
Chapter 2

Reminder that English is not my native language, I translated this using my own knowledge of English and the use of translation tools, if you find any errors please let me know.

I let out a sigh as I wipe the sweat from my skin. I just came from doing some exercise just to keep my physical shape.

Right now, I am in my room, one that is part of the university dorms, they have enough space for a student to live comfortably. Bathroom, kitchen everything you need.

I looked in the mirror noticing my sweat covered body and chiseled muscles, even today I still can't believe I got this body in just one year.

I still remember how it all started. I returned home after the failed graduation, my parents were not happy at all, my loving mother put aside her affection and became stern and overbearing, she forced me to cut off contact with Ji-A who she blamed for my failure to graduate and forced me to study.

In retrospect she was right, Ji-A was always a distraction for me... The love I had for her was a distraction and in the end, it took its toll on me at the worst time.

The thing is, being separated from my only friend, my mother noticed how antisocial I was, that upset her even more and she forced me to join a club in high school. My father thought it would be a good thing, it was a sports club and my mother agreed.

So, I started looking around, I never loved sports, therefore, I didn't know which one to join, until a tall and strapping guy proposed me to join the Rugby club, they were one member short of 15, not having the courage to say no to such a big guy I accepted and joined the club.

I smiled realizing that this was the beginning of the new me. At the beginning it was difficult, the training sessions to which I was not used to were hellish and my comrades did not respect me, nor did they seem to appreciate me, seeing me more as someone to fill in numbers, although they never admitted it to my face.

It wasn't malice on his part, back then I didn't take training seriously and nothing like that, for me it didn't matter I just did it so my parents would leave me alone and of course my teammates didn't like that.

But everything changed the day of our first game. Everything was going badly, the game was almost lost and out of nowhere the captain of our team was wounded in the forehead, he was bleeding profusely, even so, he got up, ordered a bandage to be put on and that he would play again. Being 15 if we lost a member, it would be an automatic defeat and he could not accept that, if we lost it would be giving everything.

When I saw him, when I heard him, I was possessed by a will that I did not think I had, I gave absolutely everything, every little part of my being both physically and mentally was put in that game... We lost and at the end I fainted, I spent a week sick from overexertion.

But when I returned to the Club my teammates welcomed me with laughter and applause congratulating me for my performance in that game, for the first time in my life I felt I belonged to something, and it felt good. I began to try in training and matches as well as in my studies, my physique improved with the training and the diets recommended by my teammates.

I gained confidence in myself, thanks to them and they even made me meet a few girls with whom I was able to discover some things that I didn't think I would try until very late in my life.

That last year of high school was the best, for the first time in my life I felt... Alive.

And here I am now studying my dream profession with a much more pleasing attitude and physique to my eyes.

I looked in the mirror again "The only thing missing is Ji-A, by my side" it's funny I still don't forget that stupid promise we made to each other as kids.

Will she still remember it? Unlikely, they were just worthless words spoken by children. She also told me hours later that she is the red super Sentai. Remembering that made me smile.

Anyway, I jumped into the shower starting to get ready for another day of school, this afternoon I also must meet Sae-Hyun... Now I wonder do I dress as usual or something more formal?

Pov Sae-Hyun

Right now, I'm walking to the place where I was supposed to meet Mi-Noo, last night before last I had seen Ji-A and obviously I didn't tell her anything about the boy's presence at the university and that will continue until I don't get some fun from the shapeshifter boy.

As I approached the site, I could see him standing in the distance and God he looks good.

He's wearing black shoes paired with black pants and shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the middle of his forearm, he also has some buttons unbuttoned at the collar to the level where his pecs start. All that gives him a touch of a mature guy while highlighting some parts of his body by the contrast of the color of the clothes and his skin, now he looks even more attractive.

From my side I take a tight red dress which stops at the middle of my thighs and has no sleeves, obviously a provocative outfit, but the guy shouldn't complain, he also seemed to think about coming in a provocative dress.

"You look good" I said moving closer and making myself noticeable, he turned his gaze to me and was impressed by my appearance for several seconds. Just what I want.

"You look ravishing" His voice said, it didn't come out with certainty, so I assume he's still under the effect of surprise.

I laughed a little to draw his attention to my red lipstick, which again had its effect.

Men are sometimes such simple beings "So, should we go?" he nodded with a smile.

We start walking side by side, various stares fall on us more attracted to me than to him, it's funny to see all those stares making him uncomfortable even though he willingly dressed up to look attractive, quite unlike Choi who will boast about being the center of attention... It's kind of refreshing.

In the end we ended up arriving at a cafe, this one was kind of weird, I was expecting some brand or some famous cafe, but instead it brought me to a small, beautiful cafe with modest and handmade decoration, the place looks quite cozy and quiet and those who are drinking inside look like quiet loving people.

As we entered no one gave us more than a small glance, before going back to their stuff, we took seats near a window "I love this place, I discovered it recently, they make coffee the traditional way, so it may take a while, but the taste is worth the wait" he said with a genuine smile of satisfaction.

"I didn't know this place and I've been living in this city all my life" I said genuinely surprised... Although it's not my kind of place either, I admit it.

"They are pretty old fashioned, they don't have a website nor are they located on any map, so you have to explore a bit to find it" Someone approached us with a menu, on it they have several types of coffee and some various traditional snacks from almost all over the world.

I had a simple black coffee and a crescent, while Mi-Noo had about the same.

"The prices don't seem very affordable" I said noticing that a coffee seems to cost twice as much as other places.

"It's not, I don't come here every day for a reason, but I figured it would be a shame to take you to a regular cafe when you took such great pains to look good" He seemed quite nervous giving me that overly elaborate compliment.

Lovely, was all I could say.

"Your outfit makes me think you were planning to come here beforehand" I said playfully.

"You got me... I hope I don't bother" He still looks nervous; how many girls has he interacted with? Well, seen his old appearance I guess not many.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't have dressed like this if I didn't think... Make this little get together something more" I wasn't exactly subtle about it, but with these guys you must kick the door in, otherwise they won't understand.

If he looked a little nervous before, now he is a sea of nerves, luckily his coffee arrived next to mine and he started drinking it right away, the sip of coffee seemed to calm him down.

"So, Something more?"

"Something more" I replied with a smile.

He set his coffee down on the table, he looked a little thoughtful, the nerves in him had disappeared.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I can fulfill that" Said the boy seriously "I have nothing against you or that kind of recreational activity, but I'd rather get to know the person with whom I would do such things a little."

This is the first time a boy has turned me down like this.

Better looking men than Mi-Noo have begged me to have that more I come from proposing to him so blatantly and he comes and just says no, and only because we don't know each other.

Part of me is irritated as well as intrigued.

"Are you afraid I'll hurt you?" I said provocatively hiding my irritation.

He smiled and denied "No, I just don't take this kind of thing so lightly, even if only recreationally" His words made me raise an eyebrow.

What's so complicated about it? We go to a motel or to his room, have a good night and if we want to keep in touch or stop, I don't see the need to get to know each other anymore.

"So, you don't like people who do it without knowing each other?" I questioned wanting to dig deeper into this.

"What people do with their lives as long as it's not detrimental to themselves or others I don't care, it's just a personal taste, sorry clearly, you came with that in mind and I'm afraid I've let you down" his apology looks quite genuine.

"It's okay, the place is nice, so I don't consider myself to have wasted my time" I take my coffee to take a sip... He's right, the taste is worth the price.

We spent the rest of the date chatting; I couldn't shake my irritation or even curiosity for the duration. In the end, when we left the cafe, it was already dark, he walked me to my bedroom and said goodbye with a smile.

I went into my room feeling strangely frustrated and at the same time happy, I hadn't gotten what I wanted, but still... it wasn't a bad date.

For the first time since meeting Mi-Noo I picked up my phone again looking at all of Choi's messages, he can be quite annoying and possessive when he puts his mind to it.

I had warned him that I wouldn't go with him and Ji-A today, but he always tries to know where I am and what I do when I don't show up, I let out a heavy sigh, I don't feel like dealing with him now.

I'm horny and it won't be Choi who will calm this down for me.

I quickly search Instagram with Mi-Noo's number finding his account, it's recent and have various photos of landscapes, animals, and many of him, mostly in a rugby uniform which brings out his muscles even more, nothing explicit, apart from a few photos with a beach shorts and chest in the air.

I've been out of practice with the self-indulgence thing, but I guess the photos will help a bit.