
Why Am I a Multiversal Anomaly Cleaner?: COTE [DROPPED]

Before all of this happened i was having a nice life, i had a simple routine, at morning i was a common cashier and at noon a fellow WEEB! But suddenly in a supposedly normal morning, i waked up in a Space-looking room that had no logic. After that, your normal common sense can go away, since a beautiful woman that called herself a goddess just came to my face and said stuff that any weeb would love to dream about. Except that this is real and i'm a blackmailed employee for eternity. "What's my job?" You might ask? Easy, just throw myself in a anime or manga universe and save them from a anomaly that doesn't exist in the original script. The problem that makes this bad: I won't know what's wrong, plus i need to be sure that i myself will not be considered an anomaly. "Why?" Because i will be a side-character in the show script, and i can't cross the line. And my first anomaly hunt is at COTE, but hey at least i won't need to worry about me getting to fight magical people with crazy op powers! ------------------------- I don't need to say this but me the author don't own either the shows that appears on the fanfic nor the cover image. (This is my first novel and english based history i will ever write so please be gentle with the critics)

MrNewWorld · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Honami Ichinose Knows something?

With Ayanokoji leaving my side and going directly to the ceremony, i start my investigation! I never would guess the anomaly made such drastic changes, class D will never arise without an leadership. 'And i guess Horikita won't make such a social move.'

I am screwed, this is a fact and i need to face it. Even though this is just my first day, i don't know how many days the story can be unaffected. I really want my parents to be safe...

My plan for now is getting information, and for this reason, i am heading to class B and if i have enough time, to class C. I need to know if it is only with class D or if other one's are also like this and if that other one is an exception.

'He made a mistake once, why won't he make another? Try to outsmart me, i dare you!'

Strange looks can be sensed with ease, they are not even worried to let me know. What is weird about this scenario is that the ones with hostile or scared looks towards me are only first year students.

'Maybe his way of getting class D to fail is with gossip?' It doesn't matter, after a couple days the class will reunite right?

Looking at the door sign i read 'Class 1-B' Here i am! I opened the door slowly, to not make them get scared with me. But the Class B self introduction phase had not yet ended, so the atmosphere was broken by me.

I have no choice but roleplay like a detective would act. "May i have a little chat with the social butterfly of this class, please?" The students looked at each other and a girl stood up and asked me: "Why? Don't you see we are in middle of something?"

"I can wait, don't bother with my presence. If you guys want, i can give my name and class!" I smiled to the kids.

'...' Oh god i just realized that it would be morally wrong for me to try to date a girl since i'm mentally 28. I quickly turned my smile into a poker face, i will not become a lolicon by just smiling at teenagers right? If it isn't in a lustful way i'm safe, right?

They looked at each other and continued the introduction, but still looked like i am kind of an intruder in a sort of a way.

It didn't took long anyway, and now their presentation is over.

"I am Horami Sue from class D," After hearing this many students reacted with interest, there is definitely a gossip going on about class D. "and i came here to hear the news about what other classes thinks about us."

The class remained extremely silent until the strawberry-blonde butterfly i was waiting for went up and came into my direction. And for the sake of my acting i gently asked her name, "Who are you?"

"My name is Honami Ichinose, you wanna hear the disgusting gossip's about class D students right?" Yeah, i already said it like 15 seconds ago.

She friendly approached me and whispered into my ear, "I can tell you, but not here. Since there are extremely disgusting ones." Oh, ho? Step 1 completed!

"Right. At my dorm or yours?" After all, I don't know any other total private place in this school.

She replied with "Yours seems nice." And then she went to her desk. But before i leave the room, i did one last action. I shook my student ID in the air, i am not shy to get a girl's number when i need.

So in a little hurry Ichinose came to me for the last time and we exchanged contact info. Achievement unlocked: First number!

"Bye Honami!" And with this my trip to class B ends, and unfortunately i don't have much time for visiting that violent class. Even though Ryuen is chill for now... he should be chill...

Looking both sides on the doorway like i was about to cross the street, I stepped outside B class.

Right now i have a Ayanokoji partnership (i think...?) and Ichinose's POV borrowed. You can say i have done an awesome job getting this much on the first day. And on this condition.

I could try getting more tools but it is unfortunate that points will be received in the next few days. Otherwise, i would try getting points by selling basic information of the S system, like any fanfic protagonist does, to do some contracts here and there...

But now that i don't have points, i need to rely on free methods. Which won't be much help, since i can't order someone to keep an eye on their friends for free.

And now, my next target is my dorm! After the ceremony of course. It will be a boring fancy words reading from Horikita's brother. That does not matter a single bit, because i won't be living here, and if i do, i have my cashier experience.

'Let's get this ceremony over with.' I opened the door to the huge hall. Only my class D and A and also other year classes are here. 'Are you here anomaly? This rookie will crush you!'


The Fancy words of Horikita's brother ended an hour ago, so i am at the mall looking for a cool shop owner to let me buy in advance with the use of contracts, but not a single of them let me have the items. Even though this is a legal method, i think it is.

Every student is going to hang out and make friends but i am the only one who is acting like a normal first day ANHS student would. Going to the stores and spending points without thinking, that is how a normal student would act if they gave the 100k points.

But the store i just went to is the last tech store out here, so i have no purpose in this mall. I slid my hands into my pocket and grabbed my student ID to call Ichinose.

My "phone" started shaking in sync with the pending call sound effect, it's getting annoying to say the least...

"Sue chan i'm sorry to let you waiting this long, i was bathing right now."

"Oh ok, sorry for interrupting a private moment. But i would be more comfortable if called me Horami instead of Sue."

"It's bad to be blunt you know? This way you won't have many friends, hehe." A cute short laugh was made in the end, what a socializing person.

"Yeah i am kinda bad at social interactions... Getting serious now, do you have time now? I don't want to make a girl stay in a boy's room late at night."

She gasped in her room, will this be a normal reaction for me revealing that i am male?

"You are a b-boy?"

Bluntly i replied with a yes. Some seconds passed of me waiting for her response but instead of an answer she ended the call!

"What the heck is wrong with this girl?" My thoughts were said out loud.

In the end i just texted the number of my room, she didn't even say anything after that... Did i do something wrong? I don't think i did tough.

(Author note: I will be doing a big dialogue now that will basically explain that the anomaly spread everyone {except Ayanokoji's} dark past and true identity. So you can skip the rest of the chapter. But if you are a fan of deduction and want to read all the 'extra' information to try thinking who the person behind this is, feel free!)

So after that i just went to my dorm and prepared the room to be minimally presentable for my special guest that will help me with this cat and rat race.

Knock Knock Knock, Three knocks huh... Well i don't need to say who it is since you can already guess who the guest is.

"Come in Ichinose, it's unlocked."


'Ha... Why do i need to open for you? These teenagers man…'

I unlocked the door and Ichinose's cheek puffing face was the first thing i noticed. "Did i really needed to escort you in, 'ojou-sama'?" I said with a face of uncontrollable boredom, kinda like Ayanokoji but different.

She peek inside my room and noticed that i somehow managed to make a presentable place even without any points. 'Surprised by Brazilians adaptability, Right?'

"Wow, how did you make this? Not even my room that i spend most of my time today is like this."

"What do you mean by that? Do i look like i won't spend time for having a nice 3 year home?"

"But we don't even have money, how did you decorated?"

"É as gambiarr- carpentry hahaha..." Oh shit i almost made a subconscious joke on a foreign language.

Question marks raised on this teenager in front of me. I can understand now, i have an unbelievable ability to make the social room level go down.

"Umm... So, Horami kun... To tell the truth, your class has a lot of individuals who already have a bad reputation because of the rumors."

"Rumors? Tell me more." I inquired, while going to grab a...

"Do you prefer coffee or tea?" Whatever is her preference i am going to grab for her.

"I will take the tea!" Hearing this i grabbed and prepared tea for her.

Ichinose was standing up watching me grab her a tea so i suggested her to sit either on the bed or in my man-made armchair. She sat on the bed, is my armchair really that untrustful?

"Take it." She nodded and held the tea cup but didn't drink yet, maybe it was hot. "So let's start with the easiest rumor for you."

She nodded and started by the idiot trio, in general the rumor is their normal acting. Talking like old man's in public, sudo's bad manners, and their attempt to install cameras in the girls' change room...

'Wait what?' The rumor interested me, after all the trio didn't even know each other, so how did they "together planned to spy"?

"'I can't believe guys like them got in here' Is what everyone is talking now in class about these rumors, thank god they got caught. But it can't be true right? No one would do something like this, and if they did maybe they changed right?"

"Dunno, but what you said is correct. They don't even know each other." She opened a smile asking me if it's true. Her kindness really spread to outside her class.

i went to grab a coffee because mine just ended, while her cup is still midway.

"Our next rumor will be from the 'pink hair Airi chan' according to the rumors she is an internet influencer that earns money taking pictures of herself in some non respectical ways... And when we check the internet it really looks like her."

"So he is exposing everything from class D..." Though out loud, opsie.

"You know about him? Did he do the same with you?" Interesting...

"I don't, but i am looking for him... Found the coffee!" I grabbed the coffee and started making it.

"Do you want to know about him as well?" I nodded, "Let's make that last, i do not feel good talking about what he did with me."

Thanks for making it obvious that the anomaly is a male human and most likely teenager body.

With my coffee I sat in my armchair once again and wanted her to talk about the other rumors.

"Next one is the handsome troublesome Hirata kun. I personally don't know what is bad about this rumor since in the story he just got mad and has been over exaggerated about his classmate expulsion."

She continued the rumor explaining the story, "'The class leader, Hirata, got sentimental over his classmate's out of nowhere expulsion. So he cried like a baby and started to punch even the teachers that was trying to argue with him.' This total bullshit right? I saw him today and i can say for sure he is not someone that would punch someone."

Ok i can see why Hirata was not in his normal senses. But still that does not explain why he wouldn't try to refute the rumor and just be a loner like that.

"Let me guess the next one... Horikita?"

"Um... she is one of the rumors, one of the shortest ones as well." She took a sip of the tea and finished the cup.

"'Karuizawa Kei was a bullying target, and when she switched schools, she started fake dating people so she could use the men as a shield for her not being bullied. She even got herself with monopoly of boys for her and make them suffer since she never showed them any love.'"

"What?! These rumors are getting wild now!" I can sense her thinking 'Seriously? Right now?'

"What about Horikita now?"

"To make things simple..." She stood up and stretched her arms. "Horikita san has one of the strongest Brother complexes ever."

"Did the rumor say it like this?" She replied with a short no, and said they could deduce by how the Horikita character acted.

"And now is the big big fish right?"

"Kushida Kikyō."

The space was being pressurized with the pressure we both know about kikyō's rumor, the air was silent. Me and her were staring at each other like we know the messed up things will be appearing.

"Friendship and betrayal right?" She continued with, "And wars"

"If you want you can text me the rumor so we don't let the negative feeling spread out." I tried to comfort both of us with this. However she just started saying the rumor.

"'Kushida Kikyō, the bitch with no heart because she wanted attention. By being the central figure and the most popular girl in her school, she was the connection point to many friendship secrets." She took a breath and continued,

"To relieve her stress of being a bestie that did everything, she exposed her suffering and between those sufferings was the secrets she was holding. The popularity of her blog went very high so the school found out. And started to shout at her mean stuff, and as a protective measure Kikyō exposed one of the secrets of that person that was offending her infront of everyone."

"That's really something bad to hea-" She interrupted me, and unlike robot san she did it by putting her finger in my lips.

"And that was the start of her empire as a blackmailer queen, everyone must obey to her and if they don't they would get exposed by secrets like cheating to money debts to stealing. Even the bad guys got into Kushida blackmailing, and every secret she exposed she caused wars in between her class. But she did it with her previous smiley mask."


(Author comment: And this is a way of ending the chapter... OMG i couldn't write this anymore 2.5K words plus the parts that i deleted or edited. Phew! Next chapter will actually be the answer to the title.)

If you liked the chapter, comment and do whatever you feel like i am writing for fun not for views. Bye guys!

MrNewWorldcreators' thoughts