
Chapter 8

Reminder that English is not my native language, I translated this using my own knowledge of English and the use of translation tools, if you find any errors please let me know.

After a few minutes in the car, we arrived at a building, far from the university and cheap, almost abandoned, this is where we used to meet to have our carnal encounters.

I catch myself thinking that I haven't been here for about two weeks now and for the first time I find myself nervous to be here.

I look at Mi-Noo, although he tries to remain composed, I can tell the worry in his eyes "This is it" I say getting out of the car and leading Mi-Noo through the building.

It's not very big, it's only two stories and at most has about four housing units, student housing that lost their clients when the university opened their own dorms.

In no time we arrived in front of the door "We still have time to leave" I said to the boy How much will it affect him to see this? I don't have an answer to that question.

I don't know him well enough; I don't know how strong his attachment to Ji-A is and how deep his feelings for her are.

So, I worry about how he will react both to this and when I tell him that it's partly my fault that Ji-A is like this, I'd rather be the one to tell him my mistakes than someone else to do it.

But God it hurt me to see him angry like this... Angry at me when I admitted to him that I didn't warn Ji-A about his presence at the university.

"It's okay" he said, his voice almost cracked halfway through, he's trying his hardest to stand his ground in this situation.

I let out a sigh, rang the doorbell and we could immediately hear someone answer "Yes" pronounced a male voice that I recognized as Choi.

He opened the door, half naked, only covered by a partially sweaty underwear. Also, as soon as he opened the door a strong smell came out from inside the place, which made me wrinkle my nose a little.

"Sae-hyun, you're finally here, we were just about to start" Choi immediately seemed to notice Mi-Noo's presence which made his smile quickly disappear.

As for Mi-Noo he notices confused by the man in front of him "Sae-Hyun what does this mean? I thought you would bring me to see what Ji-A is doing" Questioned the boy his surprise slowly being replaced by irritation.

"Sae-Hyun did you come?" Said Ji-A's voice which approached the front door.

The girl's body is only covered by her half-removed shirt, she doesn't even have her panties on, as soon as she approached Choi grabbed her shoulder and pulled her closer to him, but in turn Ji-A noticed who else is here and her face was covered in horror as she noticed.

Mi-Noo's irritation disappeared to leave only bewilderment, seeing her childhood friend like that being held by a stranger must not exactly be a pleasant sight.

"Ji-A" Mi-Noo uttered "Is this why you've been so absent?" I question her, I manage to notice how the boy wishes Ji-A would tell him no.

She didn't have the courage to answer, just kept her head down as Choi began to bring one of her hands to one of the girl's breasts.

"Ji-A, answer, is this why you've been skipping your classes?" Mi-Noo's voice was starting to get a dangerous tone, a mixture of anger, disappointment, and pleading.

"Hey, leave her alone, besides who the fuck are you?" Choi questioned he seemed irritated at being ignored.

"You shut the fuck up!" The anger in those words made me startle, not expecting that outburst from the boy at all "I asked you a fucking question Ji-A" he demanded.

The girl looked on the verge of tears, confused and terrified "Y-yes" she said in a submissive and barely audible voice.

I heard Mi-Noo's teeth grind and the veins all over his body begin to stand out.

"Listen to me, you idiot...!" Choi had tried to protest, but a punch smashed into his face with enough force and speed to push him into his apartment and send him tumbling.

"I told you to shut your mouth!" Mi-Noo looked at Ji-A, softened his expression a bit and sighed trying to regain control of his emotions, the punch had certainly made him release some anger "So... All the effort you put into getting into this university, your parents' money, your sacrifices, and theirs... All that you threw away, because of this" he said pointing at Choi on the floor.

The boy holds his face looks like some blood is coming out of his nose and his eyes are covered with tear, now he looks quite less attractive.

"Mi-Noo... I, I can explain" Ji-A uttered almost pleadingly.

"Then do it, explain it to me."

She didn't say anything, she really seemed to be searching for something, an explanation that she would be making up, but certainly wouldn't be real, sure she was silent for only a few seconds, but it was something noticeable enough.

Mi-Noo let out a sigh "Your parents already know about your absences; I'll tell them why later... I held you in high esteem Ji-A I really did, but I appreciate you too much to keep this a secret... It's for your own good, you can come with us or stay" that said the boy started to walk away, it didn't take long to walk after him.

We left behind a Choi holding his face in pain and a destroyed Ji-A falling to her knees on the ground.

As we got into my car Mi-Noo let his head fall back letting out a heavy sigh, we waited a few minutes until Ji-A got out, her eyes still with some tears and although she is now dressed she seems to have done it in a hurry, I started driving returning us back to campus immediately.

"Mi-Noo" Time to talk, during the drive the boy's anger had subsided, hopefully enough for him not to yell at me just like he did at Ji-A.

"What's wrong Sae-Hyun?" I ask, he looks tired.

"This is all... It's partly my fault" He looked confused "Let me explain."

"I'm all ears."

"About a year ago I met Ji-A, we became acquaintances, not to the point of being friends, but we hung out together and talked often, back then I was already doing it with Choi... He's the guy you beat up. The thing is that he... He was starting to get annoying and wanting to make it less annoying, I took her to a party he was at, made her drink a little bit to let her guard down, not like she was drunk... Then he seduced her, and things are like this now" I kept my gaze on my hands, avoiding looking at him.

Also avoiding looking at Ji-A, though Ji-A didn't say anything, just sobbed in the backseat.

Heh, me, the outgoing Sae-Hyun, the one who doesn't care about almost anything... I'm terrified of his reaction.

Mi-Noo didn't say anything to my surprise, little by little the boy's silence started to drive me crazy.

"Just... Please Mi-Noo don't hate me" I begged him lifting my face.

Mi-Noo's face you could see a deeply tired expression, as if all this had taken more energy than he had to ask for "At some point did you feel forced Ji-A?" He said at last.

It took the girl in the back a few seconds before she softly denied.

"Then I don't see why I should be mad at you, Ji-A is an adult now and makes her own decisions" Despite his words, I can tell he is not happy, he got out of the car and we both soon followed suit.

Again, he was silent as the three of us stand around the car, he seems to take those moments of silence to take control of his emotions and think of something.

"Let's call your parents Ji-A, you will explain everything to them, then let's try to save your career if they are still willing to let you be here, as for you Sae-Hyun, thanks for showing me what's really going on" He paused "We'll talk later."

Having said that he started to leave followed, not far behind by Ji-A like a lapdog... Well, seen how she obeyed everything Choi ordered her, I'm not too surprised that she would submit to the will of someone who imposed himself on her.

Now I wonder, how things are going to go from now on.