
Chapter 7

Reminder that English is not my native language, I translated this using my own knowledge of English and the use of translation tools, if you find any errors please let me know.

Sometimes I hate how complicated the human brain is. After that kiss I had with Mi-Noo I decided to take a break with him, get away and try to forget how weird I feel thinking about that moment.

And it turns out I haven't been able to do that. I can't even go to see Choi, now his attitude is just unbearable to me, it's impossible for my brain not to listen to his every word and think that Mi-Noo wouldn't talk like that or wouldn't say it that way.

That boy flooded my thoughts, and I was the one who gave the kiss. I had done it just as a last attempt to warm him up, it would just be one kiss among the thousands I've had, but in the moment and even after that damn kiss has left me this way.

I can't forget or stop thinking about him.

"Sae-Hyun" I was pulled out of my thoughts by that call, when I look at who is calling me, I noticed it's Ji-A.

"Ji-A" It was my only answer.

Things are not good for her and Choi, it's pretty much common knowledge as they are both on the verge of expulsion, sad, but they are the ones who preferred to be having sex constantly instead of studying.

"Why didn't you tell me Mi-Noo was looking for me?" she demanded.

Why is everything lately all about Mi-Noo? Anyway, the fact that Ji-A is aware of his presence here doesn't exactly make me happy, I would have preferred to still have a free lane with him, after all, who would he rather spend time with his childhood friend or a girl who just tried to get him into bed?

"Mi-Noo? Yeah, I completely forgot about it" I lied.

"You forgot?" Ji-A questioned with an angry expression, she took her phone and showed me the screen where the picture of that first time I went out with Mi-Noo is "You don't look very forgetful in that picture."

Shit, that's all I can say now.

Since lying is useless better to be honest "Okey, you caught me, I was thinking to have some fun with him before telling you he's looking for you" I said trying to play it down and hiding how deep Mi-Noo has gone in my feelings.

"Have fun with him?" Ji-A looked surprisingly touched by what I said "Y-you can't, Mi-Noo's not your type."

If only you knew, from what I've been feeling lately I think this is the first time I've truly found a guy my type.

"You think so? He seems pretty much my type to me."

"No! He's introverted and innocent, he's not even experienced" That made me raise an eyebrow.

God, this girl has been disconnected from him for so long that she doesn't even seem to have noticed the changes.

"Ji-A haven't you even interacted with him lately? Sure, he's not outgoing, but he's not an introvert and he's not inexperienced either" The kiss showed me, he doesn't have as much as Choi or myself obviously, but he's still experienced.

Ji-A's face seemed to distort as soon as I said it "N-no... My Mi-Noo" I raised an eyebrow at that, her Mi-Noo?

"Your Mi-Noo?" I questioned confused at that "Strange way to refer to your friend like that."

"He's always been mine, we've always been together, yes, he's My Mi-Noo" I didn't know Ji-A, could be so possessive of a person.

But actually, hearing her say that makes me angry.

"Well, not anymore, it seems he prefers not to be anyone's" I said, the Mi-Noo I know wouldn't let himself be treated as a possession, maybe the previous Mi-Noo did, but the current one I don't see him at all accepting that.

Ji-A only seemed to get angrier, but he didn't say anything before he started to walk away from me.

God... This is the first time I've ever fought over a guy; I always avoid guys with partners to avoid this and while it's true that Mi-Noo doesn't have Ji-A's attitude towards him, it's pretty much that of a toxic girlfriend.

Now... I must look for the guy, now that Ji-A knows, I have to play my cards faster, although I still don't even know what I want to play them for, do I still just want to have sex with him? Or maybe something more.

POV Mi-Noo

Ji-A's mother is not happy, not at all.

I'm surprised that a naturally carefree woman can get angry to that level, I told her about Ji-A's absences the risks of being expelled and that she wouldn't tell me why she's absent so much.

Unfortunately, the woman can't contact her daughter, she doesn't have her number and Ji-A has never been much of a fan of social media other than the most indispensable. I don't have her number to give her either.

But apparently, she will contact the university to get her daughter's number, since it is information the university asks you for and since she is her mother she can ask.

I just hope that will serve to bring Ji-A to her senses before it's too late.

"How are you?" I heard the question coming from behind me, that made me look in that direction noticing Sae-Hyun. She looks different, not physically, but in attitude, she looks almost noticeably nervous.

"Not as well as I would like, I finally met Ji-A and things didn't go as well as I would like" I said before letting out a sigh.

"Yeah, I talked to her recently, she doesn't seem in a good mood either, was she always this possessive of you?" I didn't expect her to say that... Although well, it's not like it was hard to notice either.

"I wouldn't blame her for that. We were friends since we were little and even though Ji-A has always been outgoing when she was young she was very tomboyish and that made the girls not to play with her, on the boys side some of them didn't like to play with a girl either" I started to tell remembering those moments that happened years ago "We were both alone away from all the boys when we met and since then we have always been together".

Sae-Hyun just raised an eyebrow at what I came from telling him "Well, I can understand the attachment she has for you, but at this point it looks more like she's your toxic girlfriend rather than your childhood friend" Her words confused me, true Ji-A always acted possessive of me, but never in a way that anyone would see it too bad.

"Did something happen between you two?" I asked.

"Y-yes... She went to complain to me about why I didn't warn her of your presence."

"You didn't have time to do that, she's out of line with her complaints, besides she's also at fault in us only meeting so long after I got here" The blonde looked uncomfortable despite the words I said.

"Being honest with you... I did it on purpose, I mean not warning Ji-A of your presence here" That surprised me and partly made me frown.

"And why did you do that?" I questioned.

"Originally to have time to have fun with you."

I kept silent at her little explanation; she didn't warn my best friend that I'm here just because she wants to sleep with me... Now I can tell I'm feeling disgruntled.

"Really? Do you realize what that has done, if you had warned her that I'm here we would have gotten in touch sooner, I would have been able to help her solve her truancy problem and now she wouldn't be on the verge of expulsion" I said with anger rising with every word.

Sae-Hyun took a step back and seemed intimidated by my rising anger, still, she tried to stand her ground "You wouldn't have done anything, the reason why Ji-A has been so absent is not something you would have been able to solve just by being present."

That made my anger stop rising as I realized that Sae-Hyun might know why Ji-A is so absent "Why is she absent so much? Tell me" I demanded.

Sae-Hyun took her phone, I watched her make a call, which was answered, she said some things without much sense like asking someone if they are in the place and saying she is on her way.

"I can do better than telling you, I can show you... But I warn you Mi-Noo, you won't like to know the reason, so tell me, would you rather I just tell you or would you rather see it?" Sae-Hyun's so serious tone of voice made me hesitate whether to accept to see it... But curiosity was stronger.

"Let's go" I said, Sae-Hyun nodded and motioned me to start following her.

Whatever is going on with Ji-A I'm about to find out and the seriousness with which Sae-Hyun treats this... It's making me afraid.