
Why Am I a Multiversal Anomaly Cleaner?: COTE [DROPPED]

Before all of this happened i was having a nice life, i had a simple routine, at morning i was a common cashier and at noon a fellow WEEB! But suddenly in a supposedly normal morning, i waked up in a Space-looking room that had no logic. After that, your normal common sense can go away, since a beautiful woman that called herself a goddess just came to my face and said stuff that any weeb would love to dream about. Except that this is real and i'm a blackmailed employee for eternity. "What's my job?" You might ask? Easy, just throw myself in a anime or manga universe and save them from a anomaly that doesn't exist in the original script. The problem that makes this bad: I won't know what's wrong, plus i need to be sure that i myself will not be considered an anomaly. "Why?" Because i will be a side-character in the show script, and i can't cross the line. And my first anomaly hunt is at COTE, but hey at least i won't need to worry about me getting to fight magical people with crazy op powers! ------------------------- I don't need to say this but me the author don't own either the shows that appears on the fanfic nor the cover image. (This is my first novel and english based history i will ever write so please be gentle with the critics)

MrNewWorld · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

This is not the class i know!

Ok, those glances over me are starting to get annoying, especially from mister Ayanokoji over there. Never had this feeling of being read, 'perhaps he is thinking i am anxious about the entry?'

Well he is not wrong i am a bit overjoyed. After all who won't be excited knowing you will gain 100.000 points to spend?

"Not that i mind about your health, but did you forgot to take your medicine or something like this?" Who can this girl be? Maybe it's a B class side character.

As i turned around to see who the person behind me was, i was wondering, what makes me an anomaly? Story related changes? Forced character development? Or maybe something like a missed spot on the checklist to reach the other part of the plot.

After fully turning, i saw that the girl was a familiar face. "Horikita san!" Oh shit, will i mess up my anime travel life in my first day of school that i didn't even put an inch of my body into the school property? I just interacted with the most wild card that can decide if i die or survive in the few hours of bus.

"How do you know me?" Even though her voice is a lot different than the one in the anime, her speaking style did not change.

'I am glad to see one of my main suspects list go down to 19/20, not that i trust fully Horikita as a non anomaly.' Regarding the encounter with her, she seems to be suspecting me of stalking right now, so i will only do a little lie with tiny truths.

"You look similar to a friend of mine that is called Horikita, but anyway i am glad to see that one of my fellow first year companions is also called Horikita." Is this enough?

"Is that so?" Mission completed! With this i turned back to my deep study...

'Actually i am kind of bored with this many faces and names in my eyes. So now, what do i do?' This is supposed to be my fun park of anime but why is a bus taking this long?

Oh yeah, there's an introduction episode in my front and i am not paying attention. The girl on my side is the one who will give the seat to the granny there, she looks the same as in the anime. 'Maybe this is the universe from the animation?'

Then the granny sat where the girl was and Kushida and the granny thanked her. But did Kushida nodded this low in the anime? No, maybe Kushida chan is just affected somehow by the anomaly, it doesn't necessary mean that she can be suspected of being the anomaly.

Well, now the scene has come to an end. But different from the show, it actually continues. 'Why did i even think that i would be teleported to another scene like in a book.' I'm mentally worn out, not because of my AR power but because of this slow bus trip!

'ANHS students should actually be praised for enduring the school, i am not even at the place and i want to quit school and think of a different method...'

Anyway, i need to make a good introduction to class. After all, i'm a new side character. Yep totally new, not even a light novel character without face, i am a brand new character. And i am sure i will be placed at D class because of my bad grades.

I probably marked c+ on everything except physical. Totally D class, i hated those questions, plus my Japanese is solely based on anime. If you are wondering, yes, i did need to rely on myself to be an ANHS student.

'I don't even know how they accepted my form, shouldn't the school application time be over by now? I guess this is an advantage for me being a part of the new side cast.'

And as expected from a side character, no more peeping eyes towards me! 'I will sleep a little bit.' I need to be prepared for any strange situation anyway. Well, i'm praying for myself not getting main story dragged into something like a giant rock on our way.


|20 Minutes later|

And finally i am here! This huge school is a private city, where teenagers think they will get a guaranteed future if they only study. And others to... well, i don't know. I was a nerdy type of person back in my school days, only thinking about studying and the future. 'Why did I end up being a cashier?'

'Huh? People are already gossiping about something?' Front, back, left and right, these students are talking about the same topic. "A human shaped drone was flying near the school and went inside." Generally speaking, this is all the real info.

And also there is another popular saying, i hear a lot of "isn't he/her the one of the rumors?" But as a side character with no friends i don't know who are they talking about or the rumors in detail. But probably this is something that happened behind the scenes right?

Getting out of gossiping and rumors, is this job actually easy? The anomaly literally went to this school flying! Oh, and he is a human. How come he force himself in if he is chased by a goddess employee?

"Caught you!" I giggled out loud. By the way, why? I knew he would be something related to being here, but why did he went flying? Doesn't he realize he is being chased by me?

Some footsteps can be heard outside, probably it's the class D homeroom teacher. And i am correct, Chabashira sensei herself opened the door and started her cold and cool introduction.

But knowing that she is here, or noticing it, is nothing bad. But rather this is a delicate point of the plot. The S system shouldn't be known by anybody, but me as a human i can't control little unthinkable movements, for example: Excitement.

Why am i putting the first minutes of the first episode into an emergency quest? Simple, i must not let anyone of my class receive S system information from me. So what's the problem? Isn't acting like i don't know solve this?

The biggest first and only problem that came into my mind is: Ayanokoji kun.

He is as sharp as a machine. Do i look out the window and ignore the teacher? (since i know what she's gonna say anyway.) Or, do i fake paying attention?

If i look out, Ayanokoji might think that i already know a lot about the school system, on the other hand, if i try to fake attention the chances of him noticing is 1 in 4. And that is a bet that is better to not lose it, since i will be a great pawn in his hands.

He would say stuff like: "I know you know about the school system, and i have proof that can make you be kicked out without much." And of course even if it's a lie, he will find it out.

'I'm not a perfect human being that can hold a secret like a stone would.'

And between a nice looking evil woman, to an expression-less Manipulative teenager, i prefer that goddess. Even though she calls me a slave and is mean to me, i just started to know her, maybe she isn't this heartless.

Ok, i decided! I will pay attention, the teacher can be the anomaly anyway. So i started to hear her again: "This student ID will hold your points. But, you guys will not be receiving the points today, since an intruder is among the students and it is highly possible to be a first year one."

'Anomaly kun is so bad at hiding~'

Not only me but the high technological school is also looking for him! But they won't do much unfortunately, since the name "class J anomaly" implies that it is something highly expert at hiding.

At least that is my guess, she said "troublesome" and compared the job with ghost hunting, so the ghost class can't be related to fighting powers right? And this is COTE, it would be unfair someone with ninjutsus or nen.

And i, as a goddess employee, have been chosen to do this. 'So of course it will be hard, a god needs to intervene.'

"With this i am leaving." She left the room. And now it's the time for introduction, right Hirata?


Hirata kun is leaving the class?! Everybody is slowly leaving the classroom. 'Why?' I kept repeating myself this question waiting for a god to answer me.

With everyone out of the class, it remains me, Ayanokoji, Sudo and... Forgot his name, it is that guy Ayanokoji actually became friends with, in my opinion.

'Since everyone is leaving, i might as well leave.' I stood up and got my backpack to leave the class, but i guess that goddess hates me, because just when i am about to leave class, i heard a familiar express-less voice asking me to wait.

"Let's go to the ceremony together." My greenish eyes found a red but not lively one, Ayanokoji patted my shoulder and looks like he wants an answer.

"Ok, Kiy- i mean classmate that i don't know the name of, hahaha..." My awkward laugh is making the vibe go down.

"Let's go!" I said to him to make sure this event is forgotten in the future. I really want him to forget i was about to say his family name.

"Sure, can i ask your name?" Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time.

"Horami Sue, but i would prefer being called Horami."

"Okay Horami." He gave me a final gaze, but this time was a analytical at my body. 'Hey man what is with this look?'

"Oh, sorry. You are a male, right?" We started going towards the entrance ceremony.

"isn't obvious?" Maybe Sue is a woman's name? 'This goddess...'


We left the class going toward the stairs, we were chatting about our hobbies and likings, normal first time chat. But still it was a one sided chat since it looked like he was more interrogating me. But now without common chat topics, we went silent.

He started looking forward, and sometimes checking out the people hanging out. He probably is monologuing theories about me or about how people don't got something out of the teacher's explanation.

"How will you use your points?" Easy answer my white room boy.

"I am pretending to spend about 85 thousand when i get the money, for entertainment stuff like televisions and game consoles."

"That is amazing no one else in class is thinking about it rationally." He close his eyes, is he comfortable?

"Maybe it's because i can't live without something to do." He quickly replied with the words, "What about books or movies?"

"Too boring, i like action in my eyes." I was kinda anticipating that question so i immediately replied.

Ayanokoji opened his eyes and said: "You didn't noticed yet?" The mystery aura gathers the corridor, what a protagonist only move. I shook my head to his question, what is he talking about?

"Most of the possible influential people in class were in a hurry to leave the class, but right now every person we pass by seems to be walking at a slow pace. And also suspiciously strategically positioned." See what i mean by this guy is sharp?

"Incredible," He stopped me and said: "I didn't introduce myself yet, sorry. Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, Ayanokoji fits. Let's depart from here. I wanted a disguise and you want a friend, deal?"

Question marks appeared above my head, i am confused about EVERYTHING in this school. 'This is not COTE, Ayanokoji cosplaying Horikita attitude is a no way situation.' But anyway, i have no reason to refuse him.

"Deal...? I mean i would like a friend but i don't-" This robot did not let me finish my sentence, yet again.

"You have some kind of power and don't want to use for bad purposes, and also you are not even here to be a 'student' am i right?" I don't know how but, i guess he knows i am hunting the anomaly.

"I won't ask how you know or how you found out, but since i am not dead i can trust you..." As soon as i said "dead" Ayanokoji seemed interested in me, since his eyebrow rose.

"Until later." With this he left.

Do i now have the MC helping me with my case? I really don't understand how the anomaly thing works... Anyway, after i leave the ceremony that i am not going to yet, i will try to buy some video games and go to my room and organize a plan of action to restore this world.

If you liked the chapter, comment and do whatever you feel like i am writing for fun not for views. Bye guys!

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