
Chapter 13

1 month later~

Sitting in the bed Mina asked, " Isn't it time for you to tell me why the twins were approached?"

The man across from her slumped down into the chair, " I knew you were going to ask me, I guess it's time to tell you about the other world, it's called the Asseba; it is where other humans live too, but they are different they have orange hair because of the magic power they have. Their female population rate has decreased for unknown reasons and they have resorted to kidnapping brides. The catch is that it can't just be any girl, the girl has to have magical power, because only those girls can handle giving birth to a Assebaian child. For other girls they will die if they try to give birth to a child. The more powerful the father, the bigger the power the woman must have to bare his children. The Twins were a target for a royal over at the Asseba, the twins have high magical power, high enough to attract a lot of royal attentions, but it seems the royal person was careful enough to not like anyone else find out. The twins should be safe for now."

"What about the demon what happened to it?"

" The demon had been confined and is still going interrogation," Mr. Head sighed, " I can't believe someone of the royal family would actually work together with a demon and nonetheless a high level demon, if we have enough evidence we can cause a reform to happen, but we don't so we'll have to wait"

"What do you mean by reform?"

"As you know the demon can only come here by vertex or portal, but the main entrance is located in Asseba, that's why we have schools and other headquarters located over there too. The demons are only able to come to earth after passing the main entrance located at Asseba. We have units located over to minimize the damages and kill the demons. The demons are both enemies for us and the Assebaians, but for a royal to work together with a demon is totally unacceptable. If we have evidence we can clean up the royals."

Mina clenched her hands, remembering the girls in white dress standing in line, " What about the kidnapped women's? What are we doing for them?"

"We don't have enough power to stop them, but what we are able to do is buy the brides back at a higher price and free them, while putting them under our protection. We also have a group specialized in bride rescue, stopping the bride traders before they reach towns to sell them. And we have operators tracking kidnapper and locating females with high magic power to put them under protection. By the way I should also tell you, you also have huge amount of magical power. Don't worry though your mother notice early on and sealed that so you wouldn't attract attention, but your perception of the future was uncalled for."

"Is my power the reason I was able to power up faster than the usual slayer?"

Mr.Head looked a little choked up, " Yes, you are correct; not only that, but once you unseal your power your speed at leveling up will increase"

Mina eyes twinkle like stars, " Then-"

"If you unseal it now, it will alert a lot of Assebaians and demons on the alert, although before that can happen your body will explode from the pressure coming from the magical power. Inside your body, no power comes without struggle." Mr. Head give Mina a frown, " Don't think about taking a shortcut, it is for your own benefit."

Mina slowly hid under the blanket, her last glimpse of hope was gone. She felt the need to beat someone up, but considering the condition her body was in she would rather rest. She still hadn't forgotten the trauma, it was impossible to forget.

Mr.Head slowly got up and walked towards the door, he was mentally exhausted from all the work he had to do and the only thing on his mind right now was to take a good rest.

His hand half gripped on the doorknob, Mina called out to him, " Uncle, I have two important questions I've got to ask you, Is my brother really overseas studying? Also does my bestfriend's disappearance have anything to do with you guys or the other world?

Mr.Head eyes dimmed down and formed a complex expression . " What's your best friends name?"

Mina once again found hope, " Her names Akaya Kenshin and she's 3 years older than me."

Mr.Head felt sweat on his forehead, but he kept a poker face. " I don't like hiding anything from you, but this is an information I am not allowed to disclose. No, your brother is actually not over sea, well kind of. He is actually over at the Asseba. I'm sorry, I can't say anything about Akaya, knowing your personality you'll keep asking me, so I can promise you this, at the upcoming tournament in 6 months 20 highest ranker will be moved to go to Asseba. To enter the tournament you have to be at the level of Custom minimum. If you can grab a spot at the top 20, I'll be able to disclose you some information pertaining to Akaya. Is that good enough?"

"YES Uncle, thank you so much!" Mina felt absolutely happy, she finally have leads on her best friend who went missing 4 years ago.

This moment was the beginning of the suffering Mina was going to suffer later on.

So since now I have to an access to an laptop I will update more, though my concern right now would be to go back to past chapters and edit it. Tomorrow~

Auntycreators' thoughts