
Chapter 4

Reminder that English is not my native language, I translated this using my own knowledge of English and the use of translation tools, if you find any errors please let me know.

"I like the dress you had on yesterday why you didn't ever show it to me?" Choi asks me, he has his phone in hand and is looking intently at a photo of Mi-Noo and I when we went on our date. Apparently, a friend of his saw us and took the picture and then sent it to him.

"You've never asked me out on a date" I said simply.

Which is true, when we met, we simply realized we were looking for the same thing and proceeded to go to a motel and have sex, we didn't date, or anything like that and that dress I wear precisely when I want to seduce... I fail me for the first time though.

He just raises an eyebrow "Who's the guy?" I couldn't stop myself from letting out an annoyed sigh.

"We shared a class together why do you go around asking that?" it's not like he's my boyfriend, our thing has always been purely sexual, damn, I can't even say we're friends, since our interactions rarely usually stray away from sexual.

"I just want to know who the person is why you preferred not to be with Ji-A and me and why you ignored me all day" Anger seeps a little through his voice, but I didn't make a big deal out of it.

"Jealous" I said with a smirk "Well, I don't blame you, he's a good specimen" Choi frowned at my words.

"Why would I be jealous? Look at him all nervous walking beside you, you probably held the reins all night" he said haughtily.

Of course, other than talking we didn't do much Mi-Noo and I didn't do much, but I like to tease Choi like this, so I'll just continue to lie.

"O no, he was a member of a Rugby club less than a year ago, you know what those guys are like when they get carried away? Beasts" Now Choi looked even more disgruntled.

"Who cares, will you be with us tonight?" That sounded more like a command than a question, add that to his attempt to change the subject and I reckon I accomplished my goal of pissing him off.

"Mmmm maybe, if I don't find anything better to do, but as I recall Ji-A and you have classes tonight" I questioned.

"Who cares, I'm not in the mood to study."

I grimaced in disgust, I won't lie, I'm no saint, I have absences too, but I always manage to make sure they're not so many as to be a problem. Besides the fact that I always make sure that one or the other boy seduced by me, I reported on the classes I missed to catch up.

In contrast, Ji-A and Choi have so many absences that they are probably on the verge of an expulsion. The former just became obsessed with sex and more precisely sex with Choi, while the latter has contacts and relatives who can make the university more tolerant of her failures.

But tolerance has a limit, and he is putting it too much approval.

"You should do it, if you keep this up, you won't make it through a second year here" I told him.

"Fuck that, are you coming yes, or no?" he asked again.

"I already told you if I don't have anything better to do, I'll come" That said I started to walk away from him, he's already wearing on my patience.

Seriously, it's a fucking shame that someone so good at sex is at the same time so fucking unbearable.

There's a reason I threw Ji-A at him, he was getting tiresome and insistent, the beautiful outgoing girl, but with no experience in sex was perfect for him.

I still remember that day, I had met Ji-A when she came to college, cute, sexy, outgoing, but at the same time strangely innocent, I became friends with her just like that and when Choi became heavy, I told him about Ji-A and said I could get her for him.

It was nothing illegal, just invite her out, give her a few drinks to let her guard down and Choi's charm did the rest, since then the girl is hooked on him like a drug.

Which I admit isn't that uncommon, Choi is pretty good at sex, though he sins of seeking more for his enjoyment than his partners, a novice girl like her didn't stand a chance.

Anyway, I left those thoughts behind when I noticed a recognizable physique in the distance.

In the distance carrying a sports backpack I could see Mi-Noo, I approached with some haste curious to know what he was doing and in turn to clear those two from my mind a little.

"Mi-Noo" I greeted him still a few meters away from him, he turned around and answered me with a cute smile.

"Hello, Sae-Hyun, how are you?" he asked immediately, stopped his walk, and waited for me.

"Fine, and you, I see you are about to leave?" I questioned.

"I'm fine, I thought I'd go to a nearby rugby ground and get some exercise, you know to de-stress" So working out.

My mind traveled back to the night before where I was forced to self-indulge by looking at his Instagram photos, those in his rugby uniform were the most appealing, those clothes exposing his legs and arms and firming his muscles.

"Do you want a ride? My car is nearby" I proposed.

He seemed to hesitate, he looked at the sky observing how the sun had almost disappeared "If you don't mind, I could use a ride" I nodded with a smile and motioned for him to follow me.

Why am I proposing to take him to the field? Simple, to get to know him better and maybe get a glimpse of him training, seeing him live must be more stimulating, plus exercise usually increases libido slightly, that along with a little ride, maybe I won't have to spend a second night self-indulging.

Anyway, we got to my car and off we went, he told me the address and I started driving.

"Do you usually do sports to de-stress?" I asked.

"Yes, it helps me clear my mind and after I do it, I feel light, that and then a good night's sleep and the next day I'm ready for anything What do you do to de-stress?" he asked me, his adorable smiling little face warmed my heart a little.

"I have sex" I replied simply, his adorable little face hovered with a look of disbelief that made me laugh "O come on, I made it clear to you yesterday that I was willing to sleep with you without knowing you, that I'm promiscuous, surely that shouldn't be such a big surprise"

"I don't usually make first opinions of people before I get to know them well... But it's an activity like any other" he said with some awkwardness and nerves.

Eventually we arrived at the grounds, lit up by the floodlights, but completely empty.

"Will you play alone?" I questioned a bit puzzled, as I was waiting for him to have people waiting for him in the place, if what he wanted to do was common sport, he could do it in the same campus of the university, many do it.

He nodded "It's a bit boring this way, but it's what it takes, thanks for bringing me Sae-Hyun, now I owe you another coffee" he said.

"How about a rugby lesson instead" I said getting out of the car going to the trunk where I keep my sneakers, my current clothes are not exactly optimal for sports, but it's not that bad either, plus as always it molds my body well making my curves stand out.

"A rugby lessons?" he questioned coming out in his turn and watching me change shoes "I see, I have no problem, this is even better if there are two of us" he said smiling.

"Sure, besides I'm in need of some exercise, I've had a few weeks without doing it, but be nice to me, it's my first time" I said the last with a seductive tone that made the boy blush.

I'm finding it extremely amusing to tease him like this.