepared for it. Lightning Release Charge Field was a C-rank Jutsu and Water Release Risning Moisture only a B-rank jutsu, but combined he could spread his Charge Field into the air. He did just that and the Jonin fell to the ground. But the jutsu was strengthened by the puddles. "Poof..."

The Jonin fizzled out and came out from behind a tree, "Oh, a creative idea, good thing I'm very careful. Storm Release: Concentrated Laser" A beam of light shot towards Yoroi and he managed to bend aside at the last second. But is an A-rank Jutsu that weak? What Yoroi underestimated was the heat of the laser. His clothes immediately caught fire and he burned his entire chest.

The fight was over and he was told to go to the hospital. At least the Jonin was satisfied with his performance and confirmed his suitability for a Tokubetsu Jonin. Of course, Hanai celebrated the promotion and two people came up to him at the table in the restaurant.

"Hey Yoroi, you won't remember us, but we were your team partners. My name is Okaki and this is Mushino. We wanted to congratulate you on your promotion." A blond boy about Yoroi's age and a balding slightly older boy stood there. After an obligatory "thank you" from Yoroi, they both left rather quickly. Looking at their backs, he found it sad and felt sorry for them. That event was hard to forget for everyone involved and if one of the few surviving team members couldn't remember you, that was particularly bitter. I must try to establish some contact with them, that will certainly help them and me as well.

The next day, he went to the academy, where he was greeted by the director together with other Shinobi. The meeting was not very exciting and dealt a lot with formalities and tips for the new team leaders. Yoroi even fell asleep for a short time, which gave the others the impression that he was bored. One should never underestimate first impressions, so he is now considered lazy and bored by the other teamleaders.

At noon was the big moment, he was allowed to meet his three genin: Tahei, a somewhat chubby boy who was said to have a talent for genjutsu, Sakugai, a kunoichi who showed signs of being good with the sword and lastly Ainari, an active boy who had already mastered Lightning Release Jutsu. Of course, he had called up the data of his genin beforehand and could therefore already prepare himself. The three were waiting in one of the classrooms and Yoroi entered it. " Splash" a bucket of water poured over him and Ainari burst out laughing, Tahei remained untouched, Sakugai found it difficult to hold back her laughter. Yoroi had not expected this, but to show his skill he took advantage of the situation: "Water Release: Rising Moisture" Using the jutsu he removed the water from his clothes and refilled the bucket. Sakugai beamed and it was clear to him that she must still be very innocent. It left the other two cold, however, unfortunately.

"Well then, I'd say let's go straight to the training field. Follow me." Without saying more, Yoroi sprinted off. The three genin had a hard time following him and after a few minutes they reached his training field. Visibly out of breath, he was quite happy with the performance. Ainari was faster than the others but held back. A very good quality and so Yoroi spontaneously decided to give him the leading role in the three-man team.

"Now that you are here, let me introduce myself. My name is Yoroi I am your teacher and teamleader as well as a Tokubetsu Jonin,proficient in Lightning, Water and Storm Release. Of course, it is better if I show you a jutsu once so that you feel safe with me. Storm Release: Bold Butterfly Flash." Yoroi was not very quick with the finger signs, after all he had developed the jutsu with his insights from the Jonin fight yesterday. At the moment the jutsu was more of a show than a danger, but he was sure that would change quickly. He pressed both hands together and a bright butterfly flew forward from his palm. "How wonderful!" Sakugai remarked. No one made any comment on the pace of the figner's drawing, presumably they thought he had gone extra slow.

And so he just explained a few more formalities and cited all three to the training ground for the next morning.